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Living版 - 问一个SHORT SALE的问题
short sale question什么是short sale?
short sale卖家有两个lender会不会很麻烦?看到个喜欢的房子结果发现是short sale
问个问题:关于short-sale的8000退税感觉买Short Sale就像Ronco的烤箱广告
房子在小区主要马路边上有什么不好的马?新手买房是不是最好不要碰short sale?
Short Sale 两个 lender是怎么分钱的?怎么知道一个房子是不是short sale
Closing Fee需要谁来负?Buyer还是Seller?刚买,隔壁贴出来个SHORT SALE的便宜10%
short sale昨天short sale过户了,纪念一下
请问这样正常么 (Short Sale)大家的short sale一般都是多久批准的?
话题: sale话题: short话题: price话题: lender话题: agree
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2140
一个三藩市内,地段想当好,ONE BEDROOM,2008,六楼的,SHORT SALE。最开始要价
SHORT SALE,很快就CONTRACT了。这个是前几天,我的agent给我的回信。结果今天果
4## was priced significantly above the value that you could go to and we
were told that the seller was fairly firm on the price. The other unit, 6##
, as Mike mentioned, received 9 offers some time ago and was in contract
waiting for the lender to agree to the short sale. The accepted price for
that unit was significantly above the asking price, but the lender would not
agree to a short sale at that price and would only approve of the short
sale at about $590,000. The unit may come on again, but even if it does
come back at $560,000, there is no guarantee that the lender will agree to a
short sale at that price.
In general, short sales are difficult. They often take many months to find
out if the lender or lenders will agree to a sale at a price that is
insufficient to pay off the loans. Even if the seller accepts the offered
price, the lenders may not approve a sale at that number and after being in
contract for several months, the buyer may learn that the transaction cannot
proceed. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this.
发帖数: 13455
没办法, 抢的人多你就只有加价


【在 j*******g 的大作中提到】
: 一个三藩市内,地段想当好,ONE BEDROOM,2008,六楼的,SHORT SALE。最开始要价
: 499k,听说有9个OFFER。结果今天重新上市,要价559k。同一楼的四楼要价569,不是
: SHORT SALE,很快就CONTRACT了。这个是前几天,我的agent给我的回信。结果今天果
: 然就提到559K了。请问这种情况应该如果处理,如果感兴趣的话,应该如何出价呢?
: 4## was priced significantly above the value that you could go to and we
: were told that the seller was fairly firm on the price. The other unit, 6##
: , as Mike mentioned, received 9 offers some time ago and was in contract
: waiting for the lender to agree to the short sale. The accepted price for
: that unit was significantly above the asking price, but the lender would not
: agree to a short sale at that price and would only approve of the short

发帖数: 9308


【在 j*******g 的大作中提到】
: 一个三藩市内,地段想当好,ONE BEDROOM,2008,六楼的,SHORT SALE。最开始要价
: 499k,听说有9个OFFER。结果今天重新上市,要价559k。同一楼的四楼要价569,不是
: SHORT SALE,很快就CONTRACT了。这个是前几天,我的agent给我的回信。结果今天果
: 然就提到559K了。请问这种情况应该如果处理,如果感兴趣的话,应该如何出价呢?
: 4## was priced significantly above the value that you could go to and we
: were told that the seller was fairly firm on the price. The other unit, 6##
: , as Mike mentioned, received 9 offers some time ago and was in contract
: waiting for the lender to agree to the short sale. The accepted price for
: that unit was significantly above the asking price, but the lender would not
: agree to a short sale at that price and would only approve of the short

1 (共1页)
大家的short sale一般都是多久批准的?Short Sale 两个 lender是怎么分钱的?
Short sale一问Closing Fee需要谁来负?Buyer还是Seller?
short sale为啥屋主还不配合让看房?short sale
short sale offer seller 已经接受了, 现在在等lender approval. 需要准备联系attorney 和inspector吗?请问这样正常么 (Short Sale)
short sale question什么是short sale?
short sale卖家有两个lender会不会很麻烦?看到个喜欢的房子结果发现是short sale
问个问题:关于short-sale的8000退税感觉买Short Sale就像Ronco的烤箱广告
房子在小区主要马路边上有什么不好的马?新手买房是不是最好不要碰short sale?
话题: sale话题: short话题: price话题: lender话题: agree