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LosAngeles版 - 共和党参院移民委员会主席Jeff Sessions对STEM宣战了 (转载)
加州宣布紧急状态了? (转载)在New Jersey Turnpike上面。。。
PF Changs is very yucky. Lol今天张信哲的演唱会
Honor Chinese-American Veterans This Veteran's Day (转载)Any good CPA? need help with personal tax.
另向大家强力推荐一家专修Toyota,Honda等日本车的 garage抵制中国路由器
刚才国土安全部便衣来公司找我了请推荐Irvine 附近好的CPA 个人报税用
话题: stem话题: americans话题: workers话题: labor话题: salzman
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发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 Boston 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: Boston
标 题: 共和党参院移民委员会主席Jeff Sessions对STEM宣战了 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 29 10:36:41 2015, 美东)
发信人: zz2010 (毛屁屁), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 共和党参院移民委员会主席Jeff Sessions对STEM宣战了 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 28 16:07:59 2015, 美东)
发信人: tomnjerry (tom jerry), 信区: EB23
标 题: 共和党参院移民委员会主席Jeff Sessions对STEM宣战了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 26 16:06:42 2015, 美东)
Jeff Sessions刚刚被任命为新一届国会共和党参院移民委员会主席,他的顶头上司是
本版最爱戴的参院司法委员会主席Chuck Grassley,俗称格老。
The false claim that has gained the most acceptance is the notion that there
is ashortage of qualified Americans with degrees in science, technology,
engineering, andmathematics (STEM). Therefore, the fallacious reasoning goes
, the United States mustexpand the already-substantial annual influx of
foreign guest workers to fill these jobs. Butthe evidence proves the
opposite: not only is there no shortage of qualified Americans ready,able,
and eager to fill these jobs, there is a huge surplus of Americans trained
in these fieldswho are unable to find employment.
It is understandable why large technology firms push the discredited STEM
myth—a loose labor market for IT and STEM jobs keeps pay low, allows for
substantial turnover without having to retain older employees with increased
compensation, and provides a PR basis for the industry’s immigration
lobbying campaign. What is not understandable is why they have gotten away
with it for so long.
The facts are stark, and overwhelming.
Recent data from the Census Bureau confirmed that a stunning 3 in 4
Americans with a STEM degree do not hold a job in a STEM field—that’s a
pool of more than 11 million Americans with STEM qualifications who lack
STEM employment. This is a constantly growing number: Rutgers Professor Hal
Salzman, a top national expert on STEM labor markets, estimates that “U.S.
colleges produce twice the number of STEM graduates annually as find jobs in
those fields.”22 Many of the students, no doubt choosing to pursue STEM
degrees in part due to bogus claims of STEM labor shortages, now find
themselves with massive amounts of debt and no prospects of a good-paying
job. Salzman goes on to report this shocking fact: “guest workers currently
make up two-thirds of all new IT hires”—so even as half of Americans with
STEM degrees can’t find STEM work, 2 in 3 new jobs in the information
technology field are going to labor imported from abroad.
Salzman continues: “but employers are demanding further increases. If such
lobbying efforts succeed, firms will have enough guest workers for at least
100 percent of their new hiring and can continue to legally substitute these
younger workers for current employees, holding down wages for both them and
new hires.”
In fact, even as IT firms clamor for more guest workers, they are laying off
their existing workers in massive quantities. Bill Gates coauthored an op-
ed demanding more foreign labor for companies like Microsoft the same week
that Microsoft announced plans to lay off 18,000 of its employees. Perhaps
before lobbying Congress for more H-1B workers, Mr. Zuckerberg could phone
Mr. Gates and ask for the resumes of some of the 18,000 who have been sent
................... 我的回答---------------
也被提名。 这位GOP真是奇葩。
1 (共1页)
请推荐Irvine 附近好的CPA 个人报税用PF Changs is very yucky. Lol
求推荐华人报税服务,或者软件?Honor Chinese-American Veterans This Veteran's Day (转载)
求推荐洛杉矶口碑好的会计师另向大家强力推荐一家专修Toyota,Honda等日本车的 garage
求推荐LA靠谱的讲中文的accountant或者financial advisor刚才国土安全部便衣来公司找我了
加州宣布紧急状态了? (转载)在New Jersey Turnpike上面。。。
话题: stem话题: americans话题: workers话题: labor话题: salzman