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Military版 - 美军战士们怒了:牺牲6人加5个Taliban救回一逃兵ZT
US soldier freed from captivity in Afghanistan因为我看孩子的报道比较了解
Was Taliban PoW a deserter before he was captured?五毛太多。。。
英雄回来了,女朋友不知所措ZTCalif man kidnapped a girl as sex slave for 18 years
美国逃兵事件的有可能是他老爸一手导演的现在的台湾领导人是不是相当于岳飞, 文天祥, 史可法等民族英雄?
巴马被红脖子做定是穆斯林的同路人了, 哈哈哈Iowa的强奸嫌犯唐鹏,老爸也被抓了
Bowe Bergdahl 叛逃中国是他掌握中情局在新疆的名单部署美小学校长办公室鸡奸儿童 家长就在门外
话题: he话题: bergdahl话题: taliban话题: bowe话题: former
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10330
'Bowe Bergdahl deserted and these Americans lost their lives searching for
him': The bitter backlash from soldiers who served with Taliban POW as the
SIX men who were killed looking for him are revealed
The Facebook group 'Bowe Bergdahl is NOT hero!' has 5,400 members
Men who served in his unit in Afghanistan are now emerging to say they
believe Bergdahl deserted before he was captured
Bergdahl e-mailed his parents saying he 'was ashamed to be an American'
Military seems to acknowledge Bergdahl, 28, could have committed some kind
of violation
However, officials say he likely won't be punished: 'five years is enough'
Former squad leader said Bergdahl always talked about seeing what was on the
other side of the mountains
'He walked off. He left his guard post. Nobody knows if he defected or he's
a traitor or he was kidnapped.
'What I do know is he was there to protect us and instead he decided to
defer from America and go and do his own thing.
'I don't know why he decided to do that, but we spend so much of our
resources and some of those resources were soldiers' lives.'
- Former Private First Class Jose Baggett
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tg还是狠,把43%的美军战俘搞死了,比皇军还能整巴马被红脖子做定是穆斯林的同路人了, 哈哈哈
很多人还真以为美国的资本主义是病猫, 给你们看看美军入侵墨西哥,遭俘虏
一个美国绑架案例的启示:如果章颖莹是白人案子会怎么处理Bowe Bergdahl 叛逃中国是他掌握中情局在新疆的名单部署
US soldier freed from captivity in Afghanistan因为我看孩子的报道比较了解
Was Taliban PoW a deserter before he was captured?五毛太多。。。
英雄回来了,女朋友不知所措ZTCalif man kidnapped a girl as sex slave for 18 years
美国逃兵事件的有可能是他老爸一手导演的现在的台湾领导人是不是相当于岳飞, 文天祥, 史可法等民族英雄?
话题: he话题: bergdahl话题: taliban话题: bowe话题: former