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Military版 - 床铺应该演神剧电影!
美公知: 原子弹没有击败日本,Stalin did这些 不能忘记。。。。。
俄罗斯试验了可携带核武器的高速无人潜艇[汇总]抵制日车。新VOLVO REVIEW很好 (转载)
考考你们,Little Boy当量 > Fatman,为啥轰炸效果相反?特大喜讯:Trump向伊斯兰开战ZT路透社
--------老外看中国:我们一周吃喝嫖赌,中国一周6天造宾馆,第7天休息wiki 于敏的氢弹设计好于美国的T-U, 法国的是中国给的
话题: trump话题: isis话题: said话题: trident话题: islamic
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发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 床铺:我绝对会使用核武器打击ISIS
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 7 21:36:57 2015, 美东)
Trump: I Will Absolutely Use A Nuclear Weapon Against ISIS
NEW YORK, Ny. – In response to a question regarding his policy on ISIS,
Republican presidential candidate and billionaire Donald Trump told Meet the
Press on Sunday that as Commander-in-Chief, he would authorize the use of
nuclear weapons to combat Islamic extremism. “Let’s face it, these people
are barbarians,” Trump said. “And thanks to Obama’s failed policy in Iraq
and Syria, they’re beheading Christians all over the world.”
Mr. Trump said he’s already conferred with a number of high-level active
military officials and has put together a comprehensive strategy to defeat
the Islamic State within his first one hundred days in office. “It starts
with the deployment of four or five of our Ohio-class nuclear submarines to
the Persian Gulf,” Trump said. “We’re going to hit them and we’re going
to hit them hard. I’m talking about a surgical strike on these ISIS
stronghold cities using Trident missiles.”
The Trident is a submarine-launched ballistic missile equipped with multiple
independently targetable reentry vehicles, or MIRVs. With a payload of up
to fourteen reentry vehicles, each carrying a 362-pound thermonuclear
warhead with a yield of 100 kilotons, a single Trident has roughly seventy
times the destructive power of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August
9, 1945.
Trump’s plan to use thermonuclear weapons against ISIS-held areas such as
the Syrian city of Al-Raqqah would result in an astronomically high number
of civilian casualties, according to CNN military analyst Peter Mansoor. “
Al-Raqqah alone has a population of over two hundred-thousand people, the
vast majority of whom are not affiliated in any way with the Islamic State,
” Mansoor said. “A strike of this magnitude would not only result in the
loss of millions of innocent lives and infrastructure, but it would set
diplomacy and stability in the region back at least a hundred years.”
Civilian casualties are an unfortunate “reality of war” according to Trump
, who justified the use of nuclear weapons saying they “send a clear
message to those who conspire against America and her allies.” Mr. Trump
said that unlike past and present administrations, he possesses the “moral
fortitude to do what must be done” to protect America. “We’re losing to
China. We’re losing to Mexico. We will not lose to ISIS,” Trump said.
The Japanese and other nations called for increased restrictions on nuclear
weapons Sunday as the world observed the 70th anniversary of the atomic
bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States. The bombings, which
forced Japan to surrender from the war, left over 200,000 dead.
发帖数: 8463
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wiki 于敏的氢弹设计好于美国的T-U, 法国的是中国给的犹太人又要成为世界公敌了
Daily show说Trump是white isis考考你们,Little Boy当量 > Fatman,为啥轰炸效果相反?
银条 (转载)--------老外看中国:我们一周吃喝嫖赌,中国一周6天造宾馆,第7天休息
美公知: 原子弹没有击败日本,Stalin did这些 不能忘记。。。。。
俄罗斯试验了可携带核武器的高速无人潜艇[汇总]抵制日车。新VOLVO REVIEW很好 (转载)
话题: trump话题: isis话题: said话题: trident话题: islamic