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Military版 - 卫报:维基解密创始人称强奸指控是诽谤
Pentagon hunts WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (转载)西方国家的人权标准就是个笑话,朱利安·阿桑奇被“任意拘留”
WikiLeaks founder says rape claim is 'dirty tricks'TRUMP会特赦阿桑奇吗?
Credit Card 'Blockade' Halts Donations, WikiLeaks Faces Funding Crisiswikileaks主编说要追究美国的“战争罪行”
维基解密创始人谴责美军 称伊战10万人遭“大屠杀”Wikileaks网站 程序员Jacob Appelbaum被拘留
不得不说,阿桑奇深刻。我觉得整个西方应该为此人骄傲。美国和中国一样嘛 泄漏机密WiliLeaks Founder 被通缉 (转载)
阿桑奇还是挺深刻的wikileaks shut down的新闻没人讨论吗?
话题: assange话题: wikileaks话题: 阿桑奇话题: he话题: had
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7521
http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年08月23日 14:56 新浪尚品
Julian Assange: WikiLeaks founder hits out at rape smears
Julian Assange's supporters are quick to point the finger at American
intelligence agencies and say they were expecting slurs after he posted 77,
000 Afghanistan war documents online
Julian Assange, the secretive founder of WikiLeaks, the website behind
the biggest leak of US military documents in history, was the subject of
conspiracy theories last night after prosecutors withdrew a warrant for his
arrest in connection with rape and molestation allegations。
On Friday a spokeswoman for the Swedish prosecutors' office in Stockholm
confirmed an arrest warrant for Assange had been issued in absentia and
urged him to "contact police so that he can be confronted with the
According to Expressen, a Swedish newspaper, the 39-year-old Australian
had been wanted in connection with two separate incidents. The first
involved a woman from Stockholm who reportedly accused him of "molestation".
The second involved a woman from Enk?ping, about an hour's drive west from
Stockholm, who had apparently accused Assange of rape. The warrant was
withdrawn yesterday afternoon。
Assange claimed he was the victim of a smear campaign. He denied the
charges on WikiLeaks's Twitter page, saying they were "without basis and
their issue at this moment is deeply disturbing"。
It is believed that Assange, who has no known address and spends much of
his time travelling to ensure a low profile, knew both women well. The pair
had been reluctant to go to the police with their complaints, according to
sources in Sweden. But the news that Swedish police were investigating the
affair was leaked to Expressen, prompting further claims that a smear
campaign had been orchestrated by foreign interests keen to discredit him。
Gavin MacFadyen, director of the Centre for Investigative Journalism,
and a friend of Assange, said: "A lot of us who had any notion of what he
was doing expected this sort of thing to happen at least a week ago. I'm
amazed it has taken them this long to get it together. This is how smears
work. The charges are made and then withdrawn and the damage is done."
WikiLeaks has courted controversy since July when it posted 77,000
Afghan War documents online, leading to claims it had put the lives of
troops and security sources at risk。
Assange had been in Sweden, home to some of WikiLeaks's internet servers
, to oversee the release of thousands more classified documents relating to
US military operations。
Last week he announced at a press conference in Stockholm that his
website was set to publish a final batch of 15,000 documents on the war in
Afghanistan in "a couple of weeks"。
"It seems an unusual time to embark on a career of multiple rape," said
Guardian journalist David Leigh, who has worked closely with Assange over
the recent WikiLeaks Afghanistan documents. "He certainly didn't come across
as a violent man, not in the least. Julian was clearly preparing to release
more sensitive documents."
There had been speculation that Assange's arrest would prompt WikiLeaks
to post a secret code that would decrypt a massive "insurance file" on its
site, the contents of which are the subject of frenzied speculation. The
file dwarfs the size of all the other files on the WikiLeaks Afghanistan
page combined, prompting claims that it contains a huge amount of top-secret
material. But sceptics believe the file is simply an elaborate bluff and
contains nothing revelatory。
Kristinn Hrafnsson, a colleague, of Assange's, said he had not known of
the charges "until he read them in the rightwing tabloid Expressen".
Hrafnsson said: "There are powerful organisations who want to do harm to
Last week Assange claimed the Pentagon was ready to talk to WikiLeaks
about its unreleased documents. "We received contact through our lawyers
that the General Counsel [of the Pentagon] says now they want to discuss the
issue," he said。
A Pentagon spokesman said a phone call had been arranged with the
WikiLeaks lawyer but no conversation had taken place. He denied the Pentagon
was willing to co-operate with WikiLeaks. "These documents are property of
the United States government," he said. "The unauthorised release of them
threatens the lives of coalition forces as well as Afghan nationals."
Yesterday the Wall Street Journal claimed both the US Defence and
Justice departments were exploring legal options for prosecuting Assange and
others on grounds that they encouraged the theft of government property。
1 (共1页)
wikileaks shut down的新闻没人讨论吗?维基解密创始人谴责美军 称伊战10万人遭“大屠杀”
给 Julian Assange 捐款(zz)阿桑奇关于美国言论自由的一针见血的名言
阿桑奇:Russian government not the source of WikiLeaks emai (转载)阿桑奇还是挺深刻的
Pentagon hunts WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (转载)西方国家的人权标准就是个笑话,朱利安·阿桑奇被“任意拘留”
WikiLeaks founder says rape claim is 'dirty tricks'TRUMP会特赦阿桑奇吗?
Credit Card 'Blockade' Halts Donations, WikiLeaks Faces Funding Crisiswikileaks主编说要追究美国的“战争罪行”
话题: assange话题: wikileaks话题: 阿桑奇话题: he话题: had