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Joke版 - Transgender people who killed themselves (转载)
Re: 谈饶毅观点的,最好先看几分钟的视频再来说话 (转载)科学家称鸡的智力被低估:鸡的沟通方式相当复杂 科学网 ugmbbc 22小时40分钟前 最近,施普林格旗下期刊《动物认知》发表的一篇综述文章认为,鸡的智力水平被无端低估,并被其他禽鸟种类遮掩了。在人们印象里,鸡是笨或蠢的代名词。然而,事实并非如此。该文章认为,鸡有独特的个性,会运用策略智取对手。它们懂得自己在啄食顺序中的地位,还能进行演绎推理,这是人类到7岁才逐渐形成的能力。 http://static.cnbetacdn.com/thumb/article/2017/0124/e70fa2f8
休斯敦华人大妈急求小艇! (转载)文革了:耶鲁破四旧了 (转载)
黑人就是牛,身中21枪不死终于有三位青年,持枪保卫第二修正案了! (转载)
白宫罕见澄清:奥巴马虽叫侯赛因但真的不是回教徒Re: 陈瞎子赴美,yahoo美国人上千条留言攻击 (转载)
Herman Cain has not sexually harassed me, even though I am attractive柴玲真猥琐 (转载)
Re: WSN都是被大奶推给小三的 (转载)美帝议员们加入接力绝食了
Florida 夫妇海滩做爱面临15年ZT你还在用公制没有?
话题: activist话题: trump话题: latin话题: lorie
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 35261
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: shinymoon (ShinyMoon), 信区: USANews
标 题: Transgender people who killed themselves
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 11 16:12:40 2016, 美东)
刚从学校gay club看来的
Transgender people who killed themselves due to Trump being President:
Chasity Rose - 19, sister, friend. Heart of gold. With hands of steel.
Talented; she could sing anything. Artistic; she could draw anything.
Murdered by the Donald Trump movement.
Kyla Reeves - 13, Transgender girl with a trans brother. Felt it was
necessary to take her own life so that her brother could have his transition
after her parents told her that, with this election, they can only afford
to focus on one child's transition.
Tyler Morgan: 16, Nonbinary. Took his own life after being told to do so by
his community (a town full of white supremacists and Trump supporters.)
Michelle Earnest: Transgender woman of color, wife, and mother of two
Lorie Murrano: Transgender woman of Latin decent, girlfriend, and civil
rights activist.
Alex Murrano: Transgender man of Latin decent, brother to Lorie, and civil
rights activist.
Madigan Alvarez: Transgender woman of Latin decent, cousin to Lorie and Alex
, and communist revolutionary activist.
Aiden Baxley: Transgender son of two white supremacists; boyfriend, brother,
father of one son, and civil rights activist.
Reyan Fletcher: Transgender son of two highly supportive and very amazing
fathers, fiance, father (fiance is 7 months pregnant), and communist
revolutionary activist.
Ituha: A Native American two-spirit, beloved tribes councillor, and mother
of three.
Rest in power, beautiful souls. <3
Gone but never forgotten!
发帖数: 36252
the cleansing starts


【在 x********e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
: 发信人: shinymoon (ShinyMoon), 信区: USANews
: 标 题: Transgender people who killed themselves
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 11 16:12:40 2016, 美东)
: 刚从学校gay club看来的
: Transgender people who killed themselves due to Trump being President:
: Chasity Rose - 19, sister, friend. Heart of gold. With hands of steel.
: Talented; she could sing anything. Artistic; she could draw anything.
: Murdered by the Donald Trump movement.
: Kyla Reeves - 13, Transgender girl with a trans brother. Felt it was

发帖数: 4924
看gay club还发帖的,基本就是gay吧?
1 (共1页)
我发现小日本的民主体制还是挺先进的Herman Cain has not sexually harassed me, even though I am attractive
转载——She的使用Re: WSN都是被大奶推给小三的 (转载)
这算性骚扰吗Florida 夫妇海滩做爱面临15年ZT
在麦当劳被殴的白女原来是个男妓(图) (转载)男女配对的真相
Re: 谈饶毅观点的,最好先看几分钟的视频再来说话 (转载)科学家称鸡的智力被低估:鸡的沟通方式相当复杂 科学网 ugmbbc 22小时40分钟前 最近,施普林格旗下期刊《动物认知》发表的一篇综述文章认为,鸡的智力水平被无端低估,并被其他禽鸟种类遮掩了。在人们印象里,鸡是笨或蠢的代名词。然而,事实并非如此。该文章认为,鸡有独特的个性,会运用策略智取对手。它们懂得自己在啄食顺序中的地位,还能进行演绎推理,这是人类到7岁才逐渐形成的能力。 http://static.cnbetacdn.com/thumb/article/2017/0124/e70fa2f8
休斯敦华人大妈急求小艇! (转载)文革了:耶鲁破四旧了 (转载)
黑人就是牛,身中21枪不死终于有三位青年,持枪保卫第二修正案了! (转载)
白宫罕见澄清:奥巴马虽叫侯赛因但真的不是回教徒Re: 陈瞎子赴美,yahoo美国人上千条留言攻击 (转载)
话题: activist话题: trump话题: latin话题: lorie