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Military版 - Papa Johns racial slur against Chinese
papa john's 国内也有的. 哎?不对啊!!你们太不厚道了
Which one is better? Pizza Hut vs. Papa Johns“两房”亏空;巨大的无底洞
最好吃的pizza是pizza huts的井底望天论美国民主
将军们平时吃什么pizza? 俺喜欢papa johns两房的核心在于担保!
!!!北美华人抗议UCSD种族歧视行动纲领 (Stop Racial Slurs)中国2010年减持“两房”类债创新高
美主流质疑华裔忠诚度 华人应及早另作准备IBM 换了个 女 CEO
话题: papa话题: chinese话题: johns话题: racial话题: sob
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2987
发帖数: 27535
Mike J • Tampa, Florida • 27 mins ago Report Abuse
i bet if you were to go into a Chinese joint you would find all kinds of
racial slurs used towards Americans too. The only difference is she was
able to read English and 99% of us can't read Chinese.
发帖数: 4936
发帖数: 7039
A lot of good jokes there.
1. When I was in the Air Force as a Medic I was screening people to see the
Doctor. One Officers Wife went to the Hospital Commander's Office and
complained that I wrote SOB in her records. Her complaint was Shortness Of
Breath (SOB). The Commander called me into his office later that day and
said she was truly a SOB :-).
2. Just a heads up for all you folks with a degree in pizza making......
there is an opening at Papa John's!!!
3. Wait a minute. According to most sources, many of which are in New York
and California, racism only exists in the southern states. I thought people
in NY and CA were too enlightened to fall into such trappings!
4. Recently I read of a "bowl" game where on a Florida College Team some of
the colored boys referred to the white guys a "crackers". Where is the
outrage regarding those racial slurs?
5.So true. Blacks seem to think they are the only ones who are allowed to
make racial slurs and not suffer repercusions. I tired of it.
6. Colored boys [koh-lord boys] (n) - a group of boys, young men, who paint
houses or other objects and as the inevitable happens, spills paint on
7. Someone once put on my receipt HANDSOME BLACK MAN. I was offended. I told
them I was A VERY HANDSOME BLACK MAN. But serioulsy, you can't blame the
companies, no one puts I'm a rascists idiot on their application.
8. They need to apologize for their pizza.
9. I was offended when my black waitress asked me if I wanted crackers with
my soup!
发帖数: 7039
10. Why is it that a Caucasian person can be called Whitey, Peckerwood, Mick
, Kraut, Ginnie, Wop and all the other Terms of Endearment and no one gets
11. I was at a local store and Im 7ft tall the clerk called me Shorty!
12. That's funny.I work in the restaurant bizz and this is common.Servers
when busy give their guests nicknames to rememer where to bring their order.
Examples being;2 fat chicks at table three,guy with bad come over table 9
etc,etc.It's nothing personal and it also release stress during a push.Some
people take things a little to seriously.Lighten up and have a laugh.I know
I do when I get referred to as pancake butt
13. Papa Johns company spokesman Whitey Cracker said the employee was being
terminated and didn't stand a Chinaman's chance of being rehired.
14. Anyway we all have chink eyes when we wakeup in the morning.
15. Doesn't anybody make fun of the Irish anymore? On a more serious note,
this employee should be fired for such behavior. My grandfather, who
operated a general store, used to say, "Their money is as green as yours."
1 (共1页)
IBM 换了个 女 CEO米国三大披萨链大家脚的哪种披萨好吃?
美国杨佳能撑多久?将军们平时吃什么pizza? 俺喜欢papa johns
井底望天:你信美国的人人生而平等吗? (转载)!!!北美华人抗议UCSD种族歧视行动纲领 (Stop Racial Slurs)
小天使们又把一个88岁二战退伍老兵送上天堂 (转载)美主流质疑华裔忠诚度 华人应及早另作准备
papa john's 国内也有的. 哎?不对啊!!你们太不厚道了
Which one is better? Pizza Hut vs. Papa Johns“两房”亏空;巨大的无底洞
最好吃的pizza是pizza huts的井底望天论美国民主
话题: papa话题: chinese话题: johns话题: racial话题: sob