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HK CE, C.Y. Leung: Raw emotion 'will get us nowhere'Hong Kong will be an independent country soon?
李嘉诚真配合啊:Tom在线 更换搜索引擎先富们在香港买的都是Super Luxury,Luxury的已经看不上了.
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话题: kong话题: hong话题: gao话题: martin话题: china
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 891
Rachel Martin talks to Victor Gao, former translator for Chinese leader Deng
Xiaoping, about why he believes the Hong Kong protesters are flouting the
rule of law and should be dealt with accordingly.
Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms
of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.
Whatever happens in Hong Kong, China is ultimately in control there. We
spoke earlier today with a member of China's political elite, Victor Gao. He
was a translator for former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. He's now a
businessman and director of the China National Association of International
Studies. Gao told us that people in Hong Kong do have the right to protest
and demonstrate as long as they do so lawfully.
VICTOR GAO: They need to abide by the law and respect the rule of law in
Hong Kong. However, in what they have been doing over the past few days,
they have violated the law, disregarded police warning, blocked traffic,
prevented people from going to work, prevented people from sending their
kids to school, forcing schools to close down, preventing ambulance from
delivering patients to hospital. All these are no longer peaceful
demonstrations. These are clear examples of violation of law and
disregarding rule of law in Hong Kong.
MARTIN: But do you believe the protesters in Hong Kong have a legitimate
grievance? They say they aren't being allowed to democratically choose their
elected leaders. Is that a claim you think is real, is legitimate?
GAO: What is really at issue is how the candidates for the chief executive
should be nominated. And there is no single and universally accepted way of
nominating candidates for the chief of the state or chief of any political
system. In the United States, for example, it's a more or less two-party
system, the Republicans and Democrats. And each party has to go through a
very long, protracted primary process. But eventually, more or less, you
have two candidates for the seat of the presidency in the United States.
MARTIN: But those candidates, they're selected by the general population to
run in primaries. They're not vetted by a central committee.
GAO: Yeah. In Hong Kong, what has been proposed is an indirect system. That
is, there will be a nominating committee composed of 1,200 members. And the
1,200 members will come from all walks of life in Hong Kong. And I think
eventually, whether you have a nominating process as a starter or eventually
, years down the road or a decade down the road, that nominating process can
be changed or even done away with. That's another issue. But anyone saying
to have a nominating committee means there is no democracy in Hong Kong, I
think that's a little bit too far-stretched.
MARTIN: But if the people of Hong Kong, if these protests continue and the
people of Hong Kong decide they want to change the system, should they be
allowed to?
GAO: First of all, it's not all the people in Hong Kong who are
demonstrating. If you count the numbers, it's a small, small fraction of the
people. I think the broad masses of the people in Hong Kong, when they are
confronted with this chaos and the closure of the market - the plunging
financial market, the dropping in the property prices - do you really think
they want to have chaos like this? No. I would say Hong Kong is now being
hijacked by these demonstrators who claim to be above the law and disregard
rule of law, disregard warnings from police. And I think in any other
country, London or Frankfurt or Paris or Washington, D.C. - they would be
dealt with, as it is. But I would say for anyone or any country to say the
demonstrators who are illegally demonstrating in the streets in Hong Kong
represent the totality of the people of Hong Kong, at least, is a far-
fetched statement.
MARTIN: Because of the legacy of Tiananmen Square, do you believe that the
Chinese central government would be very reticent to interfere in these pro-
democracy protests?
GAO: China will never hesitate if its territorial integrity and sovereignty
is involved. And the Chinese history, ever since 1949, speaks for itself.
China does not yield to pressure from anyone. So if the demonstrators are
launching legal protests without disrupting civic order in Hong Kong, then
there should be no violence committed by the law enforcement department in
Hong Kong. However, if anyone believes that Hong Kong will be paralyzed if
riots happen, if social order is lost and if the police department will have
no guts to use legal means to ensure social order, they are indulging in
MARTIN: Victor Gao is the director of the China National Association of
International Studies. He is a former translator for the Chinese leader Deng
Xiaoping. Mr. Gao, thank you for talking with us.
GAO: Thank you. It's a great pleasure and great honor for me to speak with
发帖数: 1464


【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: Rachel Martin talks to Victor Gao, former translator for Chinese leader Deng
: Xiaoping, about why he believes the Hong Kong protesters are flouting the
: rule of law and should be dealt with accordingly.
: Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms
: of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.
: Whatever happens in Hong Kong, China is ultimately in control there. We
: spoke earlier today with a member of China's political elite, Victor Gao. He
: was a translator for former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. He's now a
: businessman and director of the China National Association of International

发帖数: 891
I like this part:
...However, if anyone believes that Hong Kong will be paralyzed if
riots happen, if social order is lost and if the police department will have
no guts to use legal means to ensure social order, they are indulging in

【在 m*****o 的大作中提到】
: gao说得挺好的啊。
: Deng
: He
: International

发帖数: 38600
我也听到了。 Gao很有水平,给提问的说的哑口无言。
发帖数: 38600
Mad As Hell • an hour ago
Victor Gao:
"In the United States, for example, it's more or less (a) two party system,
the Republicans and the Democrats, and each party has to go through a very
long protracted primary process; but eventually, more or less you have two
candidates for the seat of the presidency of the United States."
Rachel Martin:
"But those candidates ... are selected by the general population to run in
primaries. They're not vetted by a central committee."
BS. Those candidates need millions of dollars to even get on the map to be
considered for the primaries. That money comes from rich and powerful
individuals and corporations. The candidates who run in the primaries are
selected by rich and powerful insiders in back room deals.
Furthermore, candidates for minor parties and independent candidates, even
those officially on the ballot, are nearly always excluded from media
coverage and from the debates (run by the Democrat and Republican parties).
The result is that voters are given a choice between two right wing
candidates. In the 21st century, it has become a choice of extreme right,
and even further to the right. We do not have democracy in the US by any
stretch of the imagination. We have plutocracy --- oligarchy.
The situation in other parts of the world, such as Great Britain, is similar
发帖数: 3113


【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: Rachel Martin talks to Victor Gao, former translator for Chinese leader Deng
: Xiaoping, about why he believes the Hong Kong protesters are flouting the
: rule of law and should be dealt with accordingly.
: Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms
: of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.
: Whatever happens in Hong Kong, China is ultimately in control there. We
: spoke earlier today with a member of China's political elite, Victor Gao. He
: was a translator for former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. He's now a
: businessman and director of the China National Association of International

发帖数: 2565


【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: Rachel Martin talks to Victor Gao, former translator for Chinese leader Deng
: Xiaoping, about why he believes the Hong Kong protesters are flouting the
: rule of law and should be dealt with accordingly.
: Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms
: of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.
: Whatever happens in Hong Kong, China is ultimately in control there. We
: spoke earlier today with a member of China's political elite, Victor Gao. He
: was a translator for former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. He's now a
: businessman and director of the China National Association of International

发帖数: 13519
发帖数: 2010
听了Gao在bbc大骂港大法学教授michael davis, 把个法学教授噎的没话讲, 大教授相

【在 y********o 的大作中提到】
: 这个我也听到了。前天Bbc也采访了他的。
: Deng

1 (共1页)
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HK CE, C.Y. Leung: Raw emotion 'will get us nowhere'Hong Kong will be an independent country soon?
李嘉诚真配合啊:Tom在线 更换搜索引擎先富们在香港买的都是Super Luxury,Luxury的已经看不上了.
NYT:人民币今日起再升值我愿意让美国接管中国,这样贪官就无处可逃了。 哈哈
话题: kong话题: hong话题: gao话题: martin话题: china