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Living版 - 有关买房子8000退税的问题,求解答
8000 first-time home buyer tax credit repay?急问,在线等,拜谢!公司帐户汇钱到个人账户买房子作首付需要(转载)
(已解决)请教2009年买房 tax credit 的问题Giftletter,网上搜来的模板
repay first time homebuyer creditRe: 如果不到20%的down,你们是两个loan还是交insurance?
比较全面的FAQ on $8000 house buying credit, sent from my realtor买多少钱的房子算死撑
问个贷款的问题问个8000 repayment rule的问题
新的5405表出来了。有问题想问问大家Title insurance用来保什么的?
HUD必须要各方签名吗?有人用过ING direct的Easy Orange Mortgage么
【在线等】求助关于“买房不到三年就卖掉”,$8000退税的问题!!!如果从401k贷款, 利息付给谁?
话题: credit话题: home话题: repay话题: your话题: amount
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1276
8000 credit吗?我看了form 5040,好像亏损的情况下不需要退还了,但是不确定,问
Q. If I claim the first-time homebuyer credit for a purchase in 2009 or
early 2010 and stop using the property as my principal residence before the
36 month period expires after I purchase, how is the credit repaid and how
long would I have to repay it?
A. If, within 36 months of the date of purchase, the property is no longer
used as your principal residence, you are required to repay the credit.
Repayment of the full amount of the credit is due at the time the income tax
return for the year the home ceased to be your principal residence is due.
The full amount of the credit is reflected as additional tax on that year's
tax return. Form 5405 and its instructions will be revised for tax year 2009
to include information about repayment of the credit.
Q. When do I have to repay the credit?
A. You repay the full or part of the credit as an additional tax on your tax
return when the home stops being your main home during the 36-month period
following the date you purchased your home.
You must repay the full credit when:
You sold your main home to a related person or entity
Your home is destroyed, condemned or disposed of under threat of
condemnation and you do not purchase or rebuild a replacement home within
two years.
You converted the entire home to a rental or business property.
You converted the home to a vacation or second home.
You no longer live in the home for the greater number of nights in a year.
You may have to repay the full or a part of the credit when:
You sold your main home to a non-related person or entity. You repay the
amount of the credit up to the amount of your capital gain. Note: when
calculating gain or loss on your main home if you received the first-time
homebuyer credit, you reduce your basis by the amount of the credit. See
Publication 551, Basis of Assets, for more information.
You lost your home in a foreclosure.You must repay the credit only up to the
amount of gain. (1/6/11)
发帖数: 13362


【在 l******s 的大作中提到】
: 2010买房申请了8000credit,2012把房子卖掉了,损失了1万多,这种情况下还要退还
: 8000 credit吗?我看了form 5040,好像亏损的情况下不需要退还了,但是不确定,问
: 了几个CPA都不知道,这种情况应该怎么办?多谢啊!!
: IRS的条款在这里,不过我还是不确定是如果我卖亏了超过8000,就不用归还这个
: credit了?
: Q. If I claim the first-time homebuyer credit for a purchase in 2009 or
: early 2010 and stop using the property as my principal residence before the
: 36 month period expires after I purchase, how is the credit repaid and how
: long would I have to repay it?
: A. If, within 36 months of the date of purchase, the property is no longer

1 (共1页)
如果从401k贷款, 利息付给谁?问个贷款的问题
8000 first-time home buyer tax credit repay?急问,在线等,拜谢!公司帐户汇钱到个人账户买房子作首付需要(转载)
(已解决)请教2009年买房 tax credit 的问题Giftletter,网上搜来的模板
repay first time homebuyer creditRe: 如果不到20%的down,你们是两个loan还是交insurance?
比较全面的FAQ on $8000 house buying credit, sent from my realtor买多少钱的房子算死撑
话题: credit话题: home话题: repay话题: your话题: amount