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Literature版 - Google
Robert MorrisChrome OS 高管 Sundar Pichai 亲自射杀 GDrive 项目,称文件是 (转载)
George Washington (1-3)Bill Gates 当初完全不明白 Gmail 给那么多空间能干嘛用
Self Publishing + Kindle Now Amenable to Library LendingL shape desk and leather chair, $55.
今天看了格林斯潘的 The Age of Turbulence[home office L-shap desk]求解决方案, 不想中间带腿儿的
Book on Google + HTC Thunderbolt + YageoMagellan L-Shape Desk & Hutch for $199.98 Plus Shipping (转载)
乔布斯曾指导Google创始人 因Android关系破裂买L SHAPE DESK的缺点
乔布斯曾指导Google创始人 因Android关系破裂 (转载)Office Depot L-Shaped Desk
Steven Levy的新书In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, an请教个书橱和桌子
话题: google话题: chinese话题: fu话题: kai话题: levy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
Paul Boutin, The Problem With Success; With a market capitalization of $184
billion, can Google maintain its reputation as a brash iconoclast? Wall
street Journal, Apr 7, 2011.
(book review on Steven Levy, In the Plex; How Google thinks, works and
shapes our lives. Simon & Schuster, 2011)
Quote: "In Mr. Levy's telling, the ultimate test comes when the company
attempts to conquer the Chinese search market. Hoping to export its laid-
back office culture to China, Google hits one roadblock after another.
Chinese product managers insist that their desks be within 100 feet of Kai-
Fu Lee, Google's high-profile regional executive, and that their business
cards read 'Special Assistant to Kai-Fu Lee.' Otherwise, why would anyone in
China take them seriously?
1 (共1页)
请教个书橱和桌子Book on Google + HTC Thunderbolt + Yageo
$35.99 Realspace Magellan Collection L-Shaped Desk & Hutch乔布斯曾指导Google创始人 因Android关系破裂
请教个书橱和桌子乔布斯曾指导Google创始人 因Android关系破裂 (转载)
去target买hard drive要几点去?Steven Levy的新书In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, an
Robert MorrisChrome OS 高管 Sundar Pichai 亲自射杀 GDrive 项目,称文件是 (转载)
George Washington (1-3)Bill Gates 当初完全不明白 Gmail 给那么多空间能干嘛用
Self Publishing + Kindle Now Amenable to Library LendingL shape desk and leather chair, $55.
今天看了格林斯潘的 The Age of Turbulence[home office L-shap desk]求解决方案, 不想中间带腿儿的
话题: google话题: chinese话题: fu话题: kai话题: levy