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Maryland版 - 2011 GMU 亞裔傳統月慶典高潮各族裔精彩表演,4月23日免费入场; 颁赠 GMU卓越學生年度 “瞻觀獎” 領袖獎並贈獎金
Free Admission-Once of lifetime-全球奥运景观雕塑艺术奖大展G【出租】Nice room in a house for rent in Fairfax Tysons corner VA 22032
TJ英文寫作/育教于樂夏令營, 國際領袖世界认证证书/德,智,體,群兼修,中西 文化禮儀才能培育資优精英天才Elite Youth Leadership Camp出租【Fairfax, VA 22032 】1 室Nice Room in a single house for rent close by Tysons Corner
星期五晚上fairfax杂技有人想去看么?Nice room for rent located in Fairfax, VA 22032
2011 GMU 亞裔傳統月慶典高潮各族裔精彩表演,4月23日免费入场;颁赠 GMU卓越學生年度 “瞻觀獎” 領袖獎並贈獎金出租(Fairfax, VA 22032) Nice Room for Rent by Tysons Corner
2011 GMU 亞裔傳統月慶典高潮各族裔精彩表演,4月23日免费入场; 颁赠 GMU卓越學生年度 “瞻觀獎” 領袖獎並贈獎金(出租Fairfax VA 22032) Fairfax Room in a single house for rent by Tysons Corner
DC area Fairfax Room in a single house for rentDC area Fairfax Virginia 22032 Room in a single house for
Nice Room in a house for rent Fairfax VA 22032 WashingtonDC Fairfax, VA 22032 Room in a single house for rent
出租【Fairfax VA 22032】1 室 Nice Room for rent in Fairfax VA 22032Nice Room in a house for rent Fairfax DC 22032
话题: gmu话题: dance话题: 校長话题: dewberry话题: center
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17
2011年 喬治梅森大學(GMU) 第18屆亞裔傳統月慶典, 從4月起 一個月慶祝.其中一週與
國際慶典配合一併慶祝, 高朝迭起,熱烈有加. GMU 多元事務服務處特別頒發年度優良
學生領袖獎 (Leadership Award) 及“瞻觀獎” (Vision Award)。新世界雙語學院陳
校長 (Mrs. Terry Wang) 應邀参与頒奖獎宴会,提供獎金。
GMU傳統月是于18 年前由: 新世界雙語學院陳校長與為喬大多元事務服務部共同創始
。 而後每年陳校長 均應邀策劃 主持亞裔傳統月各族裔精彩的文藝表演, 做為慶典的
高潮.多元事務服務亞裔主任 尉紹先 博士(Dr. ShaoXian Yu) 與陳校長共同 頒 獎給
2011 GMU亞裔傳統月慶典高潮各族裔精彩表演,4月23日免费入场, 地点喬治梅森大學
Fairfax 校区Johnson Center Dewberry Hall 内.请在GMU Parking Lot A,C,J,K 免
费停车. 節目主持由新世界雙語學院領袖會會長白洁(Jessica White)李子宽(Daniel
Li ) 共同担任.
表演團體及节目有: 新世界雙語學院美国总统就职大典表演舞龙队,周家武馆舞狮,武
术, 印度舞,华盛顿舞蹈团韓國舞,牟平舞蹈學院,华盛顿民族乐团团长朱育峰(Yu Feng
Zhu) 先生獨奏少有的中國云南傣族樂器 葫蘆絲;
由陳校長選為2005, 2007,2011年北京及上海國際文化節的美國舞蹈隊代表夏威夷舞队
,以及喬治梅森大學 國際舞蹈隊才藝眾多隊員等熱烈精彩表演, 4月23日免费入场. 請
看网站网 之介紹: www.nwbi.us
詳情請電:陳校長 (703-978-7905)
An Invitation
You are cordially invited to attend and enjoy the George Mason University (
GMU)18th Annual APA Month Cultural Performances Show Case show. The
Admission is FREE with Open Seating.
The Culture Performances Show Case is to share the beauty and grace of the
ethnic arts awards winning performing Teams to promote of culture diversity
and dazzle the public throughout the GMU and entire community.
Contact---Mrs. Terry Wang, DTM
President, New World Bilingual Institute
International Education/Culture Consultant,
703-978-7905; n***[email protected]
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011
Time: 7:00 PM-9:30 PM
Web link for some photos.
Place: Johnson Center Dewberry hall, George Mason University, Fairfax
Admission: FREE with Open Seating.
FREE Parking at GMU Lot J, K, or Pay parking at George Mason University,
Fairfax Campus, VA
Sponsor: GMU University Life, Office of Diversity Programs and Services (
1993 Founding Office, GMU APA Heritage Month
Co-Sponsor: The New World Bilingual Institute (NWBI),
1993 Founding Committee Chair, GMU APA Heritage
1. NWBI Dragon Dance -- 2009 US Presidential Inauguration Represented the
Chinese & Asian American Team
Opening Performing at Beijing Olympic Sculpture Exhibition in GMU
Opening Performing US-China Student Cultural Exchange at ShenZhen Convention
2. Lion Dance-------------------JowGa Sholin, US Wushu Competition Winning
3. Washington Korean Dance-- Group performance
4. YaGe Children’s Chorus
5. Wushu-----------------Jow Ga Shaolin Institute
6. WCTO Chamber Ensemble –HuLu Si
7. Muping Dance Chinese Traditional Dance
8. Umang Dance Groups Indian Folk Dance
9. Hawaii Dance -- Hui O Ka Pua ‘Ilima
10. WCTO Chamber Ensemble –Performs with the erhu, dizi, yangqin,ruan and
Gu zheng
Directions to Harris Theater, GMU:
(1). South 495 Exit 54 A, onto Braddock Rd. West, about 5 miles,
Right on
Roanoke Ln., enter GMU, right on Patriot circle,
Immediately Left on Parking lot J, K. Park, walk pass the pond, go
up to the stairs, pass the parking deck
on left. Johnson Center will be cross the parking deck
on your right front . Dewberry Hall is at
the Ground Floor.
(2). South 495 Exit 49 to Highway 66 west, Exit 60, "south to Fairfax",
leads you onto Rt. 123 South, about 2 miles. Left on Braddock Road
East, one block
, Left on Roanoke Dr. enter GMU, follow the same way as (1) Dewberry
1 (共1页)
Nice Room in a house for rent Fairfax DC 220322011 GMU 亞裔傳統月慶典高潮各族裔精彩表演,4月23日免费入场; 颁赠 GMU卓越學生年度 “瞻觀獎” 領袖獎並贈獎金
DC area Fairfax VA 22032 house Room for rentDC area Fairfax Room in a single house for rent
DC area Fairfax Room in a single house for rentNice Room in a house for rent Fairfax VA 22032 Washington
DC area Fairfax Room in a single house for rent出租【Fairfax VA 22032】1 室 Nice Room for rent in Fairfax VA 22032
Free Admission-Once of lifetime-全球奥运景观雕塑艺术奖大展G【出租】Nice room in a house for rent in Fairfax Tysons corner VA 22032
TJ英文寫作/育教于樂夏令營, 國際領袖世界认证证书/德,智,體,群兼修,中西 文化禮儀才能培育資优精英天才Elite Youth Leadership Camp出租【Fairfax, VA 22032 】1 室Nice Room in a single house for rent close by Tysons Corner
星期五晚上fairfax杂技有人想去看么?Nice room for rent located in Fairfax, VA 22032
2011 GMU 亞裔傳統月慶典高潮各族裔精彩表演,4月23日免费入场;颁赠 GMU卓越學生年度 “瞻觀獎” 領袖獎並贈獎金出租(Fairfax, VA 22032) Nice Room for Rent by Tysons Corner
话题: gmu话题: dance话题: 校長话题: dewberry话题: center