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Medicalpractice版 - 巴菲特式虚伪
经济的不景气注定了高税收, 大家怎么看warren buffett?最后的午餐
生活在美国裁人裁到到health care啦
各位attendings说说你们的 work schedule 吧Webnar:中美医疗合作研讨,7月28日
Obama puts Medicare, Social Security cuts on the table请教:board考试后,离美,
Look for internal medicine chance in Dallas美国最大的好处
美国医生收人HMS的CME有用吗? (转载)
Re: 内脏移植的外科教授医生, 百万刀都轻松 (转载)手机和软件
话题: tax话题: loophole话题: he话题: buffet话题: income
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1299
如果要多交税,完全可以自己交additional tax。他自己不干,但整天要别人多交。
美国有许多free care诊所,都是靠volunteer 支持的,你觉得工资太高,完全可以上
free care 多做几天,或自己开业,多接待无保险病人。拿60%工资,40%义诊。在美国
发帖数: 1299

【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: 巴菲特觉得自己税率比秘书低,觉得富人应多交税。他如果不是想方设法用loophole,
: 像平头百姓那么交,税率会低吗?
: 如果要多交税,完全可以自己交additional tax。他自己不干,但整天要别人多交。
: 美国有许多free care诊所,都是靠volunteer 支持的,你觉得工资太高,完全可以上
: free care 多做几天,或自己开业,多接待无保险病人。拿60%工资,40%义诊。在美国
: ,要做白求恩很容易。

发帖数: 344
君子发现了政策不公平之处,他会衡量对国对民的影响。 如果政策损害国家利益,损害
大多数人的利益, 即使是对自己有利的, 他也要提出来.
That is the difference between most people and Warren buffet.
he did give most of his money back to the society, although not to the
federal government....
发帖数: 756
每种税率对有没有LOOPHOLE都是固定的,capital gain, income tax, payroll tax是

【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: 巴菲特觉得自己税率比秘书低,觉得富人应多交税。他如果不是想方设法用loophole,
: 像平头百姓那么交,税率会低吗?
: 如果要多交税,完全可以自己交additional tax。他自己不干,但整天要别人多交。
: 美国有许多free care诊所,都是靠volunteer 支持的,你觉得工资太高,完全可以上
: free care 多做几天,或自己开业,多接待无保险病人。拿60%工资,40%义诊。在美国
: ,要做白求恩很容易。

发帖数: 9638
发帖数: 1299
i donot think you understand the meaning of loophole.
warren buffet is the master of that. his company still owe federal goverment
tax near 10 years.
the obama tax hit for people with w2, not 1099. all loopholes wont be
closed. all his jet use,food, and hotel stays can be deducted as bussiness
cost,and not considered as income. ordinary salary work has to tax on single
penny he earns. a fair tax reform is needed and people like buffet should
share the equal burden.

【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: 每种税率对有没有LOOPHOLE都是固定的,capital gain, income tax, payroll tax是
: 不同的。我们如果觉得巴菲特还虚伪,那是我们自己被钱蒙住眼什么都不认了。

发帖数: 9638
A loophole is an ambiguity in a system according to wiki.
Business expense is not a loophole. It is legal to deduct business expenses
from the revenue. Just like overhead.


【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: i donot think you understand the meaning of loophole.
: warren buffet is the master of that. his company still owe federal goverment
: tax near 10 years.
: the obama tax hit for people with w2, not 1099. all loopholes wont be
: closed. all his jet use,food, and hotel stays can be deducted as bussiness
: cost,and not considered as income. ordinary salary work has to tax on single
: penny he earns. a fair tax reform is needed and people like buffet should
: share the equal burden.
: http://articles.businessinsider.com/2012-04-04/wall_street/3128

发帖数: 344
As president , he should fight for share holders interest.
the Supreme Court of the United States ruled thus: “Any one may so arrange
his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to
choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a
patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes
As an individual, he feels he has the moral obligation to let the people and
government to realize the problem.
So he wants the government to close the loopholes that allow the rich to pay
less tax then middle class who receives w-2s and he want the government to
raise taxes on dividends and reduce the deductions for the rich people.
Obama's tax policies are not perfect, but ae better than the current ones,
it aim to raise taxes on dividends and also reduce the deductions.
发帖数: 1299
Please educate us, why it is better?
Except tax the income over $250000, has anything to do with capital gain or
any loophole in the system.
Do you think your statements are contradicatated? Paying more tax is
patrioted, why is not?Google some fancy words without understanding the
fundamentals of the democratic system only show the superficial thinking
Though I am not rich enough to pay this tax, I don't think the rich should
pay more tax is a moral thing. Current system's 60% of the budget go to
entitlement programs, so the country 's problem is not tax problem, it is
the spending problem.
As most people already point out, all income should be considered equal, no
matter salary, capital gain, loophole money, why o8 won't bring this on the
table, as all congressmen/women have to pay the income tax for all the fancy
Go read some about buffet, how he exploit all kinds of loophole.


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: As president , he should fight for share holders interest.
: the Supreme Court of the United States ruled thus: “Any one may so arrange
: his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to
: choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a
: patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes
: As an individual, he feels he has the moral obligation to let the people and
: government to realize the problem.
: So he wants the government to close the loopholes that allow the rich to pay
: less tax then middle class who receives w-2s and he want the government to
: raise taxes on dividends and reduce the deductions for the rich people.

发帖数: 1299
If you have your own business, and has a private jet, you call your friend
to tell him you have a business proposal, let's fly to Hawaii to discuss,
you can bring you kids and family with you, as you are going to rent a
president suite. That is loop hole money.
You have a home office, but you remodel the basement for some business
storage, that is loophole.
Your CME money is also loophole if during CME activity you do sightseeing
and visiting friends
Drug reps food is also.
You can go golfing, fancy meal with your business partners, if reimbursed,
that is loophole.
I am not against loophole, near the end, everyone is the same. Everyone
tries to exploit the system and nothing is wrong with it. Just don't think
yourself have a better moral standard.


【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: A loophole is an ambiguity in a system according to wiki.
: Business expense is not a loophole. It is legal to deduct business expenses
: from the revenue. Just like overhead.
: goverment
: single
: should

Look for internal medicine chance in Dallas最后的午餐
美国医生收人裁人裁到到health care啦
Re: 内脏移植的外科教授医生, 百万刀都轻松 (转载)为什么医生/医院不喜欢没有保险的人?
发帖数: 9638
A part of those examples are not loopholes but frauds.

【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: If you have your own business, and has a private jet, you call your friend
: to tell him you have a business proposal, let's fly to Hawaii to discuss,
: you can bring you kids and family with you, as you are going to rent a
: president suite. That is loop hole money.
: You have a home office, but you remodel the basement for some business
: storage, that is loophole.
: Your CME money is also loophole if during CME activity you do sightseeing
: and visiting friends
: Drug reps food is also.
: You can go golfing, fancy meal with your business partners, if reimbursed,

发帖数: 1299
Mine are too superficial, but similar things happened in congress and white
house. WSJ did several reports how congree and first family used the
resource for family vacation. Remember michelle's near half million spain
vacation paid by taxpayer?
Here is the comment for the hypocrit laughing stock buffet
“Warren Buffett is no different from the other liars and frauds orbiting
Barack Obama. His hypocrisy just runs billions of dollars deeper. When it
comes to ‘shared sacrifice,’ you do the sacrificing, and they do the

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: A part of those examples are not loopholes but frauds.

发帖数: 9638
I am with you on that。


【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: Mine are too superficial, but similar things happened in congress and white
: house. WSJ did several reports how congree and first family used the
: resource for family vacation. Remember michelle's near half million spain
: vacation paid by taxpayer?
: Here is the comment for the hypocrit laughing stock buffet
: “Warren Buffett is no different from the other liars and frauds orbiting
: Barack Obama. His hypocrisy just runs billions of dollars deeper. When it
: comes to ‘shared sacrifice,’ you do the sacrificing, and they do the
: sharing.”

发帖数: 1299
Here is the news. He won't consider this is his income. Is it loophole or

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: A part of those examples are not loopholes but frauds.

发帖数: 9638
Only if you believe Mrs.Obama has to pay her share for living in white house.

【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: Here is the news. He won't consider this is his income. Is it loophole or
: not?
: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/26/michelle-obama-spain-v

发帖数: 756
so.the Obamas has to stay at home, no vacation, no outdoor...because they
all need secretive service and air force1 which cost a lot of money.


【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: Only if you believe Mrs.Obama has to pay her share for living in white house.
发帖数: 3319
起,交流一下这个方面的心得 LOL
发帖数: 1299
You still don't get it. Everyone should go vacation in Spain? Did you get
what the article was talking about?
Because this is the foreign country and she bought a bunch of friends, that
is the point. That is also the point of my Hawaii example. How the people
like buffet use the loophole.
They can go to camp Davis, or any part of the country or just the family not
brought a bunch of friends.or like bushes, go to Texas farm.

【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: so.the Obamas has to stay at home, no vacation, no outdoor...because they
: all need secretive service and air force1 which cost a lot of money.
: house.

发帖数: 1299
有个中国字比较适合这里: "装".
大多数人和巴菲特不同, 是不会装, 就像大多数数人和你不一样一样.
现行体制要改革是大势所趋. 但不是要人家多交, 自己想尽一切方法逃税, 还要和IRS
打官司后, 再付.
做投资挣钱无可非议. 就像大多数不装的人, 会说到美国是为过好生活. 装的人来是劫
富济贫. 但投资就是榨取平头百姓的血汗钱, 相O8 抨击ROMNEY说的. 和GATES做实业是
匿名网络本来就是让大家尽量说真话, 跑到这里还装, 累不累? 或装惯了, 不知什么是

【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: 侠之大者,为国为民.
: 虽然税收是国之根本,但税是强迫征交的.
: 小人找到了政策不公平之处,如果对自己有利,欣然用之,然后怯喜自己省了三五斗。
: 君子发现了政策不公平之处,他会衡量对国对民的影响。 如果政策损害国家利益,损害
: 大多数人的利益, 即使是对自己有利的, 他也要提出来.
: That is the difference between most people and Warren buffet.
: he did give most of his money back to the society, although not to the
: federal government....

发帖数: 344
但不是要人家多交, 自己想尽一切方法逃税???
Did Buffet want his secretary pay more and him pay less? On the contrary, he
want the change the tax policy so that the people like him will pay higher
or at lease same tax rate as common people like his secretary.
还要和IRS打官司后, 再付.
Is the Berkshire Hathaway owe IRS tax not Buffet. As the president of the
company, he get fight for his share holders in whatever possible way under
the current policy, even he personally think the policy is unfair. But this
does not prevent him from fighting to change the unfair policy as an
What a wrong idea do you have!!
it seems that you do not know what is investment. Investment is a the most
important character of the capitalism. That is why you do not see investment
/stock market in socialism countries.
The capitalists invest their money into companies and the companies raise
capital from investors (Stock market or private investors).
Even GATES做实业, got his initial capital from investors. And without
investor, including the small investors who bought MSFT
stocks, Microsoft wont be able to raise enough capital to grow into a giant
within such a short time. (Microsoft raise money from bonds and stock market)
Without investment, would the 实业 like Google and Facebook exist?
Can you name great 实业 companies from the country disallow investment/stock
Capitalism requires an efficient way for the capitalist, maybe even you and
me, to invest their capital into whatever they believe would given them
better returns. That is how capitalism works. If you disallow people to
invest their capital, then you do not want capitalism...
How could you blame me of "装" by just praising the higher moral standard of
Warren Buffet.
现在最不缺的就是在学校呆久了,不接世事, 自以为事, 的教授.
Webnar:中美医疗合作研讨,7月28日HMS的CME有用吗? (转载)
发帖数: 14069


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: 但不是要人家多交, 自己想尽一切方法逃税???
: Did Buffet want his secretary pay more and him pay less? On the contrary, he
: want the change the tax policy so that the people like him will pay higher
: or at lease same tax rate as common people like his secretary.
: 还要和IRS打官司后, 再付.
: Is the Berkshire Hathaway owe IRS tax not Buffet. As the president of the
: company, he get fight for his share holders in whatever possible way under
: the current policy, even he personally think the policy is unfair. But this
: does not prevent him from fighting to change the unfair policy as an
: individual.

发帖数: 9638
loophole就是美国,有法律就应该有loophole, 否则这个社会就太专制了。close
loophole是政客们讲给中产听的,为的是选票。 选票是什么?数字而已,就是比大小
发帖数: 2273

【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: 巴菲特觉得自己税率比秘书低,觉得富人应多交税。他如果不是想方设法用loophole,
: 像平头百姓那么交,税率会低吗?
: 如果要多交税,完全可以自己交additional tax。他自己不干,但整天要别人多交。
: 美国有许多free care诊所,都是靠volunteer 支持的,你觉得工资太高,完全可以上
: free care 多做几天,或自己开业,多接待无保险病人。拿60%工资,40%义诊。在美国
: ,要做白求恩很容易。

发帖数: 1299
不知是英语理解有问题还是什么. GOOGLE 一下就知道是公司还是本人都欠. 再说
Berkshire 是他主控, 又不是像CITI类没有巨大主控大股东.他就是by far 最大
投资赚钱天经地义, 但要搞清鸡和蛋关系.和道德更没关系.
BUSH TAX CUT 最重要的是capital gain and divident; 从原来28% 到20% 到现在15%.
50%的TAX 到了巨富手中. 如果fiscal cliff到来, buffet类就要交13% 多, 所以他提
出大家多加4%, 而不是像拿W2的35%或39.6%.
多交税和医改一样, 是大势所趋, 问题是怎么摊. 不改革, 以后公司都增加stock
option, 只有拿W2多交.


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: 但不是要人家多交, 自己想尽一切方法逃税???
: Did Buffet want his secretary pay more and him pay less? On the contrary, he
: want the change the tax policy so that the people like him will pay higher
: or at lease same tax rate as common people like his secretary.
: 还要和IRS打官司后, 再付.
: Is the Berkshire Hathaway owe IRS tax not Buffet. As the president of the
: company, he get fight for his share holders in whatever possible way under
: the current policy, even he personally think the policy is unfair. But this
: does not prevent him from fighting to change the unfair policy as an
: individual.

发帖数: 1299

【在 B**W 的大作中提到】
: 个人做雷锋,跟propose一个系统的解决方案是两回事儿,同样的道理也可以说,你想
: 少交税,多生个孩子或者主动降薪,甚至直接辞职不就完了么,干么管别人啊

发帖数: 344
The Buffett Rule is named after American investor Warren Buffett, who
publicly stated in early 2011 that he disagreed with rich people, like
himself, paying less in federal taxes, as a portion of income, than the
middle class, and voiced support for increased income taxes on the wealthy.
The rule would implement a higher minimum tax rate ( minimum tax rate of 30
percent) for taxpayers in the highest income bracket, to ensure that they do
not pay a lower percentage of income in taxes than less-affluent Americans.
Yes, Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002. But
do you understand 公司行为和个人行为的区别?
In capitalism, as a president in a company, he get to make the maximum
profit. Since every company play the same rules, if he play different, his
company may fails. But this does not prevent him being a philanthropist as
a individual and being noble man to propose solutions to fix the broken
system even he and his company could benefit from it.
发帖数: 8603

【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: 内心阴暗的人从来不惮以最卑鄙的想法来推测一切高尚的行为,来为自己的龌龊求得心
: 理解脱.
: The Buffett Rule is named after American investor Warren Buffett, who
: publicly stated in early 2011 that he disagreed with rich people, like
: himself, paying less in federal taxes, as a portion of income, than the
: middle class, and voiced support for increased income taxes on the wealthy.
: The rule would implement a higher minimum tax rate ( minimum tax rate of 30
: percent) for taxpayers in the highest income bracket, to ensure that they do
: not pay a lower percentage of income in taxes than less-affluent Americans.
: Yes, Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002. But

发帖数: 727
不管现在这个TAX RATE怎么变,WARREN基本都是不打税的
warren 50B家产,他这辈子一供打的税估计1B都没有
真正有钱人,只能用wealth tax来对付他们,其他都没用
WARREN当然要把钱都捐出去,否则一死,打50% TAX
发帖数: 344
发帖数: 8603
个大帽子出来不合适吧 :)

【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: 诸法因缘生讲的是佛法里的因果,不是道教.
200k 1099 equal to 114 k W2 with full benefits?生活在美国
经济的不景气注定了高税收, 大家怎么看warren buffett?各位attendings说说你们的 work schedule 吧
发帖数: 1299
你的逻辑就是先做贼做强盗, 否则全家没饭吃, 抢完后再施舍, 被偷的还要感激涕尽,
估计你从来没有好好交过税. 省得你蒙淆视听. 一般W2中产AMT 已经26-28%, 如果过$
25万,就是35%.以后是39.6%. 只有BUFFET 类通过总总方法, 逃过AMT, 才交15%. 且他
收入都在自己公司, 所有支出基本都是TAX-DEDUCT. 就算通过, 他也有办法避掉.
若老老实实交税, 百万富翁怎么都过30%.


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: 内心阴暗的人从来不惮以最卑鄙的想法来推测一切高尚的行为,来为自己的龌龊求得心
: 理解脱.
: The Buffett Rule is named after American investor Warren Buffett, who
: publicly stated in early 2011 that he disagreed with rich people, like
: himself, paying less in federal taxes, as a portion of income, than the
: middle class, and voiced support for increased income taxes on the wealthy.
: The rule would implement a higher minimum tax rate ( minimum tax rate of 30
: percent) for taxpayers in the highest income bracket, to ensure that they do
: not pay a lower percentage of income in taxes than less-affluent Americans.
: Yes, Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002. But

发帖数: 1299
loophole 是刁民搞的.
如果大家乘车, 本来都好好排对, 有个刁民老插档, 最后秩序乱了, 大家都不排队后,
刁民没便宜占, 就提议建栏杆, 栏杆建好后, 大家又排队了. 刁民很快找到栏杆漏洞,
每次又插队, 又乱套了. 刁民又想出, 找个人来看着; 刁民又找出办法对付. 最后乘车
的人就不停补漏, 花钱造,请人看, 就为让刁民也和大家一样排队.
loophole像疝气, 一般没有, 要不停折腾才会有.

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: loophole就是美国,有法律就应该有loophole, 否则这个社会就太专制了。close
: loophole是政客们讲给中产听的,为的是选票。 选票是什么?数字而已,就是比大小
: ,比完了就忘了,以后媒体问起来接着找loophole为自己开脱就是了。

发帖数: 756
这可好,昨天还想用CME book moneyG搞个AIRBOOK,正琢磨着如何JUSTIFY,被你这么一


【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: loophole 是刁民搞的.
: 如果大家乘车, 本来都好好排对, 有个刁民老插档, 最后秩序乱了, 大家都不排队后,
: 刁民没便宜占, 就提议建栏杆, 栏杆建好后, 大家又排队了. 刁民很快找到栏杆漏洞,
: 每次又插队, 又乱套了. 刁民又想出, 找个人来看着; 刁民又找出办法对付. 最后乘车
: 的人就不停补漏, 花钱造,请人看, 就为让刁民也和大家一样排队.
: loophole像疝气, 一般没有, 要不停折腾才会有.

发帖数: 344
It seems you never made any money from stock market and your whole income is
from W-2.
I study the tax law more careful than you because I always have huge
capitals gains and other incomes..
Warren Buffet's salary is about 110K which he pays the highest tax rate for
every penny.
In 2010, he made 62M from investment, most from dividends from his
investment and he donated about 23M.
The reason his tax is not been hit by AMT is most of his income is from "
qualified dividend income" The AMT rate for "qualified dividend income" is
"Qualified Dividends" subject to the 15% rate cap must be paid by an entity
taxable in the U.S. at corporate tax rates (35%). So the effective rate for
dividend is 35% (from the company)+15%(federal income tax) =50%.
Hope you are now learned a little bit more on tax.


【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: 你的逻辑就是先做贼做强盗, 否则全家没饭吃, 抢完后再施舍, 被偷的还要感激涕尽,
: 叫大善人?
: 估计你从来没有好好交过税. 省得你蒙淆视听. 一般W2中产AMT 已经26-28%, 如果过$
: 25万,就是35%.以后是39.6%. 只有BUFFET 类通过总总方法, 逃过AMT, 才交15%. 且他
: 收入都在自己公司, 所有支出基本都是TAX-DEDUCT. 就算通过, 他也有办法避掉.
: 若老老实实交税, 百万富翁怎么都过30%.
: 30
: do
: Americans.

发帖数: 2273
This is interesting. Why is the corporate tax added to dividend tax, not the
income tax when you did the math? Didn't those workers/employees (also)
contribute to those corporate taxes.


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: It seems you never made any money from stock market and your whole income is
: from W-2.
: I study the tax law more careful than you because I always have huge
: capitals gains and other incomes..
: Warren Buffet's salary is about 110K which he pays the highest tax rate for
: every penny.
: In 2010, he made 62M from investment, most from dividends from his
: investment and he donated about 23M.
: The reason his tax is not been hit by AMT is most of his income is from "
: qualified dividend income" The AMT rate for "qualified dividend income" is

发帖数: 1299
It is so convinient. Now you used George Bush's auguement, why he reduced
the capital gain/divident tax due to double taxation, which is the biggest
mistake in US tax history (Claimed by the current president).
So what is your point? all wealthy people already paid 50% like Bush said?
Even Romney never claimed it.
Your income is your income, how the company paid the tax had nothing to do
with you. All income should be subjected to same tax rate, that is the only
fair system.
You defend Buffet just because you can have same way to evade tax?


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: It seems you never made any money from stock market and your whole income is
: from W-2.
: I study the tax law more careful than you because I always have huge
: capitals gains and other incomes..
: Warren Buffet's salary is about 110K which he pays the highest tax rate for
: every penny.
: In 2010, he made 62M from investment, most from dividends from his
: investment and he donated about 23M.
: The reason his tax is not been hit by AMT is most of his income is from "
: qualified dividend income" The AMT rate for "qualified dividend income" is

发帖数: 344
The reason I explain why his tax rate is low is because you can not
understand how people pay 17% under AMT because the narrow-minded people
like you never understand TAX rules on investment. Did I say anything to
support the low
rate for dividend.
What I say Warren Buffet is a noble man with higher moral standard. He want
to change the TAX policy to benefit the country and to be fair to the
people even himself benefit from it.
He did not evade his tax and he also disclosed his tax return on 2010.
All he did is totally legal and common under the current law. So there is no
ground to accuse him of 虚伪 as you did.
On the contrary, I think you could qualify for some interesting characters
of human being
1. You are against Obama on raising TAX on rich people, which will increase
your tax
2. You are against Bush for TAX cut for dividend which does not benefit you
since you do not know how to make money from investment.
It seems you only like the part of Bush TAX cut that increase your income. =
==> Actually I think you are as selfish as you could be.
In the any situation, I think you are only care about your own interest and
you accuse people of 虚伪 if they want to do something to benefit other
people even at expense of sacrificing their own interest.
发帖数: 1299
tell me how it is fair.
If a surgeon makes $500,000, the tax rate will be 39.6% after $200,000. He
proposed for 30% only for millionaire.
The higher moral standard is to use the company as the shell to evade as
much tax as possible? Hope you heard of these million dollar tax deductable
When needed, you are the Bush supporter for not tax wealthy?
The divident tax reduction was lobbied by the bankers, not came
I will not be in the same situation, as I have no intention to evade the tax
at first place, then ask others to share the burden.


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: The reason I explain why his tax rate is low is because you can not
: understand how people pay 17% under AMT because the narrow-minded people
: like you never understand TAX rules on investment. Did I say anything to
: support the low
: rate for dividend.
: What I say Warren Buffet is a noble man with higher moral standard. He want
: to change the TAX policy to benefit the country and to be fair to the
: ordinary
: people even himself benefit from it.
: He did not evade his tax and he also disclosed his tax return on 2010.

发帖数: 344
"You defend Buffet just because you can have same way to evade tax?"
The income from Qualified dividend, by law, qualifies for lower tax rate.
How could you call it tax evasion.
tax evasion is a criminal. Report on dividend for lower tax rate is totally
legal and protected by LAW.
It seem that you can not think straight any more. Go to any court and the
judge may send you to see a psychologist


【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: It is so convinient. Now you used George Bush's auguement, why he reduced
: the capital gain/divident tax due to double taxation, which is the biggest
: mistake in US tax history (Claimed by the current president).
: So what is your point? all wealthy people already paid 50% like Bush said?
: Even Romney never claimed it.
: Your income is your income, how the company paid the tax had nothing to do
: with you. All income should be subjected to same tax rate, that is the only
: fair system.
: You defend Buffet just because you can have same way to evade tax?

发帖数: 344
Thing has to be done step by step.
Do you agree 30% is far better than the current 15%?
Also the surgeon surgeon also enjoy the income from his investment at lower


【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: tell me how it is fair.
: If a surgeon makes $500,000, the tax rate will be 39.6% after $200,000. He
: proposed for 30% only for millionaire.
: The higher moral standard is to use the company as the shell to evade as
: much tax as possible? Hope you heard of these million dollar tax deductable
: lunches.
: When needed, you are the Bush supporter for not tax wealthy?
: The divident tax reduction was lobbied by the bankers, not came
: spontaneoulsy.
: I will not be in the same situation, as I have no intention to evade the tax

各位attendings说说你们的 work schedule 吧美国医生收人
Obama puts Medicare, Social Security cuts on the tableRe: 内脏移植的外科教授医生, 百万刀都轻松 (转载)
Look for internal medicine chance in Dallas最后的午餐
发帖数: 344
Ok, you want fairness.
Tell me did you deduct you mortgage interest and your property tax from your
income. Do you think it is fair for people who does not own a house.
Please stop doing it anymore!!!!


【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: tell me how it is fair.
: If a surgeon makes $500,000, the tax rate will be 39.6% after $200,000. He
: proposed for 30% only for millionaire.
: The higher moral standard is to use the company as the shell to evade as
: much tax as possible? Hope you heard of these million dollar tax deductable
: lunches.
: When needed, you are the Bush supporter for not tax wealthy?
: The divident tax reduction was lobbied by the bankers, not came
: spontaneoulsy.
: I will not be in the same situation, as I have no intention to evade the tax

发帖数: 1299
Can you read? Do you read news at all? Now you switch from Bush's follower
to a tax lawyer?
You sounds like everyone you talk to may suggest you to see a psychologist.


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: "You defend Buffet just because you can have same way to evade tax?"
: The income from Qualified dividend, by law, qualifies for lower tax rate.
: How could you call it tax evasion.
: tax evasion is a criminal. Report on dividend for lower tax rate is totally
: legal and protected by LAW.
: It seem that you can not think straight any more. Go to any court and the
: judge may send you to see a psychologist
: only

发帖数: 1299
Did I ever claim I do everything is for the country? I am an ordinary person
with ordinary moral standard.
Do you know the meaning of hypocripcy? I won't ask people to do something I
can't do. You are the one claim it, so what's your high moral standard
activity you ever conducted?
I don't against any rich people, as long as they don't think everyone else
is stupid.


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: Ok, you want fairness.
: Tell me did you deduct you mortgage interest and your property tax from your
: income. Do you think it is fair for people who does not own a house.
: Please stop doing it anymore!!!!
: deductable
: tax

发帖数: 1299
Why can't be the same? why need 2 steps? We need one for all.
Did you get it? we need a fair system.


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: Thing has to be done step by step.
: Do you agree 30% is far better than the current 15%?
: Also the surgeon surgeon also enjoy the income from his investment at lower
: rate.
: deductable
: tax

发帖数: 9638
你这个例子不好,因为没有法律只有道德。 我举wiki的例子,walmart在MD开分店,当
地的法律是一个建筑不能大于A尺寸。 所以walmart想了个办法, 搞2个建筑B和C分开:
B < A;
C < A;
B+C =walmart > A,
当然B和C相距咫尺。 当地的法律是限制大商业机构进MD以保护中小企业, walmart认
loophole实际上是弱势群体反抗行政专制的手段, lol


【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: loophole 是刁民搞的.
: 如果大家乘车, 本来都好好排对, 有个刁民老插档, 最后秩序乱了, 大家都不排队后,
: 刁民没便宜占, 就提议建栏杆, 栏杆建好后, 大家又排队了. 刁民很快找到栏杆漏洞,
: 每次又插队, 又乱套了. 刁民又想出, 找个人来看着; 刁民又找出办法对付. 最后乘车
: 的人就不停补漏, 花钱造,请人看, 就为让刁民也和大家一样排队.
: loophole像疝气, 一般没有, 要不停折腾才会有.

发帖数: 344
I do not think your moral standards are normal
1. against any reform that could increase your tax
2. against any reform that could reduce other people's tax, you call it tax
3. only support policy that will reduce your tax
4. call any one support tax increase for rich people, which include himself
and you 虚伪. You said "如果要多交税,完全可以自己交additional tax。他自己不
5. call anyone who propose tax increase for rich people Bush followers (I am
curious how your logic works)
Since you only want to remove the Bush TAX cut categories you are not
qualify and keep the Bush TAX cut categories you belongs to, I think the
fairness you want is not the fairness for people but for the most advantage
of yourself.


【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: Did I ever claim I do everything is for the country? I am an ordinary person
: with ordinary moral standard.
: Do you know the meaning of hypocripcy? I won't ask people to do something I
: can't do. You are the one claim it, so what's your high moral standard
: activity you ever conducted?
: I don't against any rich people, as long as they don't think everyone else
: is stupid.
: your

发帖数: 1299
人家提出来少交,就是道德低下? buffet逃税,欠税就是高尚的事?
Buffet tax evasion 自己去google,还拿法律吓唬人呢?我好怕啊。
你无知才会用bush当年的论点,去解释capital gain是 double tax。人家talk show
把那段话当笑料,昨天npr还在放。你知道谁是bush cut最大受益人吗?
为什么o8也不再提你所谓buffet rule了吗?
除了buffet,还说过谁虚伪了? 感觉太好了吧,最多就无知,活着就为胡搅。估计现实


【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: I do not think your moral standards are normal
: 1. against any reform that could increase your tax
: 2. against any reform that could reduce other people's tax, you call it tax
: evasion
: 3. only support policy that will reduce your tax
: 4. call any one support tax increase for rich people, which include himself
: and you 虚伪. You said "如果要多交税,完全可以自己交additional tax。他自己不
: 干,但整天要别人多交"
: 5. call anyone who propose tax increase for rich people Bush followers (I am
: curious how your logic works)

发帖数: 344
do you know the difference between capital gain and qualified dividend?
do you enable to find any text that I support Bush tax cut? please back your
1. I think warren buffet is a decent, if not great man because he propose
expire bush tax cut and set a minimum tax rate for rich people. what you
propose is iff he want increase tax, he just pay more himself.
2. I explain to you why dividend is taxed low now and how him can pay 17%
because you think he should pay more under AMT. did I say anything that
dividend should be taxed low?
3. 在I资本主义的企业里面, 如果大老板必须保护投资者利益的话,that is why his
company fight with IRS on its tax.
4 I argue with you on whether 投资就是榨取平头百姓的血汗钱.
最后给你举个例子, 现在人们觉得医疗体系对病人收费过高,如果一个医生也有同感
, 你觉得他是一个人降低收费有效呢, 还是呼吁社会来解决这个问题有效果呢?
如果他一边呼吁社会解决这个问题, 一边在自己的诊所里照常收费, 他是不是就虚伪
你是不是也认为资本家一边裁员控制成本, 一面捐款救助穷人是伪善呀?
中美神医是不是在学校里呆久了,变的too simple, some times ....了


【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: 你不但逻辑混乱还有妄想症。知识贫乏还自以为是。
: 你告诉我,我什么时候支持减税?我说巴虚伪,是他自己欠还和ie认识打官司,为什么
: 人家提出来少交,就是道德低下? buffet逃税,欠税就是高尚的事?
: Buffet tax evasion 自己去google,还拿法律吓唬人呢?我好怕啊。
: 你无知才会用bush当年的论点,去解释capital gain是 double tax。人家talk show
: 把那段话当笑料,昨天npr还在放。你知道谁是bush cut最大受益人吗?
: 为什么o8也不再提你所谓buffet rule了吗?
: 除了buffet,还说过谁虚伪了? 感觉太好了吧,最多就无知,活着就为胡搅。估计现实
: 中没朋友,把网络当垃圾桶来发泄。不要指望别人做你免费心理医生。反正广大人民群
: 众能读懂就行了。

发帖数: 9638
大家为什么对巴菲特这么重视呢? 因为他有钱。 有了钱想做善事,做就做呗, 匿名
捐款就是了,可他要搞动静。 成为公众人物当然可以得到很多internal reward,也少
不了被人痛骂, 取决于立场而已。
所以我说, 池大粪巴菲特,长工饭巴菲特,都很有道理。
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话题: tax话题: loophole话题: he话题: buffet话题: income