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Joke版 - 大家拿ok:花6百万把trump名字从酒店拿下去 (转载)
民主党ok:要给公园改名,把trump名字去掉 (转载)Re: 全北美好吃的中餐馆最多的城市是多伦多吗? (转载)
江苏最高楼--步枪楼Re: offer比较Physics@Purdue or Toronto
拉里说trump stalk她 (转载)sublease wanted, 4 month (转载)
Costco owes Tiffany more than $19 million for selling counterfeit ringsOut door activity organized by XXX CSSA (转载)
一夫多妻 (转载)中国学生会BBQ活动通知 (转载)
你们感觉被Russell Peters侮辱了么?中国学生会BBQ活动通知 (转载)
大家谁有我惨啊! (转载)惊天大阴谋
Re: 买了个bank owned之后发现屋内有人撒过尿 (转载)医学院的学生你伤不起呀~~看看人家的学习方法
话题: trump话题: hotel话题: toronto话题: tower
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: 大家拿ok:花6百万把trump名字从酒店拿下去
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 27 12:48:40 2017, 美东)
President Trump’s name is being removed from the Trump International Hotel
& Tower in Toronto, Bloomberg reported Tuesday.
JCF Capital ULC, the firm that owns the Toronto hotel, reached a buyout deal
with the Trump Organization’s hotel and management firms for a reported
fee of at least $6 million.
Signage may be removed from the tower as soon as August 1 and the hotel “
will likely be operated under Marriott International Inc. St. Regis brand,”
the report said.
Trump’s hotels in both the U.S. and Canada have been used as sites to
protest the president.
1 (共1页)
医学院的学生你伤不起呀~~看看人家的学习方法一夫多妻 (转载)
这哥们太强了 (转载)你们感觉被Russell Peters侮辱了么?
懷念斯蒂芬金大家谁有我惨啊! (转载)
国航英语被纽约机场塔台工作人家录下 (转载)Re: 买了个bank owned之后发现屋内有人撒过尿 (转载)
民主党ok:要给公园改名,把trump名字去掉 (转载)Re: 全北美好吃的中餐馆最多的城市是多伦多吗? (转载)
江苏最高楼--步枪楼Re: offer比较Physics@Purdue or Toronto
拉里说trump stalk她 (转载)sublease wanted, 4 month (转载)
Costco owes Tiffany more than $19 million for selling counterfeit ringsOut door activity organized by XXX CSSA (转载)
话题: trump话题: hotel话题: toronto话题: tower