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LosAngeles版 - 连老美都发表议论支持我们的帖子,请大家火速支持 (转载)
万能的买买提,能不能呼唤1000个人来签名呢? (转载)求助~~~请问跟美国公民结婚,婚后两年内不在美国居住~
包子帖:缩短绿卡排期请愿,签名最后3天召集,每在白宫注册1个(转载)AKG K702 Headphone used 199 dollar.
在美华人对白宫发起缩短绿卡排期请愿,签名最后3天召集 (转载)突然想起Les Brown了
海归 or not?!总结一下Biden在线回答移民改革问题的整个坑爹采访,大家踊跃 ( (转载)
whose fault?Intel要投资70个亿,创造1万工作机会 (转载)
白宫请愿:我们只有三十天,我们只有八百字母 (转载)[合集] 想跳槽或者抢老板生意自己开公司的有福了
刚发现请愿,美国MS PHD国际学生毕业后自动获绿卡 (转载)有谁帮个忙?
话题: them话题: india话题: linked话题: green话题: china
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3465
【 以下文字转载自 EB23 讨论区 】
发信人: Helsinki (跑步然后桑拿), 信区: EB23
标 题: 连老美都发表议论支持我们的帖子,请大家火速支持
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 25 22:46:57 2011, 美东)
大家先log into 你自己的LinkedIn账户,然后点击下面的链接,然后在Jim的评论和我的原文下面各自comment两三句话,至少点击一下like.
奥巴马今天将就扩大就业等各种问题与Linked-in员工讨论。研讨的题目是 Putting America Back to Work 2011
现在Linked-in面向社会各界人士征集他们最想问总统的问题。 问题很多,我们的呼吁如果想要出头,需要大量人气支持。
Jim While • 是一个老美小企业家或创业者,他对我们的呼吁的评论如下:
There are so many smart engineers from all over the world to support the
great innovation and boost up the IT industry in the Valley. A majority of
them are from India and China. With the current employee based immigration
system, all these people need to stay to work for the same employer for at
least four to six years until they are issued with a Green Card. During this
time, they are afraid to change their employers.
A lot of them choose to stay with big companies for job security to support
their Green Card application because of this long wait. This really hurts
start ups who have great brains and motivations to innovate, but high risks.
A lot of smart people from India and China are refused to take start up
opportunities simply because they need to stick with big companies until
they get their Green Cards. Start ups are the mother land of innovation. We
need more flexible immigration system to release these engineers, so that
they can feel free to take the higher risk of going to start ups.
Legal employment-based immigration petitioners (tens of thousands of EB2/EB3
petitioners) are holding cash from the starving housing market. On the one
hand, they want to realize their American dreams by buying a home using
their savings, on the other hand, they have great fear for not being able to
quickly sell their homes if they're forced to immediately leave U.S.
The fear of having to immediately leave U.S. once they're laid off is like a
heavy dagger hanging over their heads, although most of them won't be laid
off because their experience and skills are complementary to those of
Americans. They spend their best years helping U.S. companies gain global
competencies. Although they're viewed by some short-sighted people as taking
jobs away from Americans, the truth is that they de facto have been helping
jobs stay in U.S. Otherwise these jobs could have been permanently
outsourced overseas, together with many other related jobs.
This fear prompted them to hoard cash in their savings accounts, and
prevented them from buying a home. We should help these heavily backlogged
legal employment-based foreign workers adjust their status, allow them to
file I-485, and issue them conditional green cards. They're backlogged
simply because they come from China and India, the two countries that have a
third of the world population. The two countries that have a third of the
world pupoulation are given only as few visa quota as to a small island
We help them because they are helping us. We help them and they will help us
more. We help them and they will spend billions of dollars on the housing
market. That billions of dollars will produce chain reactions and will help
many American industries. That billions of dollars will help put America
back to work..
1 (共1页)
有谁帮个忙?海归 or not?!
护士刚又发生跳楼事件whose fault?
SCA5大家请注意策略白宫请愿:我们只有三十天,我们只有八百字母 (转载)
招聘高级英文翻译专员 Senior English Translator (转载)刚发现请愿,美国MS PHD国际学生毕业后自动获绿卡 (转载)
万能的买买提,能不能呼唤1000个人来签名呢? (转载)求助~~~请问跟美国公民结婚,婚后两年内不在美国居住~
包子帖:缩短绿卡排期请愿,签名最后3天召集,每在白宫注册1个(转载)AKG K702 Headphone used 199 dollar.
在美华人对白宫发起缩短绿卡排期请愿,签名最后3天召集 (转载)突然想起Les Brown了
话题: them话题: india话题: linked话题: green话题: china