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Joke版 - PETA v5:骚扰博士后作生物试验 (转载)
colorful and Hot丹麦官方将宣布兽交不合法 当地曾出现“动物妓院”(图)
再来个笑话, 伊州与德州的区别 (转载)粗言秽语谩骂绵羊, 令绵羊“倍感压力”
吃太多雞翅 男生變小雞一个Landlord的回复
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澳大利亚打毒针杀死25万海星 拯救大堡礁珊瑚马以巴的功能 能猫篇
昨天去北边湖里放生鲫鱼,结果还是死了一条 (转载)程序猿写马
话题: peta话题: stress话题: lattin话题: christine话题: research
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: PETA v5:骚扰博士后作生物试验
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 7 18:43:34 2017, 美东)
What would someone need to do to deserve threats online, protests at their
place of work, and the publication of their image and home address?
According to PETA, they would just need to be a researcher that works on
Christine Lattin is a post-doctoral researcher at Yale University who
studies birds in order to better understand the impact of stress on animals
and humans. In her own words:
The focus of my research is to understand how different
neurotransmitters and hormones help animals successfully choose mates, raise
young, escape from predators, and survive harsh winters and other
challenging conditions. One of the major areas of my research is the stress
response. While stress helps animals and humans survive and cope with
challenges, too much stress is bad and leads to health problems.
Understanding stress in wild animal populations is important because
stressors like habitat destruction, climate change, and species invasions
now affect most, if not all, animal species.
Christine believes in openness and transparency, which is why she runs a
website where she explains more about her research – this can help educate
the public on the importance of the work she does. It is well worth a read:
www.christinelattin.com. All of Dr Lattin’s work has been approved by the
Yale Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and all of it must comply
with the Ornithological Council’s ‘Guidelines to the use of wild birds in
PETA do not like animal research, and PETA do not like Christine Lattin. Why
did they choose to focus on her? Who knows. Is it because she is young?
Female? Not yet tenured? While avian research is not a common target for
animal rights groups, the fact she studies stress would fit the typical
choice of target.
In May, PETA set up an alert to allow individuals to send emails to
administrators at Yale University, demanding that the institution “put an
immediate end to Lattin’s experiments on birds”. Her research is presented
as cruel, curiosity-driven torture. These misleading claims are put next to
images of Christine for any activist to see.
发帖数: 32610


【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
: 发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
: 标 题: PETA v5:骚扰博士后作生物试验
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 7 18:43:34 2017, 美东)
: What would someone need to do to deserve threats online, protests at their
: place of work, and the publication of their image and home address?
: According to PETA, they would just need to be a researcher that works on
: animals.
: Christine Lattin is a post-doctoral researcher at Yale University who
: studies birds in order to better understand the impact of stress on animals

1 (共1页)
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csboy你喜欢的内涵笑话来了澳大利亚打毒针杀死25万海星 拯救大堡礁珊瑚
uslawyer: “白痴”与“弱智”昨天去北边湖里放生鲫鱼,结果还是死了一条 (转载)
colorful and Hot丹麦官方将宣布兽交不合法 当地曾出现“动物妓院”(图)
再来个笑话, 伊州与德州的区别 (转载)粗言秽语谩骂绵羊, 令绵羊“倍感压力”
吃太多雞翅 男生變小雞一个Landlord的回复
话题: peta话题: stress话题: lattin话题: christine话题: research