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Medicalpractice版 - A Job Question
Career pathThis is just unbelievable. Short sleeves for Docs?
你们别整天钱不钱的,让我来点高尚的有准备申请physician assistant program的?
GI fellow positions at University of Maryland (转载)今天没人来讲笑话?
Have you read this?Be careful, Docs!
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A very good article "Suicide and the Young Physician"M.M.I. is about the People Skills
话题: track话题: clinical话题: tenure话题: faculty话题: research
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 344
Can anyone with experience compare the faculty position on Clinical Track
and the faculty position on Instructional Track Faculty(tenure track) in
university system.
Personal, I think the faculty position on Clinical Track dose not have
tenure,and is considered as a temporary job, 是不是很鸡肋? Can school
dismiss a Clinical Track faculty at will?
发帖数: 1299
Though different universities have different plicies, the essence is similar
. tenure track, the university expect you to be NIH independ funded after 3-
5 years. Some allow automatic switch to non-tenure if you can't fulfill the
requirement, some don't. The real tenure has gareenteered salary, sabaticcal
year etc. There are also pseudo tenure out there, with no garenteered
salary, no sabatical etc. like most UTexas schools. Technically, even tenure
professor also need every year renew.
Clinical tract is more suitable for most physicians if you have no desire to
live on the grants during your career time. There is absolutely no way for
non-tenure to switch to tenure track. most 1 year renew is called no-fault
renew, which means the hospital and university has to found the fault to
deny your renewal. More like driver license renew. So look careful in you
contract, what kinds of faults they can deny the renewal.
for physician, usually the salary go with the years of service, which is
higher than the title deserves. So most people have no desire to pursue
promotion as it has no financial gains.

【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: Can anyone with experience compare the faculty position on Clinical Track
: and the faculty position on Instructional Track Faculty(tenure track) in
: university system.
: Personal, I think the faculty position on Clinical Track dose not have
: tenure,and is considered as a temporary job, 是不是很鸡肋? Can school
: dismiss a Clinical Track faculty at will?
: 3x

发帖数: 2088
yes, faculty position on Clinical Track dose not have
tenure,and is considered as a temporary job,

【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: Can anyone with experience compare the faculty position on Clinical Track
: and the faculty position on Instructional Track Faculty(tenure track) in
: university system.
: Personal, I think the faculty position on Clinical Track dose not have
: tenure,and is considered as a temporary job, 是不是很鸡肋? Can school
: dismiss a Clinical Track faculty at will?
: 3x

发帖数: 344
Thanks for your information.
one more question, is there any incentive to do research?
e.g if the department expect you to do basic/clinic research, e.g 60-40
split between clinic and research.


【在 C*****D 的大作中提到】
: Though different universities have different plicies, the essence is similar
: . tenure track, the university expect you to be NIH independ funded after 3-
: 5 years. Some allow automatic switch to non-tenure if you can't fulfill the
: requirement, some don't. The real tenure has gareenteered salary, sabaticcal
: year etc. There are also pseudo tenure out there, with no garenteered
: salary, no sabatical etc. like most UTexas schools. Technically, even tenure
: professor also need every year renew.
: Clinical tract is more suitable for most physicians if you have no desire to
: live on the grants during your career time. There is absolutely no way for
: non-tenure to switch to tenure track. most 1 year renew is called no-fault

发帖数: 1299
research is a hobby. In most systems, the chairman wants you do the research
, but the hospital CEO doesn't care.
if you go to a hospital, the medical school owns the hospital, you might
have the resource to do some basic research, and your salary is related to
your title, the answer is yes. But the majority hospitals are not owned by
the medical school.
In current NIH funding situation, no wise chairmen will invest on physicians
to do basic research, most likely will be collaborated research. you will
be a part of big spore or program grant.
If you are young, with very strong research foundation, and the new setting
will promote to the success, you might take the chance for 60-40 split. My
suggestion is no for the most of the cases. As the hospital or medical
school will only let you split for a certain years, after that you either
move back to full time clinically or out. the ideal situation is to start
with 100% and establish your expertise in your clinical field, then try buy
some time off thru clinical trials.
60-40 split is more like 100-100. if your family can support you, you may
take the risk.

【在 l*****w 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for your information.
: one more question, is there any incentive to do research?
: e.g if the department expect you to do basic/clinic research, e.g 60-40
: split between clinic and research.
: similar
: after
: 3-
: the
: sabaticcal

发帖数: 756
a lot of physicians with research grant seem to have a very good life style
that certainly validates relative lower pay. It will be different and
unhappy story if the research is a pure basic science research.
It is very difficult to switch to tenure track from clinical track because
clinical work will be overwhelming and tiring at the very beginning and the
prime time for establishing research will be easily fading away.
1 (共1页)
M.M.I. is about the People Skills谈不上新闻,一些和CMG有关的事情
cut on physician payCMG Physician Database - 新网页
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How to win a malpractice suit.A very good article "Suicide and the Young Physician"
Career pathThis is just unbelievable. Short sleeves for Docs?
你们别整天钱不钱的,让我来点高尚的有准备申请physician assistant program的?
GI fellow positions at University of Maryland (转载)今天没人来讲笑话?
Have you read this?Be careful, Docs!
话题: track话题: clinical话题: tenure话题: faculty话题: research