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Military版 - 后面穆巴拉克做了强硬地表态:我要死在这块土地上
阿穆软了?Egyptian police fired tear gas Thursday at thousands of demonstrators zz
穆巴拉克可能面临死刑华盛顿的埃及噩梦 (ZT)
这就开始紧张了?This revolution of Egypt was a curse
2/10/2011 中国小将给埃及人民的电报 (转载)Two American Women Kidnapped in Egypt zz
穆巴拉克要被传讯到开罗接受腐败调查Egypt sends 43 NGO workers to trial over funds zz
话题: its话题: egypt话题: people话题: my话题: forces
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8422
指责示威已经被某些政治势力利用, 破坏国家安全和稳定.
The events of the last few days require us all as a people and as a
leadership to chose between chaos and stability .....)
安排了副总统和抗议者对话, 但被拒绝, 所以穆直接对公众发表演讲.
拒绝立刻下台, 要完成最后几个月的任期到选出新总统(应该是今年9月), 自己不参加
要求刚成立的新政府和议会在立法, 改革等多方面努力
".....and I defended its land, its sovereignty and interests and on this
land I will die and history will judge me and others for our merits and
TEXT-President Mubarak's speech after mass protest
Tue Feb 1, 2011 10:58pm GMT Print | Single Page[-] Text [+]
CAIRO Feb 1 (Reuters) - Following is the text of a televised speech
delivered by President Hosni Mubarak on Tuesday after a million Egyptians
took to the streets demanding he leave office:
"I talk to you during critical times that are testing Egypt and its people
which could sweep them into the unknown. The country is passing through
difficult times and tough experiences which began with noble youths and
citizens who practise their rights to peaceful demonstrations and protests,
expressing their concerns and aspirations but they were quickly exploited by
those who sought to spread chaos and violence, confrontation and to violate
the constitutional legitimacy and to attack it.
"Those protests were transformed from a noble and civilised phenomenon of
practising freedom of expression to unfortunate clashes, mobilised and
controlled by political forces that wanted to escalate and worsen the
situation. They targeted the nation's security and stability through acts of
provocation theft and looting and setting fires and blocking roads and
attacking vital installations and public and private properties and storming
some diplomatic missions.
"We are living together painful days and the most painful thing is the fear
that affected the huge majority of Egyptians and caused concern and anxiety
over what tomorrow could bring them and their families and the future of
their country.
"The events of the last few days require us all as a people and as a
leadership to chose between chaos and stability and to set in front of us
new circumstances and a new Egyptian reality which our people and armed
forces must work with wisely and in the interest of Egypt and its citizens.
"Dear bothers and citizens, I took the initiative of forming a new
government with new priorities and duties that respond to the demand of our
youth and their mission. I entrusted the vice president with the task of
holding dialogue with all the political forces and factions about all the
issues that have been raised concerning political and democratic reform and
the constitutional and legislative amendments required to realise these
legitimate demands and to restore law and order but there are some political
forces who have refused this call to dialogue, sticking to their particular
agendas without concern for the current delicate circumstances of Egypt and
its people.
"In light of this refusal to the call for dialogue and this is a call which
remains standing, I direct my speech today directly to the people, its
Muslims and Christians, old and young, peasants and workers, and all
Egyptian men and women in the countryside and city over the whole country.
"I have never, ever been seeking power and the people know the difficult
circumstances that I shouldered my responsibility and what I offered this
country in war and peace, just as I am a man from the armed forces and it is
not in my nature to betray the trust or give up my responsibilities and
"My primary responsibility now is security and independence of the nation to
ensure a peaceful transfer of power in circumstances that protect Egypt and
the Egyptians and allow handing over responsibility to whoever the people
choose in the coming presidential election.
"I say in all honesty and regardless of the current situation that I did not
intend to nominate myself for a new presidential term. I have spent enough
years of my life in the service of Egypt and its people.
"I am now absolutely determined to finish my work for the nation in a way
that ensures handing over its safe-keeping and banner ... preserving its
legitimacy and respecting the constitution.
"I will work in the remaining months of my term to take the steps to ensure
a peaceful transfer of power.
"According to my constitutional powers, I call on parliament in both its
houses to discuss amending article 76 and 77 of the constitution concerning
the conditions on running for presidency of the republic and it sets
specific a period for the presidential term. In order for the current
parliament in both houses to be able to discuss these constitutional
amendments and the legislative amendments linked to it for laws that
complement the constitution and to ensure the participation of all the
political forces in these discussions, I demand parliament to adhere to the
word of the judiciary and its verdicts concerning the latest cases which
have been legally challenged.
"I will entrust the new government to perform in ways that will achieve the
legitimate rights of the people and that its performance should express the
people and their aspirations of political, social and economic reform and to
allow job opportunities and combating poverty, realising social justice.
"In this context, I charge the police apparatus to carry out its duty in
serving the people, protecting the citizens with integrity and honour with
complete respect for their rights, freedom and dignity.
"I also demand the judicial and supervisory authorities to take immediately
the necessary measures to continue pursuing outlaws and to investigate those
who caused the security disarray and those who undertook acts of theft,
looting and setting fires and terrorising citizens.
"This is my pledge to the people during the last remaining months of my
current term:
"I ask God to help me to honour this pledge to complete my vocation to Egypt
and its people in what satisfies God, the nation and its people.
"Dear citizens, Egypt will emerge from these current circumstances stronger,
more confident and unified and stable. And our people will emerge with more
awareness of how to achieve reconciliation and be more determined not to
undermine its future and destiny.
"Hosni Mubarak who speaks to you today is proud of the long years he spent
in the service of Egypt and its people. This dear nation is my country, it
is the country of all Egyptians, here I have lived and fought for its sake
and I defended its land, its sovereignty and interests and on this land I
will die and history will judge me and others for our merits and faults.
"The nation remains. Visitors come and go but ancient Egypt will remain
eternal, its banner and safekeeping will pass from one generation to the
next. It is up to us to ensure this in pride and dignity." (Translating by
Samia Nakhoul and Andrew Hammond)
发帖数: 61690
发帖数: 8422

【在 v**e 的大作中提到】
: 简单摘要
: 指责示威已经被某些政治势力利用, 破坏国家安全和稳定.
: 要求民众和领导层在稳定和动乱中做选择......(
: The events of the last few days require us all as a people and as a
: leadership to chose between chaos and stability .....)
: 安排了副总统和抗议者对话, 但被拒绝, 所以穆直接对公众发表演讲.
: 拒绝立刻下台, 要完成最后几个月的任期到选出新总统(应该是今年9月), 自己不参加
: 新的总统选举.
: 要求刚成立的新政府和议会在立法, 改革等多方面努力
: .......

发帖数: 18498

【在 v**e 的大作中提到】
: 穆巴拉克的公开演讲,
: 拒绝O8让他立刻下台的要求.
: 有点血腥味道了...

发帖数: 8422
In remarks after Mr. Mubarak’s announcement, Mr. Obama said he spoke
directly to the Egyptian leader. “He recognizes that the status quo is not
sustainable,” Mr. Obama said. The president said he told Mr. Mubarak an
orderly transition ”must begin now” and “include opposition parties.”
And to the young people protesting the government, Mr. Obama said, “We hear
your voices.”

【在 s**d 的大作中提到】
: O8让他立刻下台?原话是啥?
发帖数: 5921

【在 v**e 的大作中提到】
: 穆巴拉克的公开演讲,
: 拒绝O8让他立刻下台的要求.
: 有点血腥味道了...

发帖数: 8422
嗯, 对O8表态在后面.

【在 J*********r 的大作中提到】
: 奥巴马的表态在他这篇演讲之后
发帖数: 14468

【在 v**e 的大作中提到】
: 穆巴拉克的公开演讲,
: 拒绝O8让他立刻下台的要求.
: 有点血腥味道了...

发帖数: 8422
民选的哈马斯能上台, 兄弟会也不妨一试.

【在 a********6 的大作中提到】
: 其实老穆不得人心了,美国处于因势利导的地位。
: 如果老穆聪明,不应该硬碰硬,但可以与美国双输,但是把极端分子送上台。

1 (共1页)
Egypt sends 43 NGO workers to trial over funds zz这就开始紧张了?
Google 间接杀害埃及300多条命埃及刺杀副总统未遂
我在美国很少见到埃及来的流学生2/10/2011 中国小将给埃及人民的电报 (转载)
阿穆软了?Egyptian police fired tear gas Thursday at thousands of demonstrators zz
穆巴拉克可能面临死刑华盛顿的埃及噩梦 (ZT)
话题: its话题: egypt话题: people话题: my话题: forces