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Military版 - 蓝翔技校又发威了?
加拿大G20示威活动内幕:警察组织的渗透和参与Did the Devil Netanyahu really say this?
三哥在塔吉克的空军基地要黄Who Is the Biggest Aggressor in the South China Sea?
纽约时报:中国的首架隐形飞机(Stealth Aircraft)Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes
说个不该说的话--看到"同学聚会成为眩富会"想到的 (转载)因国内取款限制,一名希腊飞行员驾驶F16 前往土耳其取款!
美帝上了3架B-2 炸机场ZZ CBSNews日本自制商业飞机要上市了
空袭伊朗,准备就绪 (转载)五角大楼声明:事先通知过俄方
新出炉国产大型运输机卫星照片希拉里完全傻逼了 (转载)
话题: apt话题: week话题: aviation
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17544
【 以下文字转载自 Military2 讨论区 】
发信人: benzene (苯苯), 信区: Military2
标 题: 蓝翔技校又发威了?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 30 12:15:22 2010, 美东)
Aviation Week又酸上了,全文在
One question that may go unanswered for a long time concerns the degree to
which cyberespionage has aided the development of the J-20. U.S. defense
industry cybersecurity experts have cited 2006—close to the date when the J
-20 program would have started—as the point at which they became aware of
what was later named the advanced persistent threat (APT), a campaign of
cyberintrusion aimed primarily at military and defense industries and
characterized by sophisticated infiltration and exfiltration techniques.
Dale Meyerrose, information security vice president for the Harris Corp. and
former chief information officer for the director of national intelligence,
told an Aviation Week cybersecurity conference in April 2010 that the APT
had been little discussed outside the classified realm, up to that point,
because “the vast majority of APT attacks are believed to come from a
single country.”
Between 2009 and early 2010, Lockheed Martin found that “six to eight
companies” among its subcontractors “had been totally compromised—e-mails
, their networks, everything,” according to Chief Information Security
Officer Anne Mullins.
The way in which the J-20 was unveiled also reflects China’s use and
control of information technology to support national interests. The test
airfield is located in the city of Chengdu and is not secure, with many
public viewing points. Photography is technically forbidden, but reports
suggest that patrols have been permitting the use of cell phone cameras.
From Dec. 25‑29, these images were placed on Chinese Internet
discussion boards, and after an early intervention by censors—which served
to draw attention to the activity—they appeared with steadily increasing
quality. Substantial international attention was thereby achieved without
any official disclosures.
1 (共1页)
收了钱又反悔?美帝上了3架B-2 炸机场ZZ CBSNews
无标题空袭伊朗,准备就绪 (转载)
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三哥在塔吉克的空军基地要黄Who Is the Biggest Aggressor in the South China Sea?
纽约时报:中国的首架隐形飞机(Stealth Aircraft)Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes
说个不该说的话--看到"同学聚会成为眩富会"想到的 (转载)因国内取款限制,一名希腊飞行员驾驶F16 前往土耳其取款!
话题: apt话题: week话题: aviation