

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Joke版 - Little Broken Condom Made in China (转载)
看到印第安名字,想起来一个老笑话President Obama Would Choose to Fight the Horse-Sized Duck
刚才同事IM了这个,还挺好玩的问个没人问的,大家都哪里买避孕套呀? (转载)
gangnam 什么意思?白人是上帝在地球留下的种 (转载)
你会取得怎样的工作成就呢? (转载)想问一下: 买CHANEL包包的人都用什么牌子的护肤品? (转载)
小护士故事之血泪篇 (转载)今天过节
小护士故事之血泪篇 (转载)笑话“Bad Jokes”
I can see why you need 100茅厕随感
话题: condom话题: little话题: broken话题: china话题: made
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 43926
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: keystone0504 (飞翔之父), 信区: Military
标 题: Little Broken Condom Made in China
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 11 12:28:35 2021, 美东)
A little Indian boy asked his father, the big chief and witch doctor of the
"Papa, why is it that we always have long names, while the white men have
shorter names ~ Bill, Tex or Sam, for example?" His father replied, "Look,
son, our names represent a symbol, a sign, or a poem for our culture not
like the white men, who live all together and repeat their names from
generation to generation. Also, it is part of our makeup that in spite of
everything, we survive. "For example, your sister's name is Small Romantic
Moon Over The Lake, because on the night she was born, there was a beautiful
moon reflected in the lake. "Then there's your brother, Big White Horse of
the Prairies, because he was born on a day that the big white horse who
gallops over the prairies of the world appeared near our camp and is a
symbol of our capacity to live and the life force of our people. "It's very
simple and easy to understand. "Do you have any other questions, Little
Broken Condom Made in China?"
发帖数: 16352

★ 发自iPhone App: ChinaWeb 1.1.5

【在 H********g 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: keystone0504 (飞翔之父), 信区: Military
: 标 题: Little Broken Condom Made in China
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 11 12:28:35 2021, 美东)
: A little Indian boy asked his father, the big chief and witch doctor of the
: tribe,
: "Papa, why is it that we always have long names, while the white men have
: shorter names ~ Bill, Tex or Sam, for example?" His father replied, "Look,
: son, our names represent a symbol, a sign, or a poem for our culture not
: like the white men, who live all together and repeat their names from

1 (共1页)
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Re: 1/2的美国人智商低于平均值 (转载)I can see why you need 100
看到印第安名字,想起来一个老笑话President Obama Would Choose to Fight the Horse-Sized Duck
刚才同事IM了这个,还挺好玩的问个没人问的,大家都哪里买避孕套呀? (转载)
gangnam 什么意思?白人是上帝在地球留下的种 (转载)
话题: condom话题: little话题: broken话题: china话题: made