d******d 发帖数: 2210 | 1 wiki一下据说有点用
thx | g*****j 发帖数: 1211 | 2 At least it shall do no harm.
Medication is not the only way to control blood pressure. Lifestyle changes
and diet control have been proven very effective, and I would not be
surprised if there are other modalities, including RESPeRATE.
The downside, of course is its high cost. And of course, using something
fancy doesn't mean you will not need to monitor your blood pressure any more
. | d******d 发帖数: 2210 | 3 谢谢版主热心解答
请问哪里有比较好的关于高血压病人 Lifestyle changes and diet control
【在 g*****j 的大作中提到】 : At least it shall do no harm. : Medication is not the only way to control blood pressure. Lifestyle changes : and diet control have been proven very effective, and I would not be : surprised if there are other modalities, including RESPeRATE. : The downside, of course is its high cost. And of course, using something : fancy doesn't mean you will not need to monitor your blood pressure any more : .