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Military版 - 同样出生于穆斯林家庭,奥巴马比这位女人差多了 (转载)
Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism19 year old Mohamud planned to attack in US
我澳媒威武 these crimes have everything about IslamIslamic scholars question bin Laden's sea burial
ARGUMENT Islam Is a Religion of Violence各国穆斯林比例与其行为
Americans Have a Right to Insult Islam穆斯林征服四部曲--恐怖
他儿子是英雄,他却是支持Sharia Law的穆斯林关于穆斯林在全世界的分布和影响,这个才是最全的
伊斯兰组织要求马来西亚航班上实行Muslim rules ZTThe Japanese—Do NOT Tolerate Islam
有关穆斯林总结,一切尽在此回复中 (转载)老美是真傻还是装傻?
话题: muhammed话题: islam话题: muslim话题: he话题: his
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8600
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: TFollowerII (铿锵), 信区: USANews
标 题: 同样出生于穆斯林家庭,奥巴马比这位女人差多了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 21 09:28:02 2015, 美东)
"I’m going to have to spell this out for you. Islam is not a race. It’s a
religion. Therefore, when I say Muslims have to believe in Muhammed their
Prophet and follow him as their ultimate role model, it doesn’t mean I’m a
racist…because Islam is not a race. If you believe in Muhammed and Allah,
you’re a Muslim. If you follow Muhammed as your ultimate role model, you’
re a Muslim. What did Mohammed do? He was a rapist, a pedophile, a mass
murderer, not to mention a war monger, liar, cheater, thief, adulterer… He
took in hundreds of sex slaves. Spilled plenty of blood all around the world
. All in his name. All on his hands. All because of his teachings. And if
you fall for this Jihadist self betterment crap — see, I said I wasn’t
going to get angry — you deserve anything that comes to you."
1 (共1页)
老美是真傻还是装傻?Americans Have a Right to Insult Islam
Muslim challenged the “Save Our State Amendment”他儿子是英雄,他却是支持Sharia Law的穆斯林
someone's post at Yahoo伊斯兰组织要求马来西亚航班上实行Muslim rules ZT
前几天不是说百万msl要911进军DC么有关穆斯林总结,一切尽在此回复中 (转载)
Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism19 year old Mohamud planned to attack in US
我澳媒威武 these crimes have everything about IslamIslamic scholars question bin Laden's sea burial
ARGUMENT Islam Is a Religion of Violence各国穆斯林比例与其行为
话题: muhammed话题: islam话题: muslim话题: he话题: his