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MedicalCareer版 - Let me explain a bit further what i just said
match program 求助新人报道多多关照
step 1: 3周能升10分吗?求建议求建议,申请Physician assistant program是个好决定吗?
the story behind score 196/80中医能否报名USMLE?
step1- 249 (5月底2009)--- 纠正,有一个正确率说错了求指点:先考Step 1呢?还是Step 2?
Quesitons to Eye2011---国内医学院大四学生问How to request USMLE transcript
诚心向版上的前辈请教,国内的临床医学生在美申请和医学相关专业的问题Green Card and USMLE, which one is your priority?
话题: gc话题: english话题: get话题: do话题: more
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12932

Someone just asked a question about how to get into anesthesia program (i
assume any residency program). My answers was given in the heat of argument.
It was kinda brief and i don't want it to appear discourage. hence i'd
explain a bit further here.
1. GC. one of the most important issue. without it, chance of success is
much less. but with the same token, if no GC requirement, you may not have
any chance at all. Think about all the fresh graduates from China, they have
less burden, younger, study harder, they will flood the field. More and
more are preparing for USMLE while going medical school, all they need is a
GC, or visa. So if you are in the US, get you GC which ever way you can.
Unfortunately, nobody but your spouse, or your relatives can help you on
this front.
2. Everything else. do the best you can. If you want to go this route, DO
THE BEST YOU CAN. how many time do you need people to shout it in your ear?
If you have questions regarding specific topic, put it out here and i'm sure
someone with the knowledge are more than happy to share their thought. I
did pretty good in USMLE, the highest among the few peoples i know taking
the board at the time. but that doesnt mean i will get 99 now, or even will
do better than most of people here on the board. I can also share with you
how i learned/learning English. but there are people much better than me. NB
is one i know beat me by far on TOEFL. I'm sure there are plenty more
excellent in English, spoken or written. The goals are listed there, how to
get there, you are on your own footing. You have to WALK THE WALK. Watch
people fighting on bbs is not going to be helpful, i'm sure.
The point is to get the most help from the forum, is to get everyone to
contribute, not having one or two id controlling the free flow of ideas. 4
years is enough to show whatever in place before is not going to work.
发帖数: 256
1 (共1页)
Green Card and USMLE, which one is your priority?step1- 249 (5月底2009)--- 纠正,有一个正确率说错了
Step 1 考经我对考USMLE考试分数有一个理论
现在ECFMG允许国内预防医学专业毕业生考usmle吗?Quesitons to Eye2011---国内医学院大四学生问
Does anyone know how to apply for 2010 PGY-2 position?诚心向版上的前辈请教,国内的临床医学生在美申请和医学相关专业的问题
match program 求助新人报道多多关照
step 1: 3周能升10分吗?求建议求建议,申请Physician assistant program是个好决定吗?
the story behind score 196/80中医能否报名USMLE?
话题: gc话题: english话题: get话题: do话题: more