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LosAngeles版 - 南加电子科大校友聚会,09/07/2013
My last day in greater LA, June 28, 2008.求推荐一些irvine的中餐馆
寻找男朋友/老公 【南加州(OC)地区】中秋節快樂~~
SoCal哪里有卖ipad?Sep 25th,2010 Annual Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
LA女征男明天有去USC SoCal Code Camp的兄弟姐妹吗?
周六有难度低点的爬山吗SoCal will be changed from an arid coastal plain
Last time it was a abnormal hot day, this time it is a abnormal cool day鹿苑地址在哪里
Where to eat in Orange County?Baldy上周日雪崩了
奔点LA HIKERS橙县派对照片zheng lab也火了~
话题: alumni话题: sean话题: email话题: 2013话题: our
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10
Dear Alumni:
Hope you are all doing good. Chinese Mid-Autumn is on its way, let's get
together next weekend(09/07/2013) at Spicy City for a dinner! Actually this
will be the first gathering for alumni living around LA area, we can know
each other, exchange news from our school and SoCal, and hear some updates
from our alumni association in North America. We need to have a final head
count by this Friday(09/06/2013). Please reply to this Email at your
earliest convenience. Thanks a lot!
You and your families are welcome.
For alumni who live at Irvine and need a carpool, feel free to contact with
Sean by Email.
Address: 140 W. Valley Blvd. Suite 208. San Gabriel, CA, 91776
Time and date: 6 :30pm, Sep 7, 2013
You are welcome to contact with Sean Zhu at: seanzhu1986 @ gmail.com,
Kaiyuan Zheng at: zhengk2011 @ gmail.com
Join our Alumni QQ Group: 173986211 for latest news and events update.
1 (共1页)
zheng lab也火了~周六有难度低点的爬山吗
好想去SKI;有PP有真相。。。Last time it was a abnormal hot day, this time it is a abnormal cool day
明天打羽毛球之前想一起吃饭的请举手 (发包子)Where to eat in Orange County?
这年我是过不去了奔点LA HIKERS橙县派对照片
My last day in greater LA, June 28, 2008.求推荐一些irvine的中餐馆
寻找男朋友/老公 【南加州(OC)地区】中秋節快樂~~
SoCal哪里有卖ipad?Sep 25th,2010 Annual Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
LA女征男明天有去USC SoCal Code Camp的兄弟姐妹吗?
话题: alumni话题: sean话题: email话题: 2013话题: our