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MedicalCareer版 - [合集] 这个问题应该怎么回答好呢?
这个问题应该怎么回答好呢?印度人说吹牛是他们的文化 (转载)
遇到种族歧视的医生 (转载)[合集] how to survive the first year of residency??
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话题: answer话题: maybe话题: american话题: virtues
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2180
Largepizza (必胜客) 于 (Sun Nov 25 10:58:58 2012, 美东) 提到:
You have been doing research for so many years, why you want to be a doctor
largebird (largebird) 于 (Sun Nov 25 12:26:42 2012, 美东) 提到:
sunflowerla (包子, 我要吃肉的!) 于 (Sun Nov 25 14:05:44 2012, 美东) 提到:
那你就实话实说呗, 我作了那么多年研究, 是因为已开始来美国, 身份成问题, 后来娃
儿们小, 现在他们都上学了云云, 我们第一代移民都是酱紫地. 我作了那么多年研究,
可是从来没有忘记做医生的梦想, 现在老子回来了. 您给看看找个位置? 说不定这个面
试官也是少小来美国, 想到了自己父母的辛酸, 就收了你了. 我就胡说一通, 轻拍
largebird (largebird) 于 (Sun Nov 25 15:09:19 2012, 美东) 提到:
面试官贼清楚为什么。故意刁难。 也只能说三个代表了。这样政治正确,面试官也不
Largepizza (必胜客) 于 (Sun Nov 25 15:26:05 2012, 美东) 提到:
hmis (hmis) 于 (Sun Nov 25 15:54:00 2012, 美东) 提到:
Tell them your true story.
I would like to divided this one q to several qs.
Why did you decide to come US?
Anything happened in the past change your idea: not to continue research, go
back to clinic
What you did in the past several yrs to make you a better candidates.
How these experience help you become a better, mature resident in the
one positive story every step with 1-2 sentence , do not give any mean ,
negative story. Do not let pp
feel you r not good at research ,then change to clinic. I though that is
very important too.
Anyho, be confidence, be yourself.
My 2cents.
paopaolong (paopaolong) 于 (Mon Nov 26 09:53:59 2012, 美东) 提到:
Can not agree with hmis anymore. Yes, find your own story to convince
yourself. Last year, this is a question I am afraid of being asked. But this
year, this is the question I wish they ask.
paopaolong (paopaolong) 于 (Mon Nov 26 09:55:17 2012, 美东) 提到:
Luckily, this year, nobody ask me this question because I wrote the reason
in my personal statement.
CMVHunter (JudeTO) 于 (Mon Nov 26 11:27:12 2012, 美东) 提到:
Seriously, this is the only good direction to take. Be honest and down-to-
earth. Not flashy. People make choices all the time and these choices don'
t have to be "noble." Everybody needs to eat, to sleep, to sh..t. No matter
who you are. You don't have to put on a mask all the time.
Nobody will blame you or judge you for wanting to have a more stable job
that provides a little more money for you and your children. If they do, you
can pass them.
But if you really wanted to spin, don't you want to be qualified for
clinical practice, so that you have direct access to patients or clinical
materials, to strengthen your capacity for translational research? Clinical
practice also provides the opportunity think more relevantly in approaching
research ideas. Better perspective.

bythesea (冬眠) 于 (Mon Nov 26 13:14:18 2012, 美东) 提到:
Can't agree more. Maybe it's the only way to convince yourself and others. I
guess there is no perfect answer but the answer from bottom of your
Trustworthiness (including honesty, sincerity and reliability),
responsibility,caring and pursuit of excellence are the basic virtues and
values appreciated in American culture and medical ethics.
1 (共1页)
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这个问题应该怎么回答好呢?印度人说吹牛是他们的文化 (转载)
遇到种族歧视的医生 (转载)[合集] how to survive the first year of residency??
Useful link for usmle studyI did not match
话题: answer话题: maybe话题: american话题: virtues