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Law版 - [Serious Help needed]Updates about accidents from daycare
小心美国的Harassments law请问:在美国被警察报告为“Suspect”,有何实质影响?
请教如何结束Direct TV合约和获得补偿哈哈,今年又有summer associate 出事了
No one is talking about House Res. 683?急,遇到这种情况该如何处理?(懂ip的请进)
Re: Is car air conditioner covered by wa请教 False temporary restraining order
帮朋友咨询一个问题 (转载)在网球场上被白女人报警说骚扰,该怎么办?
我该怎么办?----小心美国harassment law续请教一下,精神冷暴力怎么说
Do I have a case?有没有懂education law的?小学要给2年级的儿子suspension
话题: files话题: out话题: about话题: them话题: son
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 298
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: yzjinjin (阿鱼), 信区: Parenting
标 题: [Serious Help needed]Updates about accidents from daycare
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 10 16:24:09 2011, 美东)
Hi, all,
Here's the beginning of the story:
And later on, they started mistreat my son by keepping himself in a small black
classroom with just one toy car without telling us till we found it out --
that is also why I said this to the other parent with kid injured in daycare:
After I found out that they treat my son like this, I asked them the reason
-- the reason varies from person to person, and when I talked to the
director, the director told the teacher they are not allowed to talk to us
again for anything. That's why I pulled my son out right away. I felt so
sorry for him because I really like the teacher from that class, so does my
son. But I don't want him to get unhappy about staying in a black tiny
classroom by a toy car play for hours....
The night when we decide to leave the school, we had a serious talk to these
Indian couple who run this Motessori School, and they promised to send us
all the accident reports they had during my son's stay + no financial
obligation announcement within two days. It is almost a month now, and of
course, we didn't ever get anything from them. We keep on checking almost
every week -- at first, they said they've sent out the files for several
times, and there was a time they said they sent out a certified mail -- when
we asked them the number for the certified mail, they started to say they
haven't sent out the files yet. Later on, we keep on checking every 4-5 days
, they always say they are going to mail it out that night.
Today, they don't pick up our phone calls any more. I am not sure the reason
for them keep on doing that....but I called them via a different number to
be able to talk ... and I recorded the conversation --
She keeps on saying that because I asked her to get the files ready for me
is a harassement, and said I have no manner -- and also she couldn't have
the files for me before 7pm... I told her I am recording the conversation
with her, and ask her to tell me what can we do to make sure that we can get
all the files from them, she said I am threatening her -- I am totally
confused.... -- is it called harassement or threatening? To request some
files from school director? And she said she would tell all the teachers and
all the parents about what I was doing -- I thought this is more like a
threatening, isn't it? -- this is my question one.
My question two is:
I don't know where I can do a complaint or anything like that to let all the
other parents know about it? I have the conversation recored -- but can I
publish it onto like youtube and send all the parents I know? Is this legal
or not proper?
I just getting so upset about dealing with Indians again... I was going to
get the files before we stepped out, but the husband pretended to be so nice
, and promised in such a nice way, so we belived him. He refused to sign
anything for us, but he has good political way to let us feel he would keep
his promise...but I feel so regreted to felt in that trap and wasted all my
time on it....
Please comment with any advise....Thank you very much~
发帖数: 298
I don't know much about the details of laws...I just felt wierd if I can't
do anything to them....Any comments or email welcome~ Thank you all.
发帖数: 298
Still waiting for help ~~
发帖数: 2221
you need to consult a lawyer. no one can give you legal advice here.
发帖数: 298
Thanks for the replying :)
I thought this is a place for some legal advice :P

【在 d********e 的大作中提到】
: you need to consult a lawyer. no one can give you legal advice here.
发帖数: 2221
There are lawyers here but they cannot give legal advice here. It's against
the law.
发帖数: 298
是这样啊。。。谢谢:) 不过也没有人联系我,估计没什么把握吧。。。准备找local


【在 d********e 的大作中提到】
: There are lawyers here but they cannot give legal advice here. It's against
: the law.

1 (共1页)
有没有懂education law的?小学要给2年级的儿子suspension恳请帮助,PLEASE
这算Bully还是harassment?帮朋友咨询一个问题 (转载)
bully/harassment我该怎么办?----小心美国harassment law续
能否录音留作证据?--紧急求助Do I have a case?
小心美国的Harassments law请问:在美国被警察报告为“Suspect”,有何实质影响?
请教如何结束Direct TV合约和获得补偿哈哈,今年又有summer associate 出事了
No one is talking about House Res. 683?急,遇到这种情况该如何处理?(懂ip的请进)
Re: Is car air conditioner covered by wa请教 False temporary restraining order
话题: files话题: out话题: about话题: them话题: son