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Military版 - 帮助华人惩罚这个种族歧视的枪店(请转枪版)
台湾也是ABC给SB Woo的那封不痛不痒的道歉信太弱了
白宫就Jimmy Kimmel 杀中国人言论事件表态答要求停止抗争的人士 -- 转纽约游行中黑衣大姐的信
会用“大血逼“123I am sorry that I have insulted Judy Chu, I apologize!
美国直到1964年民主法案通过之前,都不是民主国家你们为啥要游行?? Q&A for passersby (转载)
大事不好,阿三被trap在武汉,要饿死了[ZT] China Wants Jimmy Kimmel to Apologize… For a Third Time
FBI调查微信乡勇群,考察是否有恐怖分子渗透这是ABC 抗议的白宫email回复,有人贴过吗? (转载)
The apology letter of Clifford P. Kubiak白宫回应鸡毛请愿 (转载)
话题: store话题: formal话题: ask话题: local话题: legal
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 24893
Here is a few things you can do:
You can speak any language you want as long as in the USA, it is freedom of
speech. The store manager can't stop you say anything. You are American, you
should know the constitution. When they open the door, they should respect
the constitution.
Record the incident in clear writing without emotional feelings, like an
legal document. When you go to any local agency, bring it with you. Make
copies, in case you need them.
1. File a formal complaint at the local government in writing. Ask the store
to make a formal apology.
2. Acquire free legal advice at local office, most city has such service,
search online, get free legal advice, prepare to file and sue
them. And ask a lawyer to write the letter to the store for an apology or a
lawsuit. (it will be first step, which traps the store to acknowledge the
incident.) The mail should be certified.
3. Go to local court ask for legal advice.
4. Go to local police station. File a formal complaint based on the
racial act of the store.
5. Write the event on any social network media, to discredit this story, and
to ask for a formal apology.
You have to act, and act fast. Remember, you will need to spend a lot time
fighting them. And the store will suffer more loss than you do, because they
need to hire a lawyer plus losing business. So even if you didn't win, they
still lose.
Just keep bothering the store legally, they will get a big headache.
1 (共1页)
白宫回应鸡毛请愿 (转载)美国直到1964年民主法案通过之前,都不是民主国家
Petition Response: What We Have to Say About Jimmy Kimmel大事不好,阿三被trap在武汉,要饿死了
Petition Response: What We Have to Say About Jimmy KimmelFBI调查微信乡勇群,考察是否有恐怖分子渗透
白宫回复:What We Have to Say About Jimmy KimmelThe apology letter of Clifford P. Kubiak
台湾也是ABC给SB Woo的那封不痛不痒的道歉信太弱了
白宫就Jimmy Kimmel 杀中国人言论事件表态答要求停止抗争的人士 -- 转纽约游行中黑衣大姐的信
会用“大血逼“123I am sorry that I have insulted Judy Chu, I apologize!
话题: store话题: formal话题: ask话题: local话题: legal