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MedicalCareer版 - Seriously looking for a study partner
Looking for a routine study partner for step 1NBME12-560 复习了一个月以后没有提高,还有一个月考试,求建议
包子:还有八个月,求step 1复习规划我的漫长的step1之路-236
Step 1 考经一个老CMG的考版之路——step1篇(一)
step1 模考不好的人的经验Help with step 1 molecular biology.I have two weeks before my step 1 exam.
组建step1 NBME form 学习小组late step 1 (05/10th) 240+/99
Step 1 NBME form discussion group recruitNBME11 380 两个月后12 340 急求建议
Step1 考经 236/84-Henrystep1学习小组招人(东部时间)
step1 觉得复习的差不多了,NBME5 才70%,下一步该怎么继续呢?STEP1, 很难再提高了,也就是80-85之间...真的感觉很痛苦
话题: fa话题: study话题: uw话题: my话题: partner
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 678
Let me introduce myself first.
I will take the exam at the end of April. My study plans were as follows.
1. RRP x2 (one time was in the class and one time was done by myself)
2. FA twice in the class, and 1.5 times by myself. The second round of my
own reading will be done in the beginning of Feb.
3. HY neuroanatomy done one time in the class and read it 0.5 times
4. UW Q bank will be done twice by the beginning of this Feb.
I will definitely take the exam at the end of April. I work part-time now
so that I have more time to study during the day. My future plans will be
going over FA until I memorize the entire book and working through the UW Q
banks again and again. Of course do NBMES as well.
I am looking for a partner who is at the similar level with me and
willing to take the exam around March or April as well. I like to ask a lot
of whys and love to find out the mechanisms behind the words. So please
have this inquisitive heart as well.
I would prefer to find a partner who has time to study during the daytime
, understand FA well, have a good sense for UW Q bank, and be willing to
spend time to memorize FA.
My goal is to go over FA/UW 30 minutes to one hour a day with my partner,
to encourage each other, study from each other, exceed each other's
limitation, and reach the unreachable.
Thank you
发帖数: 678


【在 e****0 的大作中提到】
: Hi,
: Let me introduce myself first.
: I will take the exam at the end of April. My study plans were as follows.
: 1. RRP x2 (one time was in the class and one time was done by myself)
: 2. FA twice in the class, and 1.5 times by myself. The second round of my
: own reading will be done in the beginning of Feb.
: 3. HY neuroanatomy done one time in the class and read it 0.5 times
: 4. UW Q bank will be done twice by the beginning of this Feb.
: I will definitely take the exam at the end of April. I work part-time now
: so that I have more time to study during the day. My future plans will be

发帖数: 33
Emma is our group leader, she is a superlady and very nice too. if someone
is so lucky being her study partner, you will definitely learn a lot from
1 (共1页)
STEP1, 很难再提高了,也就是80-85之间...真的感觉很痛苦组建step1 NBME form 学习小组
Skype CS partner from April 29 to May 1stStep 1 NBME form discussion group recruit
FA 冲刺Partner updatedStep1 考经 236/84-Henry
寻找 study partner 讨论CK NBME , UW 错题step1 觉得复习的差不多了,NBME5 才70%,下一步该怎么继续呢?
Looking for a routine study partner for step 1NBME12-560 复习了一个月以后没有提高,还有一个月考试,求建议
包子:还有八个月,求step 1复习规划我的漫长的step1之路-236
Step 1 考经一个老CMG的考版之路——step1篇(一)
step1 模考不好的人的经验Help with step 1 molecular biology.I have two weeks before my step 1 exam.
话题: fa话题: study话题: uw话题: my话题: partner