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Military版 - 哈哈,西墨太搞了
英媒:王露露担心安全求助英使馆 照片曝光(组图)关于escort (帮转sex) (转载)
王五喜讯:American Airline空服员哀求不要上737 Max奥黑铝和他的好儿子
巴勒斯坦人也割包皮的吗? (转载)IOWA小留唐鹏因强奸被判17年,李向南接过前辈火炬
Oregon Congressman David Wu says he's resigning女S寻485男M形婚 (转载)
Kao, German man raped daughter for decades, 497 timessexual battery是猥亵吗
权贵的后代强奸案被判顺奸在美国单独吃晚饭不上床 就是耍流氓
话题: her话题: he话题: she话题: airbnb话题: host
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6889
Her 19-year-old son told her that his Airbnb host in Madrid had locked him
in the fourth-floor apartment where he was supposed to be staying and
removed the key. The host was still there, he said, rattling knives around
in the kitchen drawer and pressing him to submit to a sexual act. He begged
his mother for help.
When she called Airbnb, its employees would not give her the address and
would not call the police. Instead, they gave her a number for the Madrid
police and told her to ask the police to call the company for the address.
But the number led to a recording in Spanish that kept disconnecting her,
she said, and when she repeatedly called back her Airbnb contact, the calls
went straight to voice mail.
According to her son, Jacob Lopez, he was sexually assaulted that night.
Eventually, he persuaded his host to free him. He returned home to
Massachusetts and is in trauma therapy.
His host, who was born male but is living as a woman, denied Mr. Lopez’s
accusations. She denied threatening him and said that the sex act was
consensual and that he is transphobic. If she is right, filing a false
police report and telling the story publicly would be an unlikely way to
bury a regrettable experience.
1 (共1页)
在美国单独吃晚饭不上床 就是耍流氓【“维基解密”创始人将在未来24小时向警方自首】
看看大白牛Oregon Congressman David Wu says he's resigning
女人上了帅哥事后开始不认账反咬一口了 (转载)Kao, German man raped daughter for decades, 497 times
英媒:王露露担心安全求助英使馆 照片曝光(组图)关于escort (帮转sex) (转载)
王五喜讯:American Airline空服员哀求不要上737 Max奥黑铝和他的好儿子
巴勒斯坦人也割包皮的吗? (转载)IOWA小留唐鹏因强奸被判17年,李向南接过前辈火炬
话题: her话题: he话题: she话题: airbnb话题: host