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Joke版 - 美国版 8点20分发
Re: 儿童国籍这事,共产党显然有点操之过急了 (转载)我简直不知道该怎么办,能不能帮我出主意 (转载)
Re: 儿童国籍这事,共产党显然有点操之过急了 (转载)【 供求】时间灵活的PART TIME 男性司机一名 (转载)
在美国混的最惨的一位北大校友 (转载)2014年最新SCI期刊影响因子(完美Excel版)----美国BPG Editing 英文编辑公司(哈佛大学)敬献
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为什么没有嘿咻挑战?【回国大甩卖-1】Accord 雅阁(EX) 72K Miles, Excellent Condit (转载)
Science 神文啊 (转载)我单身老男人不在意那破事zt (转载)
CupertinoHigh家长请注意Verizon将在校园内建无线基站 (转载)访学真是两头都吃干抹净啊 (转载)
话题: parents话题: school话题: our话题: students话题: district
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 14743
美国版 8点20分发
GRAND RAPIDS, MI - Grand Rapids Public Schools is asking its families go on
social media, Monday, Aug. 25, to spread the word about being proud parents
of their child's school, as part of its retention and recruitment initiative
In a letter on Friday, parents were asked to take to Facebook, Twitter, Inst
agram with a message like the following:
“I am a proud parent at SCHOOL NAME! Be part of the energy, excitement, and
momentum at GRPS. Enroll today on www.grps.org/enrolltoday or call 819-2150
School leaders are asking them to “tag” Grand Rapids Public Schools in the
ir post and officials will share as many as they can.
"With 17,000 students, tens of thousands of parents and guardians, 3,000 emp
loyees and more than 7,000 active volunteers, we have far reaching capacity
to tell our story and share information about our portfolio of quality schoo
l choices," said John Helmholdt, GRPS communications director.
The letter explains to parents they are the best advocates for our schools a
nd the district. Parents are also told that one key factor in restoring stab
ility to the district and improving academic outcomes lies in our student en
rollment. The school district is projected to lose 400 students, down from 7
00 last year, at a cost of $2.8 million, but leaders are hopeful they can lo
wer that number.
"We are making smart, strategic investments to strengthen teaching and learn
ing and expand school choice opportunities for our families – but we need y
our help to spread the word," according to the letter.
Helmholdt said the social media push is the first part of what will be a yea
r-long, comprehensive campaign to engage students, parents, staff and commun
ity stakeholders in spreading the news about the great things happening at G
The public launch of the We Are GR – We Are Proud Parents campaign will tak
e place later this fall. The district is looking for testimonials as well as
parent volunteers to be part of the School Retention-Recruitment Teams. Tho
se interested should call 616-8192149 or email [email protected]
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GRPS also notified parents it would be continuing the Attendance Challenge f
or a second year and asking their parents and guardians to ensure "their chi
ld is in school each and every day, on time, ready to learn."
Last year, every school was challenged to reduce chronic absenteeism by up t
o 10 percent. School leaders say research shows that attendance is a predict
or of student success. Those students with poor attendance fall behind, and
are more likely to drop out.
"We want to support our students and see them achieve what we know they are
capable of achieving," according to the letter.
When students arrive at school on Tuesday, Sept. 2, the district is remindin
g them of the uniform requirement expanding this year to middle schoolers.
1 (共1页)
访学真是两头都吃干抹净啊 (转载)这个怎么样 (转载)
想在芝加哥北部征个长期驾车陪练 (转载)Science 神文啊 (转载)
田纳西大学“外F配对大会”组织者联系方式在此 (转载)CupertinoHigh家长请注意Verizon将在校园内建无线基站 (转载)
Re: 儿童国籍这事,共产党显然有点操之过急了 (转载)我简直不知道该怎么办,能不能帮我出主意 (转载)
Re: 儿童国籍这事,共产党显然有点操之过急了 (转载)【 供求】时间灵活的PART TIME 男性司机一名 (转载)
在美国混的最惨的一位北大校友 (转载)2014年最新SCI期刊影响因子(完美Excel版)----美国BPG Editing 英文编辑公司(哈佛大学)敬献
话题: parents话题: school话题: our话题: students话题: district