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Military版 - 最近网上疯传:“希拉里和沃尔玛帮助中国征服美国”
华尔街日报投票: 是否应当抵制中国产品?重庆释放两名沃尔玛员工,居然关了6个月
walmart's bribes to Mexican officials太可怕了!300个疯狂黑人联手抢劫美国Wal-Mart!!! (转载)
美帝有几大富有家族 比如Rockefeller Vanderbilt Astor希拉里还真要2016跳出来选啊
参加左派论坛的心得 (转载)准备迎接下一届Clinton的到来 (转载)
美国世博场馆的主要赞助商抢$98一台的32“ LCD电视
重庆最高人民检察院放了Wal-Mart 员工ZTwsj大学未毕业 履历造假 Wal-Mart副总走人
话题: wal话题: mart话题: chinese话题: clinton话题: hillary
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发帖数: 9489
Hillary, Wal-Mart And The Red Chinese Secret Police - How The Clinton's
Helped China Conquer America
"To understand Wal-Mart, you have to have a handle on Arkansas. And to
figure out Arkansas, you have to be knowledgeable about the Rockefellers.
And to fathom the Red Chinese Secret Police, you have to know a lot about
the richest family in the world." Sherman Skolnick
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Sherman Skolnick was a Chicago-based activist whose investigations help take
down two Illinois Supreme Court Justices, Roy J. Solfisburg, Jr. and Ray
Klingbiel, prior to setting his eyes and investigative genius upon Wal-Mart
and Arkansas politics in a scathing report originally published on August
27th, 2001. While Skolnick was branded a 'conspiracy theorist' for his views
before he died in 2006, he clearly was way ahead of his time and what he
left behind is a treasure trove of explosive information that puts a new
face on the emerging Jade Helm 15 'Wal-Mart' conspiracy with Hillary Clinton
and the Red Chinese Secret Police figuring prominently in a twist that,
reviewed in 2015 in light of current day events, should put an end to any
thoughts Hillary deserves to be president while shedding more light upon
what has happened to America.
The Hillary Clinton Wal-Mart connection goes back many years to when Clinton
served 5 1/2 years on the Wal-Mart Board of Directors, a position that she
has kept hidden from her campaign speeches and her website. The ties of
China to the Clinton's go back much deeper as proven in the story further
below. Hillary even personally appeared with Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton in
a video while 1st lady of Arkansas that showed Walton gushing over Clinton
as she proclaimed to him.:
“I’m proud of this company, and everything it represents,” she said, her
Arkansas accent quite apparent. “Anytime I travel and I tell people I’m
from Arkansas . . . Wal-Mart’s on top of the list, and everybody wants me
to tell them about Wal-Mart and Sam Walton and Helen Walton and all of the
Wal-Mart associates. It makes me feel real good about what we’re able to do
and what we can show and the sort of leadership we’re given.”
Wal-Mart's success reads like a true-life story of a boot stamping on a
human face forever with low-wage workers pushing products made by low-paid
slave labor in China and this recent Infowars about CISCO using the Clinton
Foundation to squash human rights abuses in China proves this continues a
longstanding pattern of Clinton's throwing around their considerable weight
to ensure the abuses of human rights continue while backing those committing
such actions though claiming just the opposite.:
In her 2014 memoir “Hard Choices,” Clinton reiterated her support for
human-rights advocates in China. She specifically criticized the Great
Firewall, writing that after she made comments about the right to dissent in
China in 2011, “censors went right to work erasing mentions of my message
from the Internet.”
But the issue of Chinese repression — and Cisco’s role — was already
known by then. In 2009, weeks after Clinton’s State Department had named
Cisco a finalist for the secretary of state’s Awards for Corporate
Excellence (ACE), a report from the Electronic Freedom Foundation noted “
Cisco’s deep involvement” in building the Chinese government’s censorship
system. The report pointed out that “Cisco engineers gave a presentation
acknowledging the repressive uses for their technology.”
Daniel Wade, an attorney who represented Chinese dissidents in a lawsuit
against Cisco, told IBTimes that “Cisco knew full well that its products
were going to be used to suppress and facilitate the torture of democracy
“Crony capitalism has defined Clinton’s career, from her tenure on the
board of Walmart, to the Wall Street execs whom she surrounded herself with
at the State Department, to her allegiance to Cisco, even as it violated
principles on which she staked her tenure,” said David Segal, executive
director of the Internet freedom advocacy group Demand Progress.
According to Skolnick, Wal-Mart, the Clintons, Arkansas and the Chinese have
been tied together for a very long time dating back to the 1980's when Wal-
Mart suddenly exploded onto the scene while the Clinton's were running
Arkansas. The information republished below, only a small amount of Skolnick
's immense studies, is damning.:
Wal-Mart and J.B. Hunt Transport Services. Where did the funding come from
in the 1980s, for them to get so big? If you think they spread out simply
because they are clever, then you are a firm believer in fairy tales. In
simple terms, the backward state of Arkansas, became the shuttle point for
the Red Chinese in America.
In its simplest terms, Wal-Mart is a front for the Rockefellers and the Red
Chinese Secret Police. Do not the top honchos at Wal-Mart know that their
cheap prices are based on production by Chinese slave labor, in camps and
factories operated by the Secret Police?
Items that other stores sell for twenty dollars are sold by Wal-Mart for ten
dollars. And Wal-Mart reportedly pays only twenty cents for the item made
by slave labor. There is very little about the period of the 1980s as to Wal
-Mart, when the Rockefellers were installing the Chinese in Arkansas and in
American business. Who was noticing when the Rockefellers were playing their
China card?
We think the term FABLE is well-chosen as is the myth promoted by the
monopoly press of “American Dream”. On their website is the purported “
History” of J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. They tell us little about
how they got big in the 1980s, at the time the Rockefellers were setting up
Arkansas as a Red Chinese outpost in America. And at a time when the Red
Chinese Secret Police got bigger and bigger in the U.S. using their front,
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., and its various units.
To understand the picture that Wal-Mart and other “big dealers”
headquartered in Arkansas fit into, you have to study the extensive stories
As we have stated, the Red Chinese Secret Police, since shortly after the
Korean War, have been allowed, with impunity, to create murder and mayhem,
on U.S. soil.
With Hillary Clinton's long-awaited presidential campaign having recently
made the massive 'Freudian slip' of declaring that Hillary has 'fought
children and families all her career', leaving out the word 'FOR', have we
been given another sign by the 'elitists' who have helped China destroy
America just how much they hate and disdain the American people?
Senior Citizen's Public Square put out a story back in 2012 called "How
China Conquered America: The Real Bill Clinton Scandal" a story originally
published in 1999 in which they shared with us that our intelligence
agencies had obtained conclusive proof that the Chinese had developed a plan
at the highest levels of their government to involve themselves in our
electoral process here in America. We've been kowtowing to China since at
least 1996 and in this report from June 1988 we see that they have been
taking in millions from the Chinese for many years now.
In 1997 we heard from Senator Fred Thompson:
``The committee believes that high-level Chinese government officials
crafted a plan to increase China's influence over the U.S. political process
,'' Thompson, chairman of the Senate committee investigating campaign
practices, said. ``Our investigation suggests the plan continues today.''
Thompson did not say whether the continued Chinese involvement is
potentially illegal or whether it is the kind of legal lobbying routinely
undertaken by foreign governments.
``However,'' he added, ``other parts of the plan direct actions that are
illegal under U.S. law.''
With Wal-Mart's ties to China and Clinton conclusively exposed as going back
decades in which the top levels of the Chinese government purchased
influence in US politics and with the advent of Jade Helm 15 across America
with several Wal-Marts mysteriously being closed down in Jade Helm states,
are we once again witnessing the hand of China as our own government
prepares to crackdown on US citizens, instigating their own 'Tiananmen
Square' that Bill Clinton once spoke out against only to flip/flop and
embrace the Chinese govt donating millions and buying political influence?
With Hillary's hand consistently showing its abusive side towards human
rights, are we really ready to allow her and that pre-purchased Chinese
influence into the White House for more years should the 2016 election even
be held? Even the New York Times is going after Hillary in a new story
called "New Book: 'Clinton Cash,' Questions Foreign Donations To Foundation."
In the 1st video below, Judge Jeanine Pirro destroys Hillary, telling us
that she is on the run (as she well should be, AWAY from the White House!)
while in the 3rd video we learn about how Hillary has been fighting against
Americans and children her entire life. The 4th video shares a 'banned'
Hillary Clinton movie in which we learn about her war against Americans and
our children in much more detail while in the 2nd video, Rise Together uses
a website called NNDB Mapper to map out very strong connections between
Hillary Clinton, Wal-Mart and the Red Chinese Secret Police that Hillary and
the political establishment hope Americans never learn about.
发帖数: 824
显然是 Cisco 滚出中国的节奏,汉奸重灾区金融界的血洗应该在八九月份
1 (共1页)
大学未毕业 履历造假 Wal-Mart副总走人参加左派论坛的心得 (转载)
hillary 完了,纽约时报都开始报道她基金会的丑闻了重庆最高人民检察院放了Wal-Mart 员工ZTwsj
华尔街日报投票: 是否应当抵制中国产品?重庆释放两名沃尔玛员工,居然关了6个月
walmart's bribes to Mexican officials太可怕了!300个疯狂黑人联手抢劫美国Wal-Mart!!! (转载)
美帝有几大富有家族 比如Rockefeller Vanderbilt Astor希拉里还真要2016跳出来选啊
话题: wal话题: mart话题: chinese话题: clinton话题: hillary