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话题: abc话题: chinese话题: kimmel话题: what话题: think
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【 以下文字转载自 SanDiego 讨论区 】
发信人: spectrum805 (spectrum805), 信区: SanDiego
标 题: 119 英文版的FAQ (请补充)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 8 00:33:27 2013, 美东)
感谢老徐的第一稿,今天看了下面这篇文章的评论,我总结了几个talking points。希
1. Come on, lighten up, it is just a joke!
Answer: Joke? Can you imagine if the kid said kill all Jews or kill all
blacks? A joke is a joke until it’s on you. Nationally televised jokes
about racial extermination, even when made by six- and seven-year-olds, are
rarely funny, especially if they’re directed at you.
Do you want people to say to kill everyone in your native country? Do you
think this is good exposure to little children when they have to work with
people from diverse background in the future? I don't think so, that's why
I'm here today.
2. Why are you here? What are you protesting for?
A: I’m here to protest Kimmel’s irresponsible comments on ABC Kid’s talk
show regarding killing “everyone in China”. This segment should never been
aired as it is teaching children that killing may be a plausible solution.
And as a Chinese American, I found this joke to be very distasteful and
3. I believe ABC and Mr. Kimmel have already issued a public apology. Why
are you still doing this/What do you expect from ABC or Kimmel?
A: I’m aware of that. But what he said was “Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset
you, and if I have offended you, I apologize”, I don’t see his sincerity
there. We are asking for a formal apology with concrete actionable steps to
prevent this from happening again.
Q: It wasn’t Kimmel who said killing, it was a child. Do you think you
should take it so seriously?
A: True. It is a little child who made the comment. Yet, we are outraged
that ABC chose to air the segment and clearly they even admitted that they
would not air it if the child said "kill all Jews, Blacks or gays".
Q: We like the show but you protested to close his show. Don’t you think it
’s too much? It’s like throwing the baby with the bath water.
A: It’s ABC’s decision. I would only say, if you cannot prevent this sort
of incidents from happening, and if a host doesn’t have the capability to
manage the scene, then better go with something else.
Q: What's your goal for today's protest?
A: Like I said, I would like to see an official apology from ABC admitting
its negligence by airing racial insensitive messages and we demand concrete
actionable steps from ABC to prevent this from happening.
Q: In US, comedy shows joking on violence and other affairs are pretty
common here because we have freedom of speech. What do you think?
I’m glad that here we enjoy the freedom of speech, but no matter what
society it is, it is a wrong doing to promote violence and hatred in speech.

Q:You are too sensitive. Eat it up. It is no big deal!
A: It is a big deal. Would you crack a joke about killing all Jewish? Of
course not! Because you know their wound. If you know many more Chinese (
18 million) died than Jewish (4.2 MM) during World War II, you wouldn't
think it is oversensitive.
(Actually, today is a special day. One talented Chinese writer, Iris Chang,
was so depressed after her research on Naking Massacre, in which 300
thousand Chinese people were killed by Japanese invaders in one day during
WWII. The pain was too much, and Iris could not bear, and she committed
suicide nine years ago today.
Chinese are a group of people went through too many turmoils. You would
know we are not oversensitive if you are willing to learn more about the
Chinese history.)
[You can also talk about Vincent Chin, China Exclusion Act, etc, etc. if
you feel comfortable]
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话题: abc话题: chinese话题: kimmel话题: what话题: think