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LosAngeles版 - DON'T GET BURNED!
蓝州搞得这么好,LA县居然有40%的人用medicaid (转载)55555..下星期要去jury duty, 有誰有經驗能不被選中阿
不推荐不行了----美国最好吃的ice cream!关于火灾和BURN INJURY的小常识
再来个,工作中的感想。anyone can flash Xbox 360?
求 Mazda CX-9的最新navigation DVD (转载)Fox News Says President Obama Is Dead (转载)
80-20 Endorses Republican Whitman for CA Governor5/22周日免费Japanese Garden at CSULB(Long Beach
sh!t 0 for 4Photo from Big Sur
$48 per Whitman vote借人气问President这个头衔可否用于分公司或分部的一把手?
Well, here is one good Republican这周爬山
话题: president话题: he话题: boehner话题: obama话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11530
Washington (CNN) -- An emboldened House Speaker John Boehner, fresh off
Tuesday's midterms when Republicans secured a bigger House majority and a
GOP controlled Senate, warned President Barack Obama if he tried to go
around Congress and take executive action on immigration he will get "burned
"I've made clear to the President if he acts unilaterally on his own outside
of his authority he will poison the well and there will be no chance for
immigration reform moving forward in this Congress. It's as simple as that,"
Boehner said.
Boehner to Obama: Don't Poison the Well
In his first news conference on Capitol Hill since House Republicans picked
up at roughly a dozen seats in Tuesday's midterm elections, the Speaker
flashed a combative tone.
Heated Republicans return fire at Obama
W.H.: Obama committed to bipartisanship
He brushed off the notion that the President could take some initial steps
on his own on immigration, but could later work with Congress to pass a more
comprehensive plan.
"When you play with matches, you take the risk of burning yourself and he's
going to burn himself if he continues to go down that path,' Boehner said.
Boehner said he wants to work with the President on areas they can agree on,
but said, "he needs to put politics aside and rebuild trust."
What Obama can and can't do with a GOP Senate
He insisted that his pledge, along with Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell,
to repeal Obamacare wasn't in conflict with his pledge to work with the
President, but in response to continued opposition to the law that he heard
around the country on the law.
In a reference to the President's press conference a day earlier when he
reiterated plans to take executive action to allow some undocumented workers
to remain in the U.S., an incredulous Boehner said "the President said I
listened to what happened on Tuesday night - really?"
发帖数: 11530
I guess that's a kind way to say
1 (共1页)
这周爬山80-20 Endorses Republican Whitman for CA Governor
明年一月开始要增税了?sh!t 0 for 4
###此帖已应当事人要求删除###$48 per Whitman vote
求助 中国小孩治烧伤,准备寻找中国寄住家庭Well, here is one good Republican
蓝州搞得这么好,LA县居然有40%的人用medicaid (转载)55555..下星期要去jury duty, 有誰有經驗能不被選中阿
不推荐不行了----美国最好吃的ice cream!关于火灾和BURN INJURY的小常识
再来个,工作中的感想。anyone can flash Xbox 360?
求 Mazda CX-9的最新navigation DVD (转载)Fox News Says President Obama Is Dead (转载)
话题: president话题: he话题: boehner话题: obama话题: said