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Military版 - ABC15 report (转载)
SF 的茉莉花要开了?邪不胜正,ABC正式在官网上道歉. (转载)
阿三们太不民主了, 竟然向示威人群开枪Yahoo Finance, How Will Disney Handle the ABC and Jimmy Kimmel Protests
威斯康辛议会大楼周日下午四点开始清场CNN reported about Jimmy Kimmel Show
美帝最希望伊朗闹起来希望每个人都能读一遍 Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz
希拉里被打脸想出好的顺口溜Chant 转载 希望置顶!! (转载)
idiots are protesting for their secret agendaRe: 这个新闻在美国是不是被和谐了? 美国加州举行反战游行 (
喜讯:ABC终于在官方网站正式道歉了、语气还诚恳中国保镖 痛打新西兰流氓议员
话题: kimmel话题: abc话题: segment话题: abc15话题: protesters
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发帖数: 11198
【 以下文字转载自 Arizona 讨论区 】
发信人: stxyz (xy), 信区: Arizona
标 题: ABC15 report
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 9 23:26:22 2013, 美东)
PHOENIX - Protesters appeared outside the studios of ABC affiliates across
the country Saturday responding to a segment on the late-night show, "Jimmy
Kimmel Live."
The protests are in reaction to a segment called "Kids Table" that aired on
Jimmy Kimmel's show on Oct. 16.
During the segment, Kimmel asks a group of boys and girls how should the U.S
. pay nearly $1.3 trillion in debt to China.
One of the children suggests that the US "kill everyone in China." Kimmel
tried to deflect the comment, however, the comment upset several people who
created a social movement to protest Kimmel's television show.
Approximately 100 people holding signs and chanting appeared outside the
ABC15 studios Saturday afternoon protesting the skit.
Protesters chanted "teach kids no hatred," "No fake apology," and "shame on
you ABC" for about 20 minutes before continuing to protest near 44th and Van
Buren streets.
Both Kimmel and the ABC Network have since issued an apology regarding the
"I do want to apologize to all of you. If I've upset you, I'm very, very
sorry. We should not have put it on the air. We did not mean to upset you,"
Kimmel said. "We won't be showing the Kid's Table segment any more. We're
not going to ever do that again. I'm very sorry."
Protesters said they want ABC to broadcast an on-air apology and cancel
Kimmel's show.
A petition posted to the White House's website received over 100,000
signatures which meets the threshold needed for an official response from
President Obama
1 (共1页)
中国保镖 痛打新西兰流氓议员美帝最希望伊朗闹起来
国际歌斯密达idiots are protesting for their secret agenda
SF 的茉莉花要开了?邪不胜正,ABC正式在官网上道歉. (转载)
阿三们太不民主了, 竟然向示威人群开枪Yahoo Finance, How Will Disney Handle the ABC and Jimmy Kimmel Protests
威斯康辛议会大楼周日下午四点开始清场CNN reported about Jimmy Kimmel Show
话题: kimmel话题: abc话题: segment话题: abc15话题: protesters