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Military版 - 盖特那:人民币升值不可避免 WSJ
美国经济缓过劲来了:Geithner Calls on China to Address Yuan, Intellectual Property研究王岐山受福特基金资助,不小心又扯出来了周小川
the only currency that's seriously overvalued is the yuan周小川也是受福特基金会资助的
China CEOs Join Obama in Supporting Yuan Appreciation米犹在抓财权的问题上真是赤裸裸! (转载)
花街专栏作家自己打民主的脸种族歧视导致黑人衰老. 你妈,这种研究也有Funding?
福特基金会资助过中国金融副总理,央行副行长和顶级中国经济学家Clinton Urges Technology Companies to Beware Repressive Regimes (ZZ)
话题: geithner话题: yuan话题: inflation话题: china话题: dollar
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1288
Geithner: Inevitable That China Will Appreciate The Yuan
Accelerating inflation will force China to continue to appreciate the yuan,
and if Beijing continues at its current pace of currency rise against the
dollar, the move will be "huge," U.S. Treasury Secretary said Thursday.
Taking into account the inflation rate in China and the U.S., the yuan is
continuing to rise compared to the dollar more than the rate Beijing is
allowing the yuan to appreciate nominally.
"The risk for them if they slow the pace of appreciation is that inflation
will accelerate further," Geithner told the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee. "That's why it's inevitable that they continue to move, and of
course, we want that move as quickly as possible."
If they slow the pace of appreciation against the dollar, inflation is still
running substantially above the U.S., by some measures three times the rate
of growth in the U.S., the secretary said.
Including inflation, the yuan is appreciating against the dollar at an
annual rate north of 10%, Geithner said. "If that were sustained, again,
that's a huge shift over time," he said.
But the pace of the yuan's rise isn't moving at the same clip for many other
countries, particularly emerging economies that are also experiencing
surging inflation. That has spurred greater pressure internationally for
Beijing to move faster.
It has particularly been a problem for those emerging markets whose
economies are at risk of overheating as capital flows surge into their
nations seeking higher yields than low-interest rate, advanced economies
currently offer. As China holds down its currency and others allow theirs to
appreciate, it puts a greater burden on those economies, Geithner said.
The secretary also said there's no threat to the dollar's position as a
global reserve currency unless the U.S., over time, fails to curb spending
and curtail debt.
"There is no risk to the dollar's role that we do not control," Geithner
发帖数: 11508
发帖数: 854


【在 l*******u 的大作中提到】
: Geithner: Inevitable That China Will Appreciate The Yuan
: Accelerating inflation will force China to continue to appreciate the yuan,
: and if Beijing continues at its current pace of currency rise against the
: dollar, the move will be "huge," U.S. Treasury Secretary said Thursday.
: Taking into account the inflation rate in China and the U.S., the yuan is
: continuing to rise compared to the dollar more than the rate Beijing is
: allowing the yuan to appreciate nominally.
: "The risk for them if they slow the pace of appreciation is that inflation
: will accelerate further," Geithner told the Senate Foreign Relations
: Committee. "That's why it's inevitable that they continue to move, and of

发帖数: 854
Inquiry:盖特纳的死亡不可避免 MITBBS


【在 l*******u 的大作中提到】
: Geithner: Inevitable That China Will Appreciate The Yuan
: Accelerating inflation will force China to continue to appreciate the yuan,
: and if Beijing continues at its current pace of currency rise against the
: dollar, the move will be "huge," U.S. Treasury Secretary said Thursday.
: Taking into account the inflation rate in China and the U.S., the yuan is
: continuing to rise compared to the dollar more than the rate Beijing is
: allowing the yuan to appreciate nominally.
: "The risk for them if they slow the pace of appreciation is that inflation
: will accelerate further," Geithner told the Senate Foreign Relations
: Committee. "That's why it's inevitable that they continue to move, and of

1 (共1页)
Clinton Urges Technology Companies to Beware Repressive Regimes (ZZ)大陆21世纪中期达到中等发达国家水平。
Credit card debt up 5.6 billion during Nov in US王岐山周小川和福特基金会
美国经济缓过劲来了:Geithner Calls on China to Address Yuan, Intellectual Property研究王岐山受福特基金资助,不小心又扯出来了周小川
the only currency that's seriously overvalued is the yuan周小川也是受福特基金会资助的
China CEOs Join Obama in Supporting Yuan Appreciation米犹在抓财权的问题上真是赤裸裸! (转载)
花街专栏作家自己打民主的脸种族歧视导致黑人衰老. 你妈,这种研究也有Funding?
话题: geithner话题: yuan话题: inflation话题: china话题: dollar