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Military版 - 运动咯,super rich 现在都成惊弓之鸟了
让白牛们倾倒的新版shawshank redemptionBBC被造谣了
针对中国炒房团?新西兰禁止外国人买房了老夫牙都要笑掉了, Sarkozy, where are you
J-20 Test-Flies Again杀死那个布鲁克林小男孩的 嫌疑犯抓住了
Satellite images suggest China 'building third airstrip' in South China Sea在旁人为你叫好的时候,受害方的华人却在自我反省。
关于美帝的航妈南海巡航 看看CNN咋说美国人厌倦了裙带资本主义, 美国人起义了
话题: people话题: inequality话题: new话题: he话题: rich
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 38600
Panicked super rich buying boltholes with private airstrips to escape if
poor rise up
Super rich hedge fund managers are buying 'secret boltholes' where they can
hideout in the event of civil uprising against growing inequality, it has
been claimed.
Nervous financiers from across the globe have begun purchasing landing
strips, homes and land in areas such as New Zealand so they can flee should
people rise up.
With growing inequality and riots such as those in London in 2011 and in
Ferguson and other parts of the USA last year, many financial leaders fear
they could become targets for public fury.
Robert Johnson, president of the Institute of New Economic Thinking, told
people at the World Economic Forum in Davos that many hedge fund managers
were already planning their escapes.
He said: “I know hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying
airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need
a getaway."
GettyAustralian outbackHideaway: Rich people are plotting to escape to
remote parts of the world Mr Johnson, said the economic situation could soon
become intolerable as even in the richest countries inequality was
He said: "People need to know there are possibilities for their children –
that they will have the same opportunity as anyone else.
"There is a wicked feedback loop. Politicians who get more money tend to use
it to get more even money."
He added: "I think the rich are worried and they should be worried. I mean
inequality, why does it matter?
"Most people have heard the Oxfam statistics that now we’ve got 80, the 80
richest people in the world, having more wealth that the bottom three-point-
five billion, and very soon we’ll get a situation where that one percent,
one percent of the richest people have more wealth than everybody else, the
1 (共1页)
美国人厌倦了裙带资本主义, 美国人起义了僵尸是人造的吗
Unconfirmed reports of an active shooter at LAXSatellite images suggest China 'building third airstrip' in South China Sea
Clinton camp panickedCNN说TG又在南海修了一条飞机跑道。
家宝这张照片不错关于美帝的航妈南海巡航 看看CNN咋说
让白牛们倾倒的新版shawshank redemptionBBC被造谣了
针对中国炒房团?新西兰禁止外国人买房了老夫牙都要笑掉了, Sarkozy, where are you
J-20 Test-Flies Again杀死那个布鲁克林小男孩的 嫌疑犯抓住了
话题: people话题: inequality话题: new话题: he话题: rich