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Joke版 - 会为巴马挡汽车的女人 (转载)
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Tomorrow is Monday again- COME TO WORK HAPPILY! :)trump爱黑人,爱女儿,爱默默 (转载)
happily ever afterIf I weren’t married and, ya know, her father... (转载)
话题: she话题: her话题: would话题: jarrett话题: obamas
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: Military
标 题: 会为巴马挡汽车的女人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 8 16:08:39 2014, 美东)
“She has thrown her entire life into their cause, and she’s made it very
clear that she would happily run in front of a speeding truck for them.
Jarrett is more than a mere senior staffer to this president, and of course
she is not going to be fired outright. Not ever. If her role in this
administration reflected reality, Jarrett would be called “First Big Sister
” to both Michelle and Barack. And who would fire the kind of big sister
who “really dedicated her entire life to the Obamas,” as New York Times
reporter Jodi Kantor told me when I interviewed her about her intimate look
at the first family, The Obamas? “She has thrown her entire life into their
cause, and she’s made it very clear that she would happily run in front of
a speeding truck for them.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/11/fire-valerie-jarrett-112659.html#ixzz3IVtqb3JK
1 (共1页)
If I weren’t married and, ya know, her father... (转载)美国枪支销售量空前,白宫表示不能理解 (转载)
求教术版要不要升win10清华的才女SUSAN SU,骗了1500个老印
拉里v5:12个职员花12个小时写一个tweet (转载)Tomorrow is Monday again- COME TO WORK HAPPILY! :)
马化腾好低俗happily ever after
朝鲜足球队主帅:金正日将军给我们力量! 会为共和国添彩 (转载 (转载)惠特妮休斯顿女儿秀钻戒 疑与哥哥完婚
夫妻的笑话我恨死 wechat 了!!! (转载)
巴马看望绝食群众,没说“我们来晚了” (转载)擦,学校board meeting上家长被当场逮捕 (转载)
巴马看望绝食群众,没说“我们来晚了” (转载)美帝公立小学里现教育孩子两个王子也可以happily live (转载)
话题: she话题: her话题: would话题: jarrett话题: obamas