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Joke版 - It is illegal to kiss on a train.
学校阻学生穿美国国旗图案T恤衫 上诉法院认为未侵权 (转载)在美购房华人在房屋后院挖出钻石 (转载)
A young guy from West Virginia moves万能学术版啊,那种会自锁的shopping cart是怎么实现的?
Re: 老医生请了大牌律师了 (转载)Re: 毁得肠子都青了,trolley上搭讪未遂 (转载)
只要有爱,死又何惧 (转载)一张图说明为什么美国工业比中国NB (转载)
Re: 打起精神来,聊聊性吧我感觉今年的debate有笑点,老床可以不说一句话就赢了
每天读一遍 舌头更无敌(转) (转载)川味儿烧饼夹肉
话题: trains话题: wisconsin话题: train话题: law话题: illegal
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4192
Kissing on trains:
Apparently getting amorous on trains or at train stations is frowned upon in
Wisconsin. Passengers in Wisconsin who choose to kiss could be subject to a
fee for “losing track of common decency.”
Parking on railroad tracks:
This seems like a no-brainer to us. We are not as surprised that this is a
law in Prince William County in Northern Virginia (it’s a good law that is
based in sound judgment) as we are at the fact that this probably became a
law after someone did this or to prevent people who were thinking about
parking their cars on railroad tracks.
Two trains meeting up:
In Wisconsin, when two trains meet up on the same track or arrive at an
intersection at the same, it is against the law for either train to move
before the other one has passed. This seems a little counterproductive. If
the law is upheld as it is worded, the two trains would be sitting at the
intersection for a very long time.
Throwing pickle juice:
One of the strangest laws we came across during our research is that in
Rhode Island it is illegal to throw pickle juice on trolleys.
1 (共1页)
美国军人家属的性生活如何解决?只要有爱,死又何惧 (转载)
Re: 这几个titles中文咋翻译? (转载)Re: 打起精神来,聊聊性吧
我老公是不是gay? (转载)每天读一遍 舌头更无敌(转) (转载)
一个好女孩,女征男,有照片,谢谢啊! (转载)美国现存法律-2
学校阻学生穿美国国旗图案T恤衫 上诉法院认为未侵权 (转载)在美购房华人在房屋后院挖出钻石 (转载)
A young guy from West Virginia moves万能学术版啊,那种会自锁的shopping cart是怎么实现的?
Re: 老医生请了大牌律师了 (转载)Re: 毁得肠子都青了,trolley上搭讪未遂 (转载)
话题: trains话题: wisconsin话题: train话题: law话题: illegal