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Mathematics版 - statistics 问题求助 (转载)
需要做标准偏差,为何用样本偏差stdev请教一下关于随即过程的问题(brownian motion)
IMU plans to rank mathematical journalsask about hyperplane
请问一道关于order statistics的难题A stat question
大牛们帮忙看一下这道题(有关Order Statistics)seek help on a problem
代朋友发帖招人,one openings in Dearborn, MI (转载)A math question
Statistical Analysis Software这个等式有没有组合解释?
答案来了Re: 请教一个概率题。 (转载)请大家推荐数学方面的书籍
话题: activity话题: hrs话题: yr话题: statistics话题: data
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4018
【 以下文字转载自 SCU 讨论区 】
发信人: RainingDay (山寨大王), 信区: SCU
标 题: statistics 问题求助
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 22 15:21:16 2011, 美东)
我有一组data, 每个entry 有 年龄, activity, body type, etc, etc.
我现在需要decide two tier activity profile, 比如ten years and newer's
activity will be: x hrs/yr, ten years or older's will be: y hrs/yr,
my question is: how do i decide the cut point age?
sample data set:
entry body type activity (hrs/yr) age
1 x 50 40
2 y 40 36
3 z 100 30
n th
发帖数: 4018
这个是 scattered 图。

【在 R********y 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 SCU 讨论区 】
: 发信人: RainingDay (山寨大王), 信区: SCU
: 标 题: statistics 问题求助
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 22 15:21:16 2011, 美东)
: 无以为报,只有包子酬谢。
: 问题如下:
: 我有一组data, 每个entry 有 年龄, activity, body type, etc, etc.
: 我现在需要decide two tier activity profile, 比如ten years and newer's
: activity will be: x hrs/yr, ten years or older's will be: y hrs/yr,
: my question is: how do i decide the cut point age?

发帖数: 4018
oh, you mean the linear line?
the graph was generated at the very early stage of the project.
then i had the geometric mean calculation. logged and then de-log back to
see the distribution, all the zero activity data points had to throw out.
STDEV and 95% confidence interval all didn't came out well enough to use.
that's why came out with this two tier approach, but boss ask me why i pick
10 years instead of say 8.
i don't know how to weight each usable data points, because activity is
another variable in this case.
ugh.... headache.
1 (共1页)
请大家推荐数学方面的书籍代朋友发帖招人,one openings in Dearborn, MI (转载)
问个跟随机过程有关的问题Statistical Analysis Software
Arthrithmetic/Geometric sequence数学书介绍(三)续
问个菜问题答案来了Re: 请教一个概率题。 (转载)
需要做标准偏差,为何用样本偏差stdev请教一下关于随即过程的问题(brownian motion)
IMU plans to rank mathematical journalsask about hyperplane
请问一道关于order statistics的难题A stat question
大牛们帮忙看一下这道题(有关Order Statistics)seek help on a problem
话题: activity话题: hrs话题: yr话题: statistics话题: data