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Living版 - ~~~Contingency Removal - 求救
搞好贷款要多长时间?急问seller要求有14天的replacement property contingency
在Contingency结束前退出需要提供什么书面声明吗?买房碰到点问题(二), 求支招 谢谢
过了remove loan contingency的deadline,卖家有权没收escrow的钱吗Mortgage Contingency: Loan Approval or Commitment letter
紧急请教急问,mortgage contingency 里提交loan commitment 的日期有没有什么猫腻?
Seller要求去掉Mortgage contingenciesFinancing Contingency
请教,关于退出Escrow买新房,不让写interest rate contingency
【急!】加州买房 loan contingency removal有没有办法让loan办不下来?
这样的Contingency合理吗?offer 急问
话题: buyer话题: mortgage话题: seller话题: contract
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6098
Contingency Removal已经签过了, 现在贷款有问题, seller不想等,要close
escrow.因为贷款没下来, 就是说要取消交易了。
Deposit 在escrow, 卖方要拿走所有的deposit.
买方有什么办法拿回deposit 吗?或有什么办法把损失减小到最小?
下面是Contingency Removal上的一段:
Once all contingencies are removed, whether or not buyer has satisfied
himself regarding all contingencies or received any information relating to
those contingencies, buyer may not be entitled to a return of buyer's
deposit if buyer does not close escrow. This could happen even if, for
example, buyer does not approve of some aspect of the property or lender
does not approve buyer's loan.
发帖数: 26631
不懂, 银行关于贷款的commitment给了么? 没给的话怎么会把contingency去掉了呢?


【在 m*********n 的大作中提到】
: Contingency Removal已经签过了, 现在贷款有问题, seller不想等,要close
: escrow.因为贷款没下来, 就是说要取消交易了。
: Deposit 在escrow, 卖方要拿走所有的deposit.
: 买方有什么办法拿回deposit 吗?或有什么办法把损失减小到最小?
: 多谢
: 下面是Contingency Removal上的一段:
: Once all contingencies are removed, whether or not buyer has satisfied
: himself regarding all contingencies or received any information relating to
: those contingencies, buyer may not be entitled to a return of buyer's
: deposit if buyer does not close escrow. This could happen even if, for

发帖数: 6098
contingency去掉是卖买又方签字, 不用银行approve
agent让签就签了, 具体当时应不应该签也不懂
而且是dual agent,这个agent与卖方有多个交易,一定不会偏买方一边的


【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: 不懂, 银行关于贷款的commitment给了么? 没给的话怎么会把contingency去掉了呢?
: to

发帖数: 2272
哪有贷款都没批就remove contingency的...

【在 m*********n 的大作中提到】
: contingency去掉是卖买又方签字, 不用银行approve
: agent让签就签了, 具体当时应不应该签也不懂
: 而且是dual agent,这个agent与卖方有多个交易,一定不会偏买方一边的
: 所以问问大家有什么主意
: 呢?

发帖数: 9208
那你只能赖这个agent了,他不帮你要回来,你就找他们公司,告到realtor associate

【在 m*********n 的大作中提到】
: contingency去掉是卖买又方签字, 不用银行approve
: agent让签就签了, 具体当时应不应该签也不懂
: 而且是dual agent,这个agent与卖方有多个交易,一定不会偏买方一边的
: 所以问问大家有什么主意
: 呢?

发帖数: 6098

【在 A*F 的大作中提到】
: 哪有贷款都没批就remove contingency的...
发帖数: 26631
所谓的“批”是银行给你一份书面的commitment, 保证会给你贷款。 这个到close一

【在 m*********n 的大作中提到】
: 应该是批了以后吗?
: 可批了以后就买了,removal这个步骤有什么意义呢?
: 还有,这个”批“是什么概念?有什么手续或到什么步骤上了?

发帖数: 6098

【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: 所谓的“批”是银行给你一份书面的commitment, 保证会给你贷款。 这个到close一
: 般还有一段时间用来办各种手续。

发帖数: 26631
给你看我的offer里面关于loan contingency的:
5. Mortgage Contingency.
Buyer will make prompt and diligent efforts to obtain a written commitment
for a mortgage loan "Mortgage" from a bank or other institutional lender on
or before XXXX ("Mortgage Contingency Date"). Buyer will provide Seller and
Broker, no later than the Mortgage Contingency Date, with a copy of any
written commitment for a Mortgage obtained by Buyer. Buyer will pay all
application fees, points(not to exceed PREVAILING), and other charges in
accordance with the policies established by the applicable lender. The
Mortgage must be on the following terms:
(a) Amount $ XXXXX
(b) Maximum initial interest rate: XXXXX
(C) Minimum term: XXXXX
(d) Types of mortgage: XXXXX
If the Mortgage is VA, Seller will pay termite Inspection charges to the
extent required by the applicable lender.
If the Buyer cannot obtain a written commitment for the Mortgage (free of a
contingency that property presently owned by Buyer, if any, be sold; and
with the following conditions, if required by the lender, having been
satisfied on or before the Mortgage Contingency Date; appraisal, lender
verification of employment, lender verification that Buyer has sufficient
funds to cloase, lender approval of Buyer's creditworthiness, and if
applicable, lender approval of common interest community), Buyer may
terminate this Contract by providing Seller and Broker, not later than the
Mortgage Contingency Date, with written notice of Buyer's inability to
obtain such commitment. If the reason for Buyer's termination of this
Contract is that the bank or institutional lender to which Buyer applied for
the Mortgage denied such application, then Seller shall be entitled to
request from and receive from Buyer a copy of the adverse action notice
which is required to be delivered to the Buyer by such bank or institutional
lender under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. If the reason for Buyer's
termination of this Contract is that the commitment received by Buyer did
not meet the requirements set forth in this paragraph 5, then Buyer shall
provide Seller with a copy of such commitment not later than the Mortgage
Contingency Date. If Buyer does not elect to so terminates this Contract,
then this Contract will remain in full force and effect free of this
mortgage contingency, unless Seller, within seven days from the Mortgage
Contingency Date, gives written notice to Buyer and Broker that Seller has
elected to terminate this Contract as a result of Buyer's Inabiliy to obtain
such commitment. If either party so terminates this Contract, then all
deposits will be returned to Buyer, and, except as proveded in paragraph 17,
the obligations of the parties under this Contract shall end.
你还是先看看你的offer和你后来签的那些remove contingency的文件怎么写的吧。

【在 m*********n 的大作中提到】
: 这个书面的东西我是没收到过
: 就是说是我的agent让我签字是不对的。不知这个算不算骗?可以告agent?
: 我怎么可以要回我的押金?

发帖数: 3244
you are in trouble if you removed all contingency already. this is why 1st
timers need find your own agent. the listing agent will not work for you!
suggest that you get yourself a lawyer. how much did you put down?


【在 m*********n 的大作中提到】
: Contingency Removal已经签过了, 现在贷款有问题, seller不想等,要close
: escrow.因为贷款没下来, 就是说要取消交易了。
: Deposit 在escrow, 卖方要拿走所有的deposit.
: 买方有什么办法拿回deposit 吗?或有什么办法把损失减小到最小?
: 多谢
: 下面是Contingency Removal上的一段:
: Once all contingencies are removed, whether or not buyer has satisfied
: himself regarding all contingencies or received any information relating to
: those contingencies, buyer may not be entitled to a return of buyer's
: deposit if buyer does not close escrow. This could happen even if, for

发帖数: 6098
查了下,我的这个没有这么细的条文,只是说接受offer后14天remove loan
又才发现我没有签字 Appraisal contingency。 是不是说我可以用这个做为理由拿回
我的押金呀? (虽然 appraisal 做过了, 没问题)

【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: 给你看我的offer里面关于loan contingency的:
: 5. Mortgage Contingency.
: Buyer will make prompt and diligent efforts to obtain a written commitment
: for a mortgage loan "Mortgage" from a bank or other institutional lender on
: or before XXXX ("Mortgage Contingency Date"). Buyer will provide Seller and
: Broker, no later than the Mortgage Contingency Date, with a copy of any
: written commitment for a Mortgage obtained by Buyer. Buyer will pay all
: application fees, points(not to exceed PREVAILING), and other charges in
: accordance with the policies established by the applicable lender. The
: Mortgage must be on the following terms:

发帖数: 3244
you are now dealing with contract law issues. better find a lawyer to take a
look and help you. when will be the closing date? how much time do you have
before that?

【在 m*********n 的大作中提到】
: 查了下,我的这个没有这么细的条文,只是说接受offer后14天remove loan
: contingency
: 又才发现我没有签字 Appraisal contingency。 是不是说我可以用这个做为理由拿回
: 我的押金呀? (虽然 appraisal 做过了, 没问题)

发帖数: 6098
appraisal contingency我还没签字,但appraisal做过了没问题
closing date是昨天, 已过了。 所以卖方有理由取消合约
昨天这个dual agent又发来一个卖方签过字的Demand to close Escrow. 签字都签怕了
, 不知应不应签。 上面条文是这样的
没按时close, Seller hereby demand that Buyer close escrow on the property
within 3 days after receipt of this Demand to Close Escrow.
Note to Buyer: if you do not close escrow by the end of the time period
specified in this Demand to close Escrow, and Seller has fully performed.
Seller may 1. immediately cancel the agreement 2. bring legal action against
you for demages (including but not limited to the deposit; 3 bring legal
action against to force you to buy the property
不签也好象不合适, 因为是我的原因没有按时close

【在 n*******9 的大作中提到】
: you are in trouble if you removed all contingency already. this is why 1st
: timers need find your own agent. the listing agent will not work for you!
: suggest that you get yourself a lawyer. how much did you put down?
: to

发帖数: 6098
没批就签字了, 是我的责任。可不可以说是代理误导我?我确实不知什么时候应该签

【在 A*F 的大作中提到】
: 哪有贷款都没批就remove contingency的...
1 (共1页)
offer 急问Seller要求去掉Mortgage contingencies
急问!close要延期,卖家要求我们release earnest money,合理么?请教,关于退出Escrow
急问,如果超过contingency period,贷款又没有被approve,escrow deppsit还能不能要回来?【急!】加州买房 loan contingency removal
搞好贷款要多长时间?急问seller要求有14天的replacement property contingency
在Contingency结束前退出需要提供什么书面声明吗?买房碰到点问题(二), 求支招 谢谢
过了remove loan contingency的deadline,卖家有权没收escrow的钱吗Mortgage Contingency: Loan Approval or Commitment letter
紧急请教急问,mortgage contingency 里提交loan commitment 的日期有没有什么猫腻?
话题: buyer话题: mortgage话题: seller话题: contract