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Military版 - Re: 请发信给Jimmy Kimmel show的赞助商抗议 有包子 (转载)
Go send messages to Jimmy Kimmel live sponsors.草稿求指点
W Virginia狱警集体行纳粹礼Re: 通过 FCC Complaint 调查 Jimmy Kimmel 节目 (转载)
Enough is enoughPetition Response: What We Have to Say About Jimmy Kimmel
看了好多中国小留给Jimmy的网上留言,英语真地道 (转载)Petition Response: What We Have to Say About Jimmy Kimmel
[公告] 华人的姐妹们也联合起来吧!!!zz白宫回复:What We Have to Say About Jimmy Kimmel
给Jimmy Kimmel live打了电话, 震惊啊历史何其相似乃尔
Wiki Jimmy Kimmel历史总是会惊人的相似
收到新移民联合会NIU发来的呼吁抗议ABC Jimmy的信1939年的纳粹德国彩色视频。
话题: jimmy话题: kimmel话题: show话题: people话题: came
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15794
【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: thymeee (节俭灌水种地养娃), 信区: Living
标 题: Re: 请发信给Jimmy Kimmel show的赞助商抗议 有包子
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 1 22:17:07 2013, 美东)
Below is my version:
Dear sir/madam,To whom it may concern,
Recently, sayings like, “Kill everyone in China”, "should we allow Chinese
to live" were heard on Jimmy Kimmel Show by air, In such a national
Broadcasting Company, American Broadcasting Company(ABC).
It was a voice, exactly same as Adolf Hitler, a Nazi terrorist, a human
being slaughterer, yelled out in front of German people decades before.
Adolf Hitler, the bloody slaughterer, and his followers, abused, mistreated,
Jewish people. It has marked that era as the darkest period in human right.

To fight Evil, American people came, English people came, and the world
people came. Finally, justice defeated evil.
However, only seventy years later, an exactly same voice said:"we need to
kill。。。" And the host,
Jimmy Kimmel, said, "it is interesting".
It was not interesting, it was not interesting at all. It was such a signal
, the crime would rage on earth again. The crime could happen far and wide,
the crime could happen to me or you. Because, beyond any race, we are all
human beings, we are all members of the big earth family.
It was such a shame, that this scene happened nowadays on the homeland of
America, a country people conquered racists 70 years before; a country
Martin Luther King Jr. 'S dream came true 50 years before. One race, a
member of earth family, was being threatened in the public, on the show you
supported, Jimmy Kimmel Show.
It is the time to say, "stop, evil!",
It is the time to say, "no terrorist !",
It is the time to say, "no killing!"
As a sponsor of Jimmy Kimmel Show, please choose your side. To be a racist
or not; to be a terrorist or not; to be a murderer or not.
Please, honor your self, say "NO" to Jimmy Kimmel Show.
Thank you!
发帖数: 321


【在 t*****e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
: 发信人: thymeee (节俭灌水种地养娃), 信区: Living
: 标 题: Re: 请发信给Jimmy Kimmel show的赞助商抗议 有包子
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 1 22:17:07 2013, 美东)
: Below is my version:
: Dear sir/madam,To whom it may concern,
: Recently, sayings like, “Kill everyone in China”, "should we allow Chinese
: to live" were heard on Jimmy Kimmel Show by air, In such a national
: Broadcasting Company, American Broadcasting Company(ABC).
: It was a voice, exactly same as Adolf Hitler, a Nazi terrorist, a human

1 (共1页)
1939年的纳粹德国彩色视频。[公告] 华人的姐妹们也联合起来吧!!!zz
这个国家怎么了?兽父34年强暴女儿500次 竟宣称是情投意合给Jimmy Kimmel live打了电话, 震惊啊
一男子因为其男孩取名不吉利 被政府剥夺抚养权Wiki Jimmy Kimmel
希拉蕊:普亭介入烏克蘭如希特勒zt收到新移民联合会NIU发来的呼吁抗议ABC Jimmy的信
Go send messages to Jimmy Kimmel live sponsors.草稿求指点
W Virginia狱警集体行纳粹礼Re: 通过 FCC Complaint 调查 Jimmy Kimmel 节目 (转载)
Enough is enoughPetition Response: What We Have to Say About Jimmy Kimmel
看了好多中国小留给Jimmy的网上留言,英语真地道 (转载)Petition Response: What We Have to Say About Jimmy Kimmel
话题: jimmy话题: kimmel话题: show话题: people话题: came