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Living版 - Property tax in Los Angeles
Los Angeles COunty property assessed value higher than purchase price哪位帮忙解释一下什么是supplemental property tax, 多谢
Re: [转载] What is supplemental property tax?有什么HOMEOWNERS' PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION?
LA county property tax - taxable value more than purchase price请教一个homeowner's property tax exemption的问题
急问supplemental property tax(有点长)Property tax supplemental部分的罚款应该由loaner来付吗?
啥时候交supplementary property tax?Escrow请教啊
请教一下Supplemental property tax, 谢谢property tax
Property tax for this yearReal estate market is local - 对房地产市场的拔乱反正
话题: los话题: angeles话题: last话题: tax话题: property
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 104
Last November we bought a house near Los Angeles. Until today i haven't
received bill for perperty tax and I only got supplemental tax bill. Some
friends said they need to pay PT before April 15 otherwise they may get
penalty. I called some number, a lady said it was mailed out last october. I
didn't even own the house last October. Anybody has similar experience?
发帖数: 251
You need to ask the lady to send the copy of the bill again to you. The
propery tax office has this service.
I bought house last December and I called them last week to send me the copy
of the bill, I recevied the bill
The deadline is April 10th, you can pay online as soon as you get your bill.


【在 x******l 的大作中提到】
: Last November we bought a house near Los Angeles. Until today i haven't
: received bill for perperty tax and I only got supplemental tax bill. Some
: friends said they need to pay PT before April 15 otherwise they may get
: penalty. I called some number, a lady said it was mailed out last october. I
: didn't even own the house last October. Anybody has similar experience?

1 (共1页)
Real estate market is local - 对房地产市场的拔乱反正急问supplemental property tax(有点长)
请推荐Los Angeles或Orange County的贷款经纪人啥时候交supplementary property tax?
Home prices fall another 2.5%请教一下Supplemental property tax, 谢谢
求好的买房经纪人和贷款broker,Los Angeles地区Property tax for this year
Los Angeles COunty property assessed value higher than purchase price哪位帮忙解释一下什么是supplemental property tax, 多谢
Re: [转载] What is supplemental property tax?有什么HOMEOWNERS' PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION?
LA county property tax - taxable value more than purchase price请教一个homeowner's property tax exemption的问题
话题: los话题: angeles话题: last话题: tax话题: property