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99%的high risk科医生在60岁以前都会有至少一个claim出于感激的礼物医生应该收吗?
创记录的医疗赔偿, 难怪医疗保险年年攀升。radiologist 真是抢钱哪 (转载)
How to win a malpractice suit.一个关于contract中对malpractice coverage描述的问题
Grant for resident ?CMG男医生多还是女医生多?
讨论话题----------病人的意愿// LIVING WILL (遗嘱)我来说说解决中国医闹的办法
话题: system话题: payer话题: single话题: insurance话题: va
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9638
一个病人,说腰疼到药房拿药,结果被告知他的保险不付,得自己掏腰包。 当然药没
我第一次看他, 他知道我是因为不久前我看过他LD(因为drug abuse导致一系列后果
)。 他大概40岁,膀大腰圆的,看上去挺健康,我说这个药很普通啊,自己买也很便
宜。 结果他激动起来,说他工作一辈子了,medicare/social security没少交,到真
正需要的时候却不管用,太不公平了。 当时他慷慨陈词,把政府和保险公司臭骂一通。
我拿起他的片子看了一下,觉得他需要看XX医生,就refer了, 当然少不了安慰一番。
发帖数: 5094
剧中有个场景特别好笑,老republican问小Democrat,“你是什么来着?” 答“
老油条说,"你是说damn of crap?你就想这么混一辈子?"


【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: 一个病人,说腰疼到药房拿药,结果被告知他的保险不付,得自己掏腰包。 当然药没
: 拿,他到诊所来抱怨。
: 我第一次看他, 他知道我是因为不久前我看过他LD(因为drug abuse导致一系列后果
: )。 他大概40岁,膀大腰圆的,看上去挺健康,我说这个药很普通啊,自己买也很便
: 宜。 结果他激动起来,说他工作一辈子了,medicare/social security没少交,到真
: 正需要的时候却不管用,太不公平了。 当时他慷慨陈词,把政府和保险公司臭骂一通。
: 我感到很同情,劳动人民这么辛苦工作,难得用点药还限制这,限制那,太不合理了。
: 我拿起他的片子看了一下,觉得他需要看XX医生,就refer了, 当然少不了安慰一番。
: 一会儿护士来找我:XX医生不看他,因为他的保险是medicaid。
: 我一下子无语了。

发帖数: 756
this is why US has to expand the obamacare and adopt the single payer system.


【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: 一个病人,说腰疼到药房拿药,结果被告知他的保险不付,得自己掏腰包。 当然药没
: 拿,他到诊所来抱怨。
: 我第一次看他, 他知道我是因为不久前我看过他LD(因为drug abuse导致一系列后果
: )。 他大概40岁,膀大腰圆的,看上去挺健康,我说这个药很普通啊,自己买也很便
: 宜。 结果他激动起来,说他工作一辈子了,medicare/social security没少交,到真
: 正需要的时候却不管用,太不公平了。 当时他慷慨陈词,把政府和保险公司臭骂一通。
: 我感到很同情,劳动人民这么辛苦工作,难得用点药还限制这,限制那,太不合理了。
: 我拿起他的片子看了一下,觉得他需要看XX医生,就refer了, 当然少不了安慰一番。
: 一会儿护士来找我:XX医生不看他,因为他的保险是medicaid。
: 我一下子无语了。

发帖数: 12932
Pretty soon u will see story that obamacare decide they only pay 10 dollar
for A+'s visit. And A+ have to say no to this poor guy as well. What's the
point of insurance when u can't find a taker?


【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: this is why US has to expand the obamacare and adopt the single payer system.
: 通。

发帖数: 9638

【在 a**e 的大作中提到】
: 今天刚看了林肯,深感强扭的瓜不甜这个道理。Obamacare强行通过,后面肯定是问题
: 多多,有得头疼。
: 剧中有个场景特别好笑,老republican问小Democrat,“你是什么来着?” 答“
: democrat”
: 老油条说,"你是说damn of crap?你就想这么混一辈子?"
: 小将说“我改成republican行了吧”
: 老油条说“现在不行,先把十三条修正案bipartisan通过了,你再改成republican”
: 通。

发帖数: 9638
你又来了, 唉。


【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: this is why US has to expand the obamacare and adopt the single payer system.
: 通。

发帖数: 9638
可能我的贴发的太含糊了,博得了两党派人士的一致赞扬, lol
我是不看medicaid的,因为如果我同意看,我的名字就会上medicaid的list, 全州的
病人都会涌过来。 但很多medicaid病人是真正需要医疗照顾,所以那些free clinic和
现在很多医生在考虑drop medicare。

【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: Pretty soon u will see story that obamacare decide they only pay 10 dollar
: for A+'s visit. And A+ have to say no to this poor guy as well. What's the
: point of insurance when u can't find a taker?
: system.

发帖数: 756
Obamacare is a comprise. Healthcare reform need to be more aggressive. That
is why Obamacoare needs to be expanded and single payer system is the
ultimate. Under single payer system that France, England, German, Japan,
Taiwan are now exercising, nobody will be denied for seeing a physician. No
claim that the physician files will be denied. The administrative cost will
be at leas halved. The cost of healthcare will be dramatically reduced from
17% of GDP to less than 10% of GDP.
But A++'s and your pay will be cut under the single payer system because it
has more power to negotiate with AMA.
Everybody has the right to access medical system. It is the basic human
right. It is a basic moral question but unfortunately, nobody in the
congress dare to talk about it. As a physician, it will be hypocritical that
I support the system that is the underlying pathology but gives me the
relative higher pay.

【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: Pretty soon u will see story that obamacare decide they only pay 10 dollar
: for A+'s visit. And A+ have to say no to this poor guy as well. What's the
: point of insurance when u can't find a taker?
: system.

发帖数: 9638
While it is theoretically possible to have a single-payer system, it is
extremely unlikely to ever occur because the single-payer would undoubtedly
be the federal government.
Do you really want more government or bureaucracy?


【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: Obamacare is a comprise. Healthcare reform need to be more aggressive. That
: is why Obamacoare needs to be expanded and single payer system is the
: ultimate. Under single payer system that France, England, German, Japan,
: Taiwan are now exercising, nobody will be denied for seeing a physician. No
: claim that the physician files will be denied. The administrative cost will
: be at leas halved. The cost of healthcare will be dramatically reduced from
: 17% of GDP to less than 10% of GDP.
: But A++'s and your pay will be cut under the single payer system because it
: has more power to negotiate with AMA.
: Everybody has the right to access medical system. It is the basic human

发帖数: 756
The current system has outrageously unnecessary administrative cost from
the insurance
company. The administrative cost is more than 10% in US system while in
single payer system run by government, it is less than 5%. If you worry
about bureaucracy in single payer system, you have to explain why France,
England, German, Japan have better system, more cost effective, much less
expensive and more importantly, cover every citizen. Also, the malpractice
insurance is several hundreds for OB/GYN in these countries Nobody dare to
sue you if you follow the guidelines because of the powerful single payer
You have to give facts
and stats to support your specific claim: Governments do much poorer in
health care.


【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: While it is theoretically possible to have a single-payer system, it is
: extremely unlikely to ever occur because the single-payer would undoubtedly
: be the federal government.
: Do you really want more government or bureaucracy?
: That
: No
: will
: from
: it

Grant for resident ?出于感激的礼物医生应该收吗?
讨论话题----------病人的意愿// LIVING WILL (遗嘱)如何联系妇科方面的交流学者机会?
发帖数: 9638
Give you 2 choices, as a patient or a physician: pick it from your deep
1. VA
2. private practice。

【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: The current system has outrageously unnecessary administrative cost from
: the insurance
: company. The administrative cost is more than 10% in US system while in
: single payer system run by government, it is less than 5%. If you worry
: about bureaucracy in single payer system, you have to explain why France,
: England, German, Japan have better system, more cost effective, much less
: expensive and more importantly, cover every citizen. Also, the malpractice
: insurance is several hundreds for OB/GYN in these countries Nobody dare to
: sue you if you follow the guidelines because of the powerful single payer
: system.

发帖数: 57
The health care refrom without a tort reform is far from optimal. The
canadian system is a universal healthcare sysyem, where physician salaries
are generally at par with their us couterparts.
One big problem in the us system, in my opinion, is that some small
percentage of people occupied too much of the resources simply because they
are morbidly obese, or abusing drugs. If they do not shoulder their own
responsibilities to themselves, their families, as well the while society,
why the society have to put endless effort in them.

【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: The current system has outrageously unnecessary administrative cost from
: the insurance
: company. The administrative cost is more than 10% in US system while in
: single payer system run by government, it is less than 5%. If you worry
: about bureaucracy in single payer system, you have to explain why France,
: England, German, Japan have better system, more cost effective, much less
: expensive and more importantly, cover every citizen. Also, the malpractice
: insurance is several hundreds for OB/GYN in these countries Nobody dare to
: sue you if you follow the guidelines because of the powerful single payer
: system.

发帖数: 12932
i have to say you are probably the ONLY ONE that would expect a massive,
over reaching program of US government that would do thing more efficiently,
less administrative cost than a private insurance company. can you kindly
support your point of view with some evidence? like provide an example that
this ever happened in the history?
In the ideal world, every penny comes out of the patient's pocket should go
to a care giver, be it doctors, nurses or floor cleaner, anyone who actually
do something in providing the patient's care. No wasted on malpractice
insurance, endless time spend on paperworks-99% of those are repetitive, non
contributory effort trying to fend the health system from legal
manipulators. let's face it, all the money waste will be redistributed to
the every payer in the system. The effort should be of course stop the waste
of money by limiting insurance company's profit (just like a electrical
utility company which have a limited profit limit) and the legal vultures.
Healthcare, for the majority part, is not human right. It's a luxury. let's
say if you have arthritis pain, May be it's human right to be treated for
pain, like aspirin supply. How is it become a right to receive a brand new
joint that cost 10s thousands of dollars? Someone will have to pay for that.
What obama is saying is that yeah, everyone who has arthritis pain should
get a knee implant. Who pays for it? people who make the device won't do it
for free, so either doctor/nurses work for free (meanwhile paying
malpractice insurance out of your own pocket) or EVERYBODY pays for it.) and
that Everyone includes whoever set their foot onto this land, be it legally
or illegally. i.e., illegals are not required to pay taxes. and yet can
demand to be treated, otherwise they can sue and get rich. That sounds
pretty ridiculous to me.


【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: Obamacare is a comprise. Healthcare reform need to be more aggressive. That
: is why Obamacoare needs to be expanded and single payer system is the
: ultimate. Under single payer system that France, England, German, Japan,
: Taiwan are now exercising, nobody will be denied for seeing a physician. No
: claim that the physician files will be denied. The administrative cost will
: be at leas halved. The cost of healthcare will be dramatically reduced from
: 17% of GDP to less than 10% of GDP.
: But A++'s and your pay will be cut under the single payer system because it
: has more power to negotiate with AMA.
: Everybody has the right to access medical system. It is the basic human

发帖数: 12932
FRANCE ENGLAND GERMAN JAPAN TAIWAN don't have a blood sucking legal
manipulators that squarely aiming to get rich by scrutinize everything you
do!!! try to sue for a million dollar when you get a wrong pill at those
places, you will get laughed at and have the court paper throw back on your


【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: Obamacare is a comprise. Healthcare reform need to be more aggressive. That
: is why Obamacoare needs to be expanded and single payer system is the
: ultimate. Under single payer system that France, England, German, Japan,
: Taiwan are now exercising, nobody will be denied for seeing a physician. No
: claim that the physician files will be denied. The administrative cost will
: be at leas halved. The cost of healthcare will be dramatically reduced from
: 17% of GDP to less than 10% of GDP.
: But A++'s and your pay will be cut under the single payer system because it
: has more power to negotiate with AMA.
: Everybody has the right to access medical system. It is the basic human

发帖数: 9638
Physician's compensation certainly is not the priority in obamacare.
Not matter what system it is, there are always a group of people who require
more healthcare than the others. The rich has to help the poor and the
healthy has to help the sick. I have no problem with that. The question is
The fact is: the rich rarely goes to ER unless life emergencies whereas the
poor goes to ER regularly since no appointment needed and free services
because of the federal insurance.
Health reform is a must, but not a federal single payer system. The rich who
pay their fair share should get rewarded, the poor who receive
complementary service should know appreciation and waive the right of
lawsuit, just like VA system. Unfortunately, if you see medicaid patients,
you still can get sued plus audited by medicare.


【在 a******a 的大作中提到】
: The health care refrom without a tort reform is far from optimal. The
: canadian system is a universal healthcare sysyem, where physician salaries
: are generally at par with their us couterparts.
: One big problem in the us system, in my opinion, is that some small
: percentage of people occupied too much of the resources simply because they
: are morbidly obese, or abusing drugs. If they do not shoulder their own
: responsibilities to themselves, their families, as well the while society,
: why the society have to put endless effort in them.

发帖数: 756
Yes, because of the single payer system, the blood sucking lawyers can not
sue you because they have no place to manipulate the system.


【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: FRANCE ENGLAND GERMAN JAPAN TAIWAN don't have a blood sucking legal
: manipulators that squarely aiming to get rich by scrutinize everything you
: do!!! try to sue for a million dollar when you get a wrong pill at those
: places, you will get laughed at and have the court paper throw back on your
: face!
: That
: No
: will
: from

发帖数: 756
I agree with the tort reform . It is achievable by adopting the single payer
I also agree with the the disproportional occupancy of resource. It is
caused by the disproportional accessibility to health care.


【在 a******a 的大作中提到】
: The health care refrom without a tort reform is far from optimal. The
: canadian system is a universal healthcare sysyem, where physician salaries
: are generally at par with their us couterparts.
: One big problem in the us system, in my opinion, is that some small
: percentage of people occupied too much of the resources simply because they
: are morbidly obese, or abusing drugs. If they do not shoulder their own
: responsibilities to themselves, their families, as well the while society,
: why the society have to put endless effort in them.

发帖数: 756
Because of the non single payer system, people get treated differently under
VA and private insured sector.

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: Give you 2 choices, as a patient or a physician: pick it from your deep
: heart:
: 1. VA
: 2. private practice。

发帖数: 12932
Huh?? where is the logic here?

【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: Yes, because of the single payer system, the blood sucking lawyers can not
: sue you because they have no place to manipulate the system.
: your

发帖数: 9638
where is your pick?


【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: Because of the non single payer system, people get treated differently under
: VA and private insured sector.

radiologist 真是抢钱哪 (转载)我也郁闷
一个关于contract中对malpractice coverage描述的问题我来说说解决中国医闹的办法
CMG男医生多还是女医生多?请问专科医生要从自己腰包里付malpractice insurance/nurse fee/clinical rental fee 吗??
发帖数: 756
For your first question:
20% of the premium are administrative cost and you know why the
administrative cost is so high in insurance industry. One country (forgive
me that I forgot the name) practicing the other system spends less than 5%
of the premium.
For your second question:
The malpractice insurance in other countries practicing the other system is
a thousand at most for OB/GYN. Nobody gets sued if guidelines are followed.
Why? You can not defeat the monopoly.
For your third question:
Health care is the basic human right in the civilized country. England and
Germany accepted it in the early 1900s. UN including USA accepted it in the
40s. FDR proposed it. The example you gave is the example of wasting
medical resource, not the example against the notion of health care being
the basic human right.


【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: i have to say you are probably the ONLY ONE that would expect a massive,
: over reaching program of US government that would do thing more efficiently,
: less administrative cost than a private insurance company. can you kindly
: support your point of view with some evidence? like provide an example that
: this ever happened in the history?
: In the ideal world, every penny comes out of the patient's pocket should go
: to a care giver, be it doctors, nurses or floor cleaner, anyone who actually
: do something in providing the patient's care. No wasted on malpractice
: insurance, endless time spend on paperworks-99% of those are repetitive, non
: contributory effort trying to fend the health system from legal

发帖数: 148
What is wrong about administrative cost? The people who administers get paid
and feed their family. I worked in both va and private. I ask all my va
patient to make sure they have a civilian doc since I only work 8 to 5 on
weekdays in va.
Always remember what Reagon said: Goverment can not solve the problem.
Government is the problem.


【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: For your first question:
: 20% of the premium are administrative cost and you know why the
: administrative cost is so high in insurance industry. One country (forgive
: me that I forgot the name) practicing the other system spends less than 5%
: of the premium.
: For your second question:
: The malpractice insurance in other countries practicing the other system is
: a thousand at most for OB/GYN. Nobody gets sued if guidelines are followed.
: Why? You can not defeat the monopoly.
: For your third question:

发帖数: 756
This is your trap with logic flaws, why should I answer:).
Also, single payer system is the reform of insurance industry, not your
private practice. In fact, most of the physicians in the single payer system
are owning private practice.

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: where is your pick?
: under

发帖数: 9638
C'mon, I know your answer which is VA, or you are hypocritic, :))
I just said a singer payer system is a federal system. That is exactly a VA
system which you have been falling in love with.


【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: This is your trap with logic flaws, why should I answer:).
: Also, single payer system is the reform of insurance industry, not your
: private practice. In fact, most of the physicians in the single payer system
: are owning private practice.

发帖数: 148
To have medical care may be a human right, look! MAYBE!
To have good medical care is a privilege.
If you insist medical care is a basic human right, can I say to have life
insurance or disability is also basis human right? Or to eat broccoli daily
is a basic human right mandated by government?


【在 k********n 的大作中提到】
: This is your trap with logic flaws, why should I answer:).
: Also, single payer system is the reform of insurance industry, not your
: private practice. In fact, most of the physicians in the single payer system
: are owning private practice.

发帖数: 2677
I think lady you made a cold-blooded comment.


【在 m********e 的大作中提到】
: To have medical care may be a human right, look! MAYBE!
: To have good medical care is a privilege.
: If you insist medical care is a basic human right, can I say to have life
: insurance or disability is also basis human right? Or to eat broccoli daily
: is a basic human right mandated by government?
: LOL!
: system

发帖数: 148
Sounds like another liberal saying we should have everything same. Are you
even a doctor seeing patients everyday? When patients care much less about
themselves than their doctors, do you think giving them insurance by taking
other people or even your damn tax money is fair for you? Hopefully you do
pay tax instead of being these food stamp free recipients.
If people do care for themselves, they will get insured. If you force a
young healthy 27 yo to buy insurance, that is called government mandate. All
they need is some sort of disaster insurance.
So, if I don't mandate you to buy life or disability insurance, is it cold
blooded? Get your mind straight!

【在 a***r 的大作中提到】
: I think lady you made a cold-blooded comment.
: daily

发帖数: 611
啊,连medicare都不愿看的医生是得在多缺医生的地方啊,Medicare pay的还不错啊,
很多地方都抢着看,竞争激烈的地方什么Medicaid, self pay都看,苍蝇虽小也是肉。

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: 可能我的贴发的太含糊了,博得了两党派人士的一致赞扬, lol
: 我来明确一下,这个贴的意义不是光为了同情medicaid的病人,更是要说明一个丑恶的
: 现象:一些对社会不满支持民主党的,往往是享受了社会福利还要骂街的。
: 我是不看medicaid的,因为如果我同意看,我的名字就会上medicaid的list, 全州的
: 病人都会涌过来。 但很多medicaid病人是真正需要医疗照顾,所以那些free clinic和
: ER的医生refer过来,我会看他们的。
: 现在很多医生在考虑drop medicare。

1 (共1页)
我来说说解决中国医闹的办法How to win a malpractice suit.
请问专科医生要从自己腰包里付malpractice insurance/nurse fee/clinical rental fee 吗??Grant for resident ?
Good news关于寻医问药的几点说明。
Weekend Call schedule: Hilarious!讨论话题----------病人的意愿// LIVING WILL (遗嘱)
99%的high risk科医生在60岁以前都会有至少一个claim出于感激的礼物医生应该收吗?
创记录的医疗赔偿, 难怪医疗保险年年攀升。radiologist 真是抢钱哪 (转载)
话题: system话题: payer话题: single话题: insurance话题: va