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Mathematics版 - number of inflexion points for a Bezier curve
比较两组数字How to get (X, Y) coordinates back from a curve's image file
what's the name for curve of function y=1/x?关于sencond fundamental form tensor的一个问题
Re: what's the name for curve of functioPartition R^3 into a union of circles (转载)
HOw to numerically integrate noisy dataquestion on Gromov-Witten
谁能介绍一个拟合软件(curve fitting)泡沫或真理?计算技术专家说了算!
关于curve fitting带surface energy问题的existence of minimizer
given level, slope and curvature, what will be the curve? (如果一个曲线是另一个的放大,curve fitting算法还能检测出来吗?
话题: inflexion话题: bezier话题: cubic话题: curve话题: 6ax
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 148
A question puzzles me.
For a cubic curve
y(x) = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d
we want to find the inflexion point.
We differentiate the equation with respect to x twice to obtain
y'' = 6ax + 2b
Since at inflexion point, curvatures change signs, i.e. y'' = 0.
6ax + 2b = 0 ----> x = -b/(3a)
which means we have only one inflexion point for cubic curves.
However, in a website, it is said for cubic Bezier curves, there are at most
two inflexion points.
Why is that?
Thank you.
1 (共1页)
如果一个曲线是另一个的放大,curve fitting算法还能检测出来吗?点到曲线的最短距离
请教拓扑学大牛谁能介绍一个拟合软件(curve fitting)
快要博士资格考试了,跪求班上ODE大侠帮忙做一道题关于curve fitting
2014菲尔兹指数given level, slope and curvature, what will be the curve? (
比较两组数字How to get (X, Y) coordinates back from a curve's image file
what's the name for curve of function y=1/x?关于sencond fundamental form tensor的一个问题
Re: what's the name for curve of functioPartition R^3 into a union of circles (转载)
HOw to numerically integrate noisy dataquestion on Gromov-Witten
话题: inflexion话题: bezier话题: cubic话题: curve话题: 6ax