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Military版 - 科学辩论,希拉里 vs. Trump
参议院移民改革关于stem部分 (转载)大家一起来公车上书啦。。。咱们一起上书白宫
傅平是温拿Trump university 违法啊
America’s Crazy, Upside-Down Immigration System麻痹狗了一下发现和那个Andrew
越来越少的外国企业需要美国,这是一个问题大家推荐一本stem cell biology的入门教材!
华尔街日报: 中国1% 的家庭拥有70%的财富!川大大退出tpp了
今天公司突然多了大量女性烙印referal (转载)Intel要投资70个亿,雇佣1万人 (转载)
话题: america话题: innovation话题: research话题: government话题: science
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7349
发帖数: 7349
Since World War II, America’s leadership in science- and engineering-based
innovation has provided economic benefits along with major advances in
health, safety, security, and quality of life. Education, research, and
commercialization are all key to America’s success. As President, I will
work to strengthen each of these core elements of the ecosystem and
facilitate public-private partnerships between them to ensure that America
remains at the forefront of innovation.
Advances in science and engineering start with education. We need universal
preschool, to get our kids off to a good start; good K-12 schools and
teachers in every ZIP code; and to put higher education in reach for
everyone with debt-free college and support for high-quality apprenticeships
and training programs. We need strong STEM programming in every school, and
we need to provide every public school student with access to education in
computer science.
Both basic and applied research are major drivers of innovation. As
President, I will work with Congress to ensure that government funding of
research is sufficient to allow for multi-year planning, exploration of
emerging research areas, and inflation-adjusted costs. Funding is needed not
only for the basic science research agencies and the large science and
engineering mission agencies but also for the broader universe of agencies
that are increasingly dependent on STEM for their missions.
The innovation payoff comes from the commercialization of research results.
The first step is what universities call “technology transfer” and the
medical community calls “translation” – demonstrating the use of research
results in practice and sharing the knowledge with the business community.
The government has a critical role to play at this stage by opening access
to and sharing government-funded research results. I will support the
development of collaborative consortia that accelerate the creation of new
industries while providing valuable feedback to researchers. As part of my
plan to create more good-paying jobs, I will also invest in “Make it in
America” partnerships that will make America the first choice for
manufacturing by harnessing regional strengths, supporting manufacturers up
and down the supply chain, and ensuring international competitiveness by
improving industrial energy efficiency by one-third within a decade.
发帖数: 7349
Innovation has always been one of the great by-products of free market
systems. Entrepreneurs have always found entries into markets by giving
consumers more options for the products they desire.
The government should do all it can to reduce barriers to entry into
markets and should work at creating a business environment where fair trade
is as important as free trade.
Similarly, the federal government should encourage innovation in the areas
of space exploration and investment in research and development across the
broad landscape of academia.
Though there are increasing demands to curtail spending and to balance the
federal budget, we must make the commitment to invest in science,
engineering, healthcare and other areas that will make the lives of
Americans better, safer and more prosperous.
发帖数: 8248

【在 m**c 的大作中提到】
: 如何保持美国科技全球领先
发帖数: 8248
1 (共1页)
Intel要投资70个亿,雇佣1万人 (转载)America’s Crazy, Upside-Down Immigration System
白宫发言人: 不再有气候变化/全球变暖 funding,越来越少的外国企业需要美国,这是一个问题
我说的就是TPP华尔街日报: 中国1% 的家庭拥有70%的财富!
德国直接捅破川普的谎言:川普什么都没得到,欧盟大胜今天公司突然多了大量女性烙印referal (转载)
参议院移民改革关于stem部分 (转载)大家一起来公车上书啦。。。咱们一起上书白宫
傅平是温拿Trump university 违法啊
话题: america话题: innovation话题: research话题: government话题: science