h***n 发帖数: 83 | 1 http://fangzhouzi.baijia.baidu.com/article/4940
方舟子02月24日 10:00 分享到:
树坤黑材料,收信人包括美国科罗拉多大学图书馆员Jeffrey Beall。Beall被认为是研
明的信中搬来的(http://scholarlyoa.com/2014/02/18/chinese-publishner-mdpi-added-to-list-of-questionable-publishers/#more-3072 )。这些理由云无心在其毁谤林树坤的人民网专栏文章中也都用过,我在《驳斥云无心在人民网毁谤林树坤的专栏文章》已做过驳斥。Beall的告示里最抓眼球的是一张面包店照片,声称“这就是MDPI在巴塞尔的总部,你送钱的地方”。这张照片也是亦明提供的,但是是错的,MDPI总部是在这家面包店的隔壁。因为Beall列举的理由实在可笑,照片又错得离谱,很多人都去他的网站试图纠正他的错误,Beall一概把他们骂为林树坤的走狗(Lin lackeys)。
eCampus News为这个事件发了个报道(http://www.ecampusnews.com/research/open-access-publisher-566/? ),提到事件的起因是因为MDPI公司赞助了新语丝科学精神奖,引起了反对我的人的有组织的攻击,并介绍我以揭露伪科学和学术造假闻名,附有《自然》授予我John Maddox捍卫科学奖的链接。Beall曾提到这篇报道,所以我觉得由我出面和他沟通一下,也许能让他改正错误。我在2月20日给他写了封信,表示很遗憾他被葛莘的造假所误导而没有自己做调查,例如他贴出的“MDPI在巴塞尔的总部”的照片就是错的。我并附上了两张MDPI总部的照片。他回复说感谢我提供的信息。但是他并没有做出任何更正。
得奇怪。然后我读到了意大利都灵理工大学数学系教授Nicola Bellomo在2013年写的一
篇揭露Beall的文章《一个掠夺成性的图书馆员:Jeffrey Beall:骗子、罪犯和学界罪
人》(A Predatory Librarian: Jeffrey Beall: The crook, the felon, the
criminal of the Academic Community. http://sci.tech-archive.net/Archive/sci.math/2013-11/msg00446.html ),似乎为Beall的反常举动提供了解释。Bellomo曾与Beall有过通信,对他做了调查,发现:一、Beall只有西班牙语和英语学士学位(方按:此处可能有误,据Beall的简历,他有英语硕士和图书馆学硕士),未受过博士教育(方按:硕士并非图书馆学的最高学位,很多美国大学都授予图书馆学博士学位),对如何做学术一无所知,最简单的数学方程都不会解,不懂最基本的生物学知识,却自以为能判别科学期刊的好坏、真假。二、Beall连麦克斯韦方程都不认识,曾经因为一些信誉良好的老牌学术期刊从一篇2007年的论文“剽窃麦克斯韦方程”,而把其出版社列入黑名单。三、Beall可能向某些出版社收取保护费,不让他们上黑名单。有的出版社上了黑名单之后,跑到Beall所在地找Beall私了,Beall即将其从黑名单中取下,Bellomo教授怀疑该出版社贿赂了Beall。四、Beall反对所有的开放取阅(open access)期刊,因为open access期刊无需花钱订阅,他作为图书馆员没法通过订阅期刊牟私利(有的出版社为了让大学图书馆员订阅他们的期刊,会给回扣)。Beall对Bellomo教授的这些指控未给出回应,有人在其网站贴出Bellomo教授文章的链接,要求他回应,立即被其删除。
剑桥大学化学家Peter Murray-Rust博士发表文章批评科罗拉多大学图书馆员Jeffrey
18/bealls-criticism-of-mdpi-lacks-evidence-and-is-irresponsible/ )。Beall是
发起要求化学信息公开的Blue Obelisk运动,因此在2012获得美国化学学会Herman
Dear Mr. Beall,
I regret that you are misled by Mr. Xin Ge, who has attacked me and tried to
discredit any supporters of mine by deliberate fabrications, for almost ten
years after I had exposed his frauds. You didn't do your own investigation
and just bought everything Mr. Ge provided. I only need to give one example.
You posted a bakery store photo, apparently provided by Mr. Xin Ge, and
said it’s the MDPI’s Basel headquarter. It's not. MDPI's Basel headquarter
is at the next door. See the attached files.
Best wishes,
Shi-min Fang
Dear Mr. Fang,
Okay, thank you for this information.
Best regards,
Jeffrey Beall
I think you should at least remove or change the incorrect photo. I got one
new photo that clearly shows which building is MDPI office.
Best wishes,
Shi-min Fang
Yes, the building is extremely important. If the publisher is based in a
nice building then automatically it's a high quality publisher.
(Jeffrey Beall)
Dear Mr. Beall,
I just pointed out that you published an incorrect photo provided by Mr. Xin
Ge, implying MDPI office is a bakery store. Whether the building is
important or not is another issue. I don't understand why you refuse to
correct an obvious factual error, but confuse a fact with an issue.
I have managed a Web site for 14 years, exposing about 100 cases of
scientific misconduct every year. But if anyone points out any factual error
to me, I would be happy to correct it and make an apology.
Shi-min Fang
Are you getting paid extra for this extra work?
(Jeffrey Beall)
No, nobody pays me to do anything. You can never understand there are some
people seeking truth without getting paid, can you?
I thought you were a decent person with an honorable motive and recommended
your list on my blog after reading Nature's report about your work. Now I
realize it's created by a person who refuses to correct a simple mistake and
insults my integrity. I will withdraw my recommendation and publish our
Shi-min Fang
What about this photo? Any correction needed here?
(Jeffrey Beall, attaching a Western Blotting figure in Shi-min Fang's
Journal of Biological Chemistry paper)
Now you think you are qualified to judge a biochemistry paper? Do you know
Xin Ge had sent his accusation to my mentor Dr. Zachary Burton, the
editorial board of JBC and many other biochemists, and they all rejected his
Shi-min Fang |
o**2 发帖数: 172 | 2 方的英文好烂
【在 h***n 的大作中提到】 : http://fangzhouzi.baijia.baidu.com/article/4940 : 一名奇怪的美国大学图书馆员 : 方舟子02月24日 10:00 分享到: : 学术期刊 : 我原以为在美国大学任职的,应该会有高于普通人的品德。Beall显然没有。 : 瑞士MDPI出版公司因为赞助了新语丝科学精神奖,它以及它的创办人林树坤就成了崔永 : 元、方黑们的毁谤目标。自称“方学家”的亦明(葛莘)给几百个人发去攻击MDPI和林 : 树坤黑材料,收信人包括美国科罗拉多大学图书馆员Jeffrey Beall。Beall被认为是研 : 究虚假学术期刊的专家,维护着一份出版虚假学术期刊的出版社的黑名单,因此出名, : 曾经被英国《自然》报道过。这份黑名单很长,里面并无MDPI,我曾在微博上提到这一
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 3 满足吧,这已经是修改过的版本了。
【在 o**2 的大作中提到】 : 方的英文好烂
G****1 发帖数: 8414 | 4 太牛逼了, 开头'I regret...'把人吓傻了。 |
h********0 发帖数: 12056 | 5 肘子这次真是脸丢大了。打假者被别人打假,就像疯狗一样乱咬。 |
m*1 发帖数: 1997 | |
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 7 连邮件都要改了后给人看,这就让人无法相信他说的其它话。
【在 m*1 的大作中提到】 : 英文烂,并不自动等于没道理。
S****a 发帖数: 2568 | 8 应该按美国新闻惯例,把错的语法更正,但括号保留原话。
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : 连邮件都要改了后给人看,这就让人无法相信他说的其它话。
B*******r 发帖数: 293 | |
w*********e 发帖数: 6093 | |
c********e 发帖数: 256 | 11 可以肯定嘲笑别人英语烂的人跟嘲笑别人学校烂一样都是loser。舟子都用现金买了六
【在 o**2 的大作中提到】 : 方的英文好烂
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 12 一贯喜欢嘲笑别人英语烂的人不正是方舟子吗?
【在 c********e 的大作中提到】 : 可以肯定嘲笑别人英语烂的人跟嘲笑别人学校烂一样都是loser。舟子都用现金买了六 : 十万的房子,你们有吗?
i****t 发帖数: 1291 | 13 MDPI总部的门面还不如旁边的小面包店高端洋气 |
c********e 发帖数: 256 | 14 舟子是嘲笑别人乱翻译吧。
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : 一贯喜欢嘲笑别人英语烂的人不正是方舟子吗? : 舟子都用现金买了六十万的房子,不正是他们夫妻的可耻污点吗?还真有不以为耻,反 : 以为荣的。 : 最可笑的是这垃圾,自己把房子买在美国,居然有脸说柴静不正常。
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 15 说的好像方舟子不乱翻译一样。
【在 c********e 的大作中提到】 : 舟子是嘲笑别人乱翻译吧。 : 用现金买房说明他至少不象有些北美猥琐男那样失败。他码字挣的钱不比硅谷码工少。 : 柴静专门到美国生孩子,这种事方舟子评论对不对自有公评。方舟子有绿卡,在美国 : 买房正式言行一致的体现。
x***s 发帖数: 851 | 16 中国人的英文有语法错误不是很正常吗?难道你能学出美人一样流利的英文?文章最重
【在 G****1 的大作中提到】 : 太牛逼了, 开头'I regret...'把人吓傻了。
x***s 发帖数: 851 | 17 方舟子什么时候一贯以自己英文好自居了?
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : 满足吧,这已经是修改过的版本了。 : 要是看了原版,真是大牙都能笑掉。 : 中国人英语蹩脚也不是什么大问题。但是肘子一贯以英语好自居,实在是太恬不知耻了。
x***s 发帖数: 851 | 18 方舟子打的什么官司输了?你能指出来吗?是武汉法院判决肖传国那件官司吧。如果是
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : 说的好像方舟子不乱翻译一样。 : 连centromere这样的生物基本词汇,都能翻译成中心粒。亏他还是学生物出身的。 : 方舟子可以申请绿卡,可以追求自己想要的生活。人家柴静就没有这个自由?这是你所 : 谓的言行一致? : 他码字挣的钱?所以财产都放到老婆名下?然后自己可以随便造谣。反正官司输了也没 : 有财产损失? : 更不用说这个垃圾,以前仗着自己有美国绿卡,提交假地址给法院。使得跟他打官司完 : 全失去意义。赢了,这垃圾也宣称绝不道歉,然后人躲起来,玩躲猫猫。
h****e 发帖数: 374 | 19 葛莘 = xin ge?骗二的文科状元是作弊得来的吧? |
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 20 这里问题的关键不在于谁对谁错。流氓无赖也会有对的时候。
【在 x***s 的大作中提到】 : 方舟子打的什么官司输了?你能指出来吗?是武汉法院判决肖传国那件官司吧。如果是 : 这件官司,那么正好说明武汉法院是个黑法院。肖传国就是个十足的骗子。感谢方舟子 : 的揭露,否则中国今天有可能多了一个骗子院士。
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 21 方舟经常嘲讽、刻薄别人的英文程度差,难道不是以自己英文好自居?
送交者: USTC2 于 2007-04-03, 03:24:11
文抄公钱钟书东抄西抄, 闹了一个大笑话
[zt] 顺便说一下"scatterbrained flapper"。
"英文大师"钱钟书东抄西抄, 扮演文抄公的角色, 都可以
同情地理解。因为钱钟书的英文没有创造性, 你不让他抄,
但滑稽的是, 钱钟书抄错了, 闹了一个大笑话。
钱钟书1937年的文章中的"scatter-brained flappers"抄自
著名美国作家爱伦·格拉斯哥(Ellen Glasgow)1935年的小说
"Vein of Iron"里面的"scatterbrained flapper", 但问题就出
在英文中, "scatterbrained flapper"中的"flapper"这个词是指
1929年大萧条后flapper时代结束, "flapper"就成为描述这
爱伦·格拉斯哥的小说正好是关于这一段时期的, 所以她的
"scatterbrained flapper"用得很准确, 而钱钟书很明显不懂
的事情, 他想讽刺比吴宓小二十多岁的高棣华们, 但他却
照抄爱伦·格拉斯哥小说中的"scatterbrained flapper",
不伦不类, 贻笑大方, 就像有人用1949年前的"摩登女郎"
A personal aside. Yesterday, to a schoolmate of mine
I showed the Master Copycat 钱钟书's feline copy of
"scatterbrained flapper." This had him, my erudite friend,
in such stitches that a doctor was summoned to remove
them, with some difficulty.
送交者: 方舟子 于 2007-04-03, 04:03:50
送交者: USTC2 于 2007-04-03, 04:39:53
It's a pun (双关): in stitches = 捧腹大笑
Also, "stitches" can mean 缝线.
Plus, "copycat" corresponds to "feline copy"
in the passage.
送交者: 方舟子 于 2007-04-03, 04:44:31
送交者: USTC2 于 2007-04-03, 04:56:36
Inspired by Vladimir Nabokov (纳博科夫)
Because "in stitches" is a very amusing phrase
in English, as once used by Vladimir Nabokov
in the following quote:
"Upon being challenged to read Eugene Onegin aloud,
he started to do this with great gusto, garbling every
second word and turning Pushkin's iambic line into
a kind of spastic anapaest with a lot of jaw-twisting
haws and rather endearing little barks that utterly
jumbled the rhythm and soon had us both in stitches."
【在 x***s 的大作中提到】 : 方舟子什么时候一贯以自己英文好自居了? : : 了。
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 22
Did Fang copy you on all his emails
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : 满足吧,这已经是修改过的版本了。 : 要是看了原版,真是大牙都能笑掉。 : 中国人英语蹩脚也不是什么大问题。但是肘子一贯以英语好自居,实在是太恬不知耻了。
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 23 What a totally unrelated question!
Is this the best thing you can think of?
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : 了。 : Did Fang copy you on all his emails
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 24
Just wondering where did you get his original version, that was "laughable",
if you weren't copied on his emails.
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : What a totally unrelated question! : Is this the best thing you can think of?
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 25 I saw it because Zhouzi posted it by himself. But he made changes later.
我与科罗拉多大学图书馆员Jeffrey Beall的信件往来
You cannot never understand there are some people seeking truth without
getting paid, can't you?
cannot--> can
送交者: 方舟子 于 2014-02-23, 02:30:39:
Dear Mr. Beall,
I am regret that you are misled by Mr. Xin Ge, who has attacked me and tried
to discredit any supporters of mine by deliberate fabrications, for almost
ten years after I had exposed his frauds. You didn't do your own
investigation and just bought everything Mr. Ge provided. I only need to
give one example. You posted a bakery store photo, apparently provided by Mr
. Xin Ge, and said it’s the MDPI’s Basel headquarter. It's not. MDPI's
Basel headquarter is at next door. See the attached files.
Best wishes,
Shi-min Fang
Dear Mr. Fang,
Okay, thank you for this information.
Best regards,
Jeffrey Beall
I think you should at least remove or change the incorrect photo. I got one
new photo that clearly shows which building is MDPI office.
Best wishes,
Shi-min Fang
Yes, the building is extremely important. If the publisher is based in a
nice building then automatically it's a high quality publisher.
Dear Mr. Beall,
I just pointed out that you published an incorrect photo provided by Mr. Xin
Ge, implying MDPI office is a bakery store. Whether the building is
important or not is another issue. I don't understand why you refuse to
correct an obvious factual error, but confuse a fact with an issue.
I have managed a Web site for 14 years, exposed about 100 cases of
scientific misconduct every year. But if anyone points out any factual error
to me, I would be happy to correct it and make an apology.
Shi-min Fang
No, nobody pays me to do anything. You can never understand there are some
people seeking truth without getting paid, can't you?
I thought you were a decent person with an honorable motive and recommended
your list on my blog after reading Nature's report about your work. Now I
realize it's created by a person who refuses to correct a simple mistake and
insults my integrity. I will withdraw my recommendation and publish our
Shi-min Fang
What about this photo? Any correction needed here?
Now you think you are qualified to judge a biochemistry paper? Do you know
Xin Ge had sent his accusation to my mentor Dr. Zachary Burton, the
editorial board of JBC and many other biochemists, and they all rejected his
Shi-min Fang
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : Just wondering where did you get his original version, that was "laughable", : if you weren't copied on his emails.
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 26
Point out the spots where it's "laughable".
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : I saw it because Zhouzi posted it by himself. But he made changes later. : http://www.xys.org/forum/db/11/104/40.html : 我与科罗拉多大学图书馆员Jeffrey Beall的信件往来 : 友情提醒:这里面舟子的前面的邮件已经是改过的了。所以说这是他的老把戏。原句是 : You cannot never understand there are some people seeking truth without : getting paid, can't you? : cannot--> can : 所有跟贴·加跟贴·新语丝读书论坛 : 送交者: 方舟子 于 2014-02-23, 02:30:39: : 在巴塞尔的网友雷奥615去MDPI总部门口照了照片,发现那家面包店已转手改卖土耳其
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 27 I am regret that you are misled by Mr. Xin Ge--> I regret that you
You cannot never understand there are some people seeking truth without
getting paid, can't you?
cannot--> can
You can never understand there are some people seeking truth without getting
paid, can you?
I can give your more examples if you want.
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : Jeffrey : Point out the spots where it's "laughable".
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 28
I thought you meant problem with his grammar. This is nothing but poor
proof reading.
Show me an example of a run-on sentence, dangling modifier, mistake in
present/past tense, or irregular verbs, then you would have something.
Much ado about nothing, this is.
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : I am regret that you are misled by Mr. Xin Ge--> I regret that you : You cannot never understand there are some people seeking truth without : getting paid, can't you? : cannot--> can : 方舟子的网易博客上又改成 : http://blog.163.com/fangzhouzi_vip/blog/static/1097556942014125 : You can never understand there are some people seeking truth without getting : paid, can you? : 舟子实在是精益求精啊! : I can give your more examples if you want.
o**2 发帖数: 172 | 29 你的意思是我们没有?
【在 c********e 的大作中提到】 : 可以肯定嘲笑别人英语烂的人跟嘲笑别人学校烂一样都是loser。舟子都用现金买了六 : 十万的房子,你们有吗?
o**2 发帖数: 172 | 30 你的英文同样烂,你看不出来的
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : I thought you meant problem with his grammar. This is nothing but poor : proof reading. : Show me an example of a run-on sentence, dangling modifier, mistake in : present/past tense, or irregular verbs, then you would have something. : Much ado about nothing, this is.
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 31 This is nothing but poor proof reading.LOL
Given Zhouzi's English, he must have read it many times before he sent the
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : I thought you meant problem with his grammar. This is nothing but poor : proof reading. : Show me an example of a run-on sentence, dangling modifier, mistake in : present/past tense, or irregular verbs, then you would have something. : Much ado about nothing, this is.
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 32
Never said my english is perfect, and I never said somebody's english is "
laughable" either. So someone who did say that certainly should be able to
point it out to me.
【在 o**2 的大作中提到】 : 你的英文同样烂,你看不出来的
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 33 问题关键也不在于方舟子的英语有多差,关键是他总是玩这种“半夜鸡叫”,偷偷背地
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : Never said my english is perfect, and I never said somebody's english is " : laughable" either. So someone who did say that certainly should be able to : point it out to me.
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 34
Yes. Do go on to another subject.
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : This is nothing but poor proof reading.LOL : Given Zhouzi's English, he must have read it many times before he sent the : email. : 问题关键也不在于方舟子的英语有多差,关键是他总是玩这种“半夜鸡叫”,偷偷背地 : 里修改,却不做任何说明。
o**2 发帖数: 172 | 35 给你这么说吧,
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : Yes. Do go on to another subject.
j*******r 发帖数: 223 | 36 OK,now fun time.
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : Yes. Do go on to another subject.
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 37
Please, do point out those mistakes.
【在 o**2 的大作中提到】 : 给你这么说吧, : 方的英文和中国高中生写的英文比较象。 : 基本象中国式直译的英语的效果, : 用词别扭,没有语感,词不达意, : 老美看了会偷偷发笑的,会认为他是从异域来的说一些蹩脚英语。 : 说实话,方的英文,你我中国人能100%看得懂方真正要表达的意思,而老美就一定不能 : 100%看出其真正要表达的意思了,有的地方还偏差有些大哦。懂了吗? : : to
o**2 发帖数: 172 | 38 let me make a small change to yours.
At no time did I ever say or imply my English is perfect, and at no time I
ever put forth one's english is poor.
Whoever did it shall have zero problem to point it out.
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : Please, do point out those mistakes.
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 39
That was a shady move on his part. An unnecessary move also.
Because his attackers later might have proved Fang was correct after all.
我国的植棉历史悠久,早在一千多年前的唐代就有了棉花种植 ,在渭河 、黄河下游一
Unless the meaning of the words changed since Tang dynasty, 木棉 is not 棉花
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : OK,now fun time. : 看了后不笑的,请自觉找医生检查。 : http://www.2250s.com/read.php?49-18102-18102 : 方舟子4/23发文《“国学大师”乱“捣衣”》,他说"唐朝时候中国并不种棉花"。4/23 : 有网民提出期刊《从我国古农书<四时纂要>看唐代棉花生产技术》:在我国唐代就有了 : 棉花生产,把我国植棉史考证提前了几百年。没想到方舟子在4/24,修改他那篇文章, : 把原句改成"唐朝时候中国并不成规模种棉花"。 : 后面还有好玩的呢,肘子原文“唐朝时候中国并不种棉花”后面,接的是“棉宋朝才传 : 入中国,元朝才开始大规模推广”,半夜鸡叫改了前半句,后半句咋办呢? : 聪明秃顶的肘子可有办法了,将后半句改成“棉宋朝才传入中国内地”!
o**2 发帖数: 172 | 40 just replied to you, pls check
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : 23 : That was a shady move on his part. An unnecessary move also. : Because his attackers later might have proved Fang was correct after all. : 白芷续断: : 我国的植棉历史悠久,早在一千多年前的唐代就有了棉花种植 ,在渭河 、黄河下游一 : 带人们就已广泛地种植,并且有了一套全整的栽培技术。从唐韩鄂的《四时纂要》一书 : 中的种木棉法,就足已证明唐代的植棉业的发展和较为先进的栽培技术。 : "从唐韩鄂的《四时纂要》一书中的种木棉法" : Unless the meaning of the words changed since Tang dynasty, 木棉 is not 棉花
i****t 发帖数: 1291 | 41 所有的MDPI office 都应该改为"The MDPI office"
Dear Mr. Beall,
I am regret that you are misled by Mr. Xin Ge, who has attacked me and tried
to discredit any supporters of mine by deliberate fabrications, for almost
ten years after I had exposed his frauds. You didn't do your own
investigation and just bought everything Mr. Ge provided. I only need to
give one example. You posted a bakery store photo, apparently provided by Mr
. Xin Ge, and said it’s the MDPI’s Basel headquarter. It's not. MDPI's
Basel headquarter is at next door. See the attached files.
Best wishes,
Shi-min Fang
Dear Mr. Fang,
Okay, thank you for this information.
Best regards,
Jeffrey Beall
I think you should at least remove or change the incorrect photo. I got one
new photo that clearly shows which building is MDPI office.
Best wishes,
Shi-min Fang
Yes, the building is extremely important. If the publisher is based in a
nice building then automatically it's a high quality publisher.
Dear Mr. Beall,
I just pointed out that you published an incorrect photo provided by Mr. Xin
Ge, implying MDPI office is a bakery store. Whether the building is
important or not is another issue. I don't understand why you refuse to
correct an obvious factual error, but confuse a fact with an issue.
I have managed a Web site for 14 years, exposed about 100 cases of
scientific misconduct every year. But if anyone points out any factual error
to me, I would be happy to correct it and make an apology.
Shi-min Fang |
A*****a 发帖数: 52743 | 42 英文不是一般的烂
【在 i****t 的大作中提到】 : 所有的MDPI office 都应该改为"The MDPI office" : --------- : Dear Mr. Beall, : I am regret that you are misled by Mr. Xin Ge, who has attacked me and tried : to discredit any supporters of mine by deliberate fabrications, for almost : ten years after I had exposed his frauds. You didn't do your own : investigation and just bought everything Mr. Ge provided. I only need to : give one example. You posted a bakery store photo, apparently provided by Mr : . Xin Ge, and said it’s the MDPI’s Basel headquarter. It's not. MDPI's : Basel headquarter is at next door. See the attached files.
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 43
LOL, Before you start pretending to be an English professor, maybe you
should first learn the difference between "Formal Writing English" and "
Informal Conversational English".
"and at no time I ever put forth one's english is poor"? LMAO, professor,
do you see your own mistake here?
The use of "Shall" is really, really old school unless you came from one of
the British common wealth country.
【在 o**2 的大作中提到】 : let me make a small change to yours. : At no time did I ever say or imply my English is perfect, and at no time I : ever put forth one's english is poor. : Whoever did it shall have zero problem to point it out. : : to
m*****e 发帖数: 10963 | 44 支持方舟子。。。
条理清晰,言之有据,。。。。 |
y***u 发帖数: 7039 | 45 方片二的把戏被管理员识破了。
结果管理员不买账,因为管理员认为实质更重要 虚假期刊已经是既成事实, 不会在这
方片二碰了钉子,开始咬管理员, 没想到管理员比较强大。 |
o**2 发帖数: 172 | 46 watch your show
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : LOL, Before you start pretending to be an English professor, maybe you : should first learn the difference between "Formal Writing English" and " : Informal Conversational English". : "and at no time I ever put forth one's english is poor"? LMAO, professor, : do you see your own mistake here? : The use of "Shall" is really, really old school unless you came from one of : the British common wealth country. :
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 47
Tsk, tsk.
Where's the Subject in your sentence?
【在 o**2 的大作中提到】 : watch your show : : of
G****1 发帖数: 8414 | 48 方骗二也就背靠菊花,在新语丝横吧。
【在 y***u 的大作中提到】 : 方片二的把戏被管理员识破了。 : 方的把戏是先劝说管理员把照片换了,然后开始反击革新们; : 结果管理员不买账,因为管理员认为实质更重要 虚假期刊已经是既成事实, 不会在这 : 上面浪费时间; : 方片二碰了钉子,开始咬管理员, 没想到管理员比较强大。
d**a 发帖数: 75 | 49 有意思,原来还有专门叼方舟子的飞盘的。
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : Tsk, tsk. : Where's the Subject in your sentence?
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 50
LOL. That's the level of intelligence you people have?
【在 d**a 的大作中提到】 : 有意思,原来还有专门叼方舟子的飞盘的。
i****t 发帖数: 1291 | 51 这个洗地缺乏水平。方是民连定冠词都不会用,这还不够差么?
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : LOL. That's the level of intelligence you people have?
e*******s 发帖数: 1979 | 52 re
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : LOL. That's the level of intelligence you people have?
e*******s 发帖数: 1979 | 53 re
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : 满足吧,这已经是修改过的版本了。 : 要是看了原版,真是大牙都能笑掉。 : 中国人英语蹩脚也不是什么大问题。但是肘子一贯以英语好自居,实在是太恬不知耻了。
s**********d 发帖数: 36899 | 54 方博后是我最敬佩的人,啥都懂,啥都知道。美国博后!
【在 j*******r 的大作中提到】 : 满足吧,这已经是修改过的版本了。 : 要是看了原版,真是大牙都能笑掉。 : 中国人英语蹩脚也不是什么大问题。但是肘子一贯以英语好自居,实在是太恬不知耻了。
d**a 发帖数: 75 | 55 LOL, 叼得一嘴好飞盘。
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : : LOL. That's the level of intelligence you people have?
t*s 发帖数: 1504 | 56 真酸腐
【在 o**2 的大作中提到】 : let me make a small change to yours. : At no time did I ever say or imply my English is perfect, and at no time I : ever put forth one's english is poor. : Whoever did it shall have zero problem to point it out. : : to