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MedicalCareer版 - Is it a resonable price for one personal English coach?
面试季的英语准备one of the most important things
请教 NBME 12 (step1)里的一个题口语,还是口语-心中永远的痛
推荐一个纠正英文发音的tutorenglish tutor
CS 培训Recommend an English tutor
cs考经(当故事看,适用于超级没有自信的)an online English tutor
关于面试前准备的一点体会English tutor on skype
关于interview的非常着急的几个问题SEP 如何提高?
话题: english话题: coach话题: personal话题: american话题: speech
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 156
Hi, everyone, I just talked with a professor from our university who
provides the personal English course at her home office. I just want to ask if it is reasonable price for personal coach if you have similar experience.
Thanks so much for the comments.
She has many titles
shown below: Ph.D. Neuroscience
M.S., Speech Language Pathology
with C.C.C.-SLP
(Certificate of Clinical Competence, American
Speech, Language, & Hearing Association)
Research Professor
Brief description of the course:
It is a one-on-one course. It begins with a video-taped, comprehensive North American English evaluation to evaluate how you pronounce the sounds of English, the intonation and prosody you use (pitch and stress used in speaking), and how these areas affect how well you are understood in
speaking. High-level language skills, writing skills, presentation skills
can also be examined, if needed. The perspective coach promise to tailor to
the individual client and the communication skills needed in that person's
daily life.
Classes meet weekly for 1 hour, usually. In total, it includes 12 classes
plus pre-evaluation and post-evaluation which cost $1400. The materials cost
发帖数: 2269
他的title里面最重要的是speech language pathology。PHD in neuroscience没意义。

ask if it is reasonable price for personal coach if you have similar

【在 H****y 的大作中提到】
: Hi, everyone, I just talked with a professor from our university who
: provides the personal English course at her home office. I just want to ask if it is reasonable price for personal coach if you have similar experience.
: Thanks so much for the comments.
: She has many titles
: shown below: Ph.D. Neuroscience
: M.S., Speech Language Pathology
: with C.C.C.-SLP
: (Certificate of Clinical Competence, American
: Speech, Language, & Hearing Association)
: Research Professor

发帖数: 156
I think you should go with cheaper tutors, e.g. $25/hr first. $1400 is well
spent for the final polish, but not for the beginners.

ask if it is reasonable price for personal coach if you have similar

【在 H****y 的大作中提到】
: Hi, everyone, I just talked with a professor from our university who
: provides the personal English course at her home office. I just want to ask if it is reasonable price for personal coach if you have similar experience.
: Thanks so much for the comments.
: She has many titles
: shown below: Ph.D. Neuroscience
: M.S., Speech Language Pathology
: with C.C.C.-SLP
: (Certificate of Clinical Competence, American
: Speech, Language, & Hearing Association)
: Research Professor

发帖数: 834
我请过这样的老师,去老师家是60/h,如果老师上门大概是90/h。 上完第一节课的时
候,觉得非常非常有收获。 但后面慢慢就没有那么强的感觉了。 去了一阵后,现在已
经不去了。 因为我觉得语言是冰冻三尺非一日之寒,自己练习也非常重要。 尤其是从
一下子十几个小时的课好像还是蛮多蛮贵的。 要是可以自己选择上几次就好了。
发帖数: 773
I used to hire a tutor and finally found she's just a desperate women....I
got bummed and never ever want to try language tutor anymore.
Someone here used to recommend ESL podcast, and I found it's fantastic. I
can clearly feel my improvement. and I really want to thank that person who
recommend it.
Btw, ESL podcast is free. u can google it. it also has free iphone/touch
发帖数: 2269
/speech therapist/pathologist懂。后者不会教你语法,而是教你运用那块口腔肌肉
发音,说白了就是accent reduction,而不是English tutor.


【在 u*****0 的大作中提到】
: I think you should go with cheaper tutors, e.g. $25/hr first. $1400 is well
: spent for the final polish, but not for the beginners.
: ask if it is reasonable price for personal coach if you have similar
: experience.

发帖数: 156
Thanks so much, guys. I really appreciate that you take time to read my long
poster and share you experience. Your comments are help me to make a wise
发帖数: 156
Additionally, I want to update you with email from the professor. I am still
make the final decision.
The part of email is shown below:
As I said yesterday, I think you have great potential to achieve the level
of expertise in American English to which you aspire. To summarize our
discussion, we would work on both speech (articulation of sounds, intonation
, stress) and language (vocabulary, American idioms, scientific terms) that
you need in your work as a scientist. We could also work on any
presentations that you have in the future (which is a very good way to put
into practice what you learn).
Any new comments. Thanks.
发帖数: 156
Hi, add789,
Thanks again for your nice comments.
I googled "ESL ipod", but it pumped up a lot of links. The top one is http://www.eslpod.com/website/index_new.html. It looks like a nice website. It is the one you recommended? Or, would you like to share the link with me? Thanks a bunch.


【在 a****9 的大作中提到】
: I used to hire a tutor and finally found she's just a desperate women....I
: got bummed and never ever want to try language tutor anymore.
: Someone here used to recommend ESL podcast, and I found it's fantastic. I
: can clearly feel my improvement. and I really want to thank that person who
: recommend it.
: Btw, ESL podcast is free. u can google it. it also has free iphone/touch
: appl

发帖数: 2410
You dont need to pay a penny. just ask DrNewbier a free lesson. YOu woundn
be regret. She has another MJ, which, I think, is usmle10.


【在 H****y 的大作中提到】
: Thanks so much, guys. I really appreciate that you take time to read my long
: poster and share you experience. Your comments are help me to make a wise
: decision.

发帖数: 2837
我也要开始了,第一次测试是375,买书150~200, 然后是13次课,840
发帖数: 156
Ask me for a free lesson? Sure, fire away. You will not regret. And you
will not feel regretful. I have an MJ, usmle10. Another MJ of mine is wvvw
. My English club is free to join.

【在 f****b 的大作中提到】
: You dont need to pay a penny. just ask DrNewbier a free lesson. YOu woundn
: be regret. She has another MJ, which, I think, is usmle10.
: long
: wise

发帖数: 2269
you can hire someone else for vocabulary, idioms. don't waste your money on
these. You can find much cheaper tutors for all these.
Pay your money for speech therapy/accent reduction


【在 H****y 的大作中提到】
: Additionally, I want to update you with email from the professor. I am still
: make the final decision.
: The part of email is shown below:
: As I said yesterday, I think you have great potential to achieve the level
: of expertise in American English to which you aspire. To summarize our
: discussion, we would work on both speech (articulation of sounds, intonation
: , stress) and language (vocabulary, American idioms, scientific terms) that
: you need in your work as a scientist. We could also work on any
: presentations that you have in the future (which is a very good way to put
: into practice what you learn).

发帖数: 60
I can easily find someone at $15 per hour in my area, I agree it is long
term effort, self studing is very important. over $100 is too much.
1 (共1页)
SEP 如何提高?口语超烂的人的一点CS经验,仅供参考
English Tutorcs考经(当故事看,适用于超级没有自信的)
推荐我的English tutor- Lauren关于面试前准备的一点体会
面试季的英语准备one of the most important things
请教 NBME 12 (step1)里的一个题口语,还是口语-心中永远的痛
推荐一个纠正英文发音的tutorenglish tutor
CS 培训Recommend an English tutor
话题: english话题: coach话题: personal话题: american话题: speech