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Military版 - You Can Stop the Prosecution of Innocent Chinese Americans (转载)
Stanford 躺枪了。。。亚裔玻璃天花板的近况
Nature:科学界要向毛主席学习77岁的牧师性侵犯少年被捕! (转载)
事件发酵:154位诺奖写信给习和川普,要求释放刘晓波(原文)Chinese economic reform and development(ZT)
US army has new medals to computer/hacker soldiers找到了?
话题: national话题: prof话题: laureate话题: science话题: medal
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 66
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: sir2 (白衣飘飘), 信区: Biology
标 题: You Can Stop the Prosecution of Innocent Chinese Americans
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 14 11:16:13 2016, 美东)
Petitioning Attorney General of the United States
We Want An Independent Investigation
Concerned Scientists, Engineers and Professors
While we support the government’s effort to investigate and prosecute the
stealing of government and corporate secrets, we are appalled by the
apparent pattern of singling out Chinese-Americans, without adequate
investigations, by federal law enforcement and prosecutors on the basis of
ethnicity in violation of their equal protection rights. Following are two
recent examples.
Five months after the arrest of Sherry Chen of National Weather
Service, the case was dismissed on the eve of her trial without explanation.
Similarly, Dr. Xiaoxing Xi, Chair of the Physics Dept. at Temple University
, was dragged from home with guns pointed at his wife and children. His case
was also dismissed by the court. The government’s evidence was not even
related to the technology it claimed to be. Chen and Dr. Xi’s reputation
and careers have been damaged irreparably and their families have suffered
mentally and financially.
We request the DOJ to conduct an independent investigation into the
cases of Sherry Chen, Dr. Xi, and other similar cases regarding whether race
, ethnicity, or national origin played an illegal role.
Concerned Scientists, Engineers and Professors
(initial signers in alphabetical order)
Peter Agre, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, former President of American
Association for the Advancement of Science, Prof. of Johns Hopkins
David Baltimore, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, former President
of Cal Tech
Paul Berg, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, National Medal of Science Laureate,
Chair, Director Emeritus, Beckman Center at Stanford Univ.
Gang Chen, Sonderberg Prof. and Dept. Head of Mechanical Engineering MIT,
Eringen Medal Society of Engineering Science Shu Chien, National
Medal of Science Laureate, National Academy of Sciences Founder’s Award,
University Prof. of Univ. of California
Alfred Y. Cho, National Medal of Science Laureate, National Medal of
Technology and Innovation Laureate, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
Paul C.W. Chu, National Medal of Science Laureate, National Academy of
Sciences, former Pres. HKUST, Chair Prof. at Houston Univ.
Y.C. Larry Ho, Harvard University G. McKay Prof. and T. J. Coolidge Prof.
Emeritus, former President of IEEE Robotics & Automation Society
Chenming Hu, National Medal of Technology and Innovation, National Academy
of Engineering, UC Berkeley Distinguished Prof. Emeritus
Evelyn Hu, National Academy of Engineering, Harvard Univ. Chair Prof., AAAS
Lifetime Mentor Award
Alice Huang, former Pres. of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science, former Harvard and NYU Prof.
T.P. Ma, National Academy of Engineering, Connecticut Medal of Technology,
IEEE A. Grove Award, Chair Prof. at Yale Univ.
Mu-Ming Poo, National Academy of Sciences, Fellow AAAS, UC Berkeley
Distinguished Prof. Emeritus
Thomas P. Russell, National Academy of Engineering, Prof. of U Mass Amherst,
Visiting Faculty at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Richard H. Sander, UCLA Professor of Law specializing in Public Interest Law
and Policy
Y. Ron Shen, National Academy of Sciences, DOE Award for Sustained
Outstanding Research in Physics, UC Berkeley Prof. Emeritus
Daniel Tsui, Nobel Laureate, National Academies of Science and of
Engineering, Emeritus Professor in Electrical Engineering at Princeton C.C.
Wang, former Chair of WHO Integrated Chemotherapy Steering Committee,
Fellow of AAAS, UCSF Pharmaceutical Chemistry Prof.
Chi-Yuen Wang, UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus in Earth and Planetary Science
Torsten Wiesel, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, National Medal of
Science, President Emeritus of Rockefeller University
1 (共1页)
zz 维基百科上的马航事件猜测 (转载)美国奥委会的开支
Temple University professor Xi Xiaoxing speaks about his workUS army has new medals to computer/hacker soldiers
Stanford 躺枪了。。。亚裔玻璃天花板的近况
话题: national话题: prof话题: laureate话题: science话题: medal