H********g 发帖数: 43926 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: ABCNBC (小李飞刀), 信区: Military
标 题: 昨天看BBC的大西洋战役纪录片 残酷的反潜战
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 28 20:36:43 2019, 美东)
英国/加拿大/美国的运输船队水手牺牲了5万名,他们都是都是平民。 | H********g 发帖数: 43926 | 2 真的?
冷的水面,这些潜艇兵几分钟就会失去体温而死亡。 | H********g 发帖数: 43926 | 3 查到这个
德国潜艇击沉一艘运输船以后 主动救援落水者 并且通知盟军他们的位置 换上红十
字旗帜 带着被救者在水面航行 结果美军收到消息后主动攻击该潜艇 迫使它下潜
后来审判邓尼茨的时候还把这事翻出来 导致美国极其丢脸
Laconia incident
Add title description
The Laconia incident was a series of events surrounding the sinking of a
British troopship in the Atlantic Ocean on 12 September 1942, during World
War II, and a subsequent aerial attack on German and Italian submarines
involved in rescue attempts. RMS Laconia, carrying some 2,732 crew,
passengers, soldiers, and prisoners of war, was torpedoed and sunk by U-156,
a German U-boat, off the West African coast. Operating partly under the
dictates of the old prize rules, the U-boat commander, Korvettenkapitn
Werner Hartenstein, immediately commenced rescue operations. U-156 broadcast
their position on open radio channels to all Allied powers nearby, and were
joined by the crews of several other U-boats in the vicinity.
Quick Facts: incident, Date …
After surfacing and picking up survivors, who were accommodated on the
foredeck, U-156 headed on the surface under Red Cross banners to rendezvous
with Vichy French ships and transfer the survivors. En route, the U-boat was
spotted by a B-24 Liberator bomber of the US Army Air Forces. The aircrew,
having reported the U-boat's location, intentions, and the presence of
survivors, were then ordered to attack the sub. The B-24 killed dozens of
Laconia's survivors with bombs and strafing attacks, forcing U-156 to cast
their remaining survivors into the sea and crash dive to avoid being
Rescue operations were continued by other vessels. Another U-boat, U-506,
was also attacked by US aircraft and forced to dive. A total of 1,113
survivors were rescued; however, 1,619 were killed – mostly Italian POWs.
The event changed the general attitude of Germany's naval personnel towards
rescuing stranded Allied seamen. The commanders of the Kriegsmarine were
shortly issued the Laconia Order by Grand Admiral Karl Dnitz, which
specifically forbade any such attempt and ushered in unrestricted submarine
warfare for the remainder of the war.
The B-24 pilots mistakenly reported they had sunk U-156, and were awarded
medals for their "bravery". Neither the US pilots nor their commander were
punished or investigated, and the matter was quietly forgotten by the US
military. During the later Nuremberg trials, a prosecutor attempted to cite
the Laconia Order as proof of war crimes by Dnitz and his submariners.
The ploy backfired and caused much embarrassment to the United States after
the incident's full report had emerged. | n******t 发帖数: 4406 | 4 之前看過這個故事。我覺得美國人團隊裡面這種論功行賞一直都很混亂,看來很早就開
【在 H********g 的大作中提到】 : 查到这个 : 德国潜艇击沉一艘运输船以后 主动救援落水者 并且通知盟军他们的位置 换上红十 : 字旗帜 带着被救者在水面航行 结果美军收到消息后主动攻击该潜艇 迫使它下潜 : 导致被救人员死亡 : 后来审判邓尼茨的时候还把这事翻出来 导致美国极其丢脸 : Laconia incident : Add title description : The Laconia incident was a series of events surrounding the sinking of a : British troopship in the Atlantic Ocean on 12 September 1942, during World : War II, and a subsequent aerial attack on German and Italian submarines
| h******i 发帖数: 21077 | 5 还能逃到海面上,肯定是我发明的潜水深度只有一米的潜艇 |