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Joke版 - 七个密探持枪抓一个貌似不到年龄买酒的大学生!
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空姐们比乘客还怕死人体悬浮内幕终极曝光,别眨眼! (转载)
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加州喝红酒的装逼犯们, 是不是要花大钱买酒了? (转载)难以言表的幸福
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话题: daly话题: chapman话题: agents话题: were话题: her
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 140
Felony charges were dropped on Thursday against a 20-year-old University of
Virginia student who says she panicked when undercover agents from the state
's Alcohol Beverage Control division mistook her water purchase for beer.
According to Charlottesville (Va.) Daily Progress, the student, Elizabeth
Daly, was walking to her car on April 11 at approximately 10:15 p.m. with a
box of sparkling water, cookie dough and ice cream she had just bought from
a local supermarket when the agents—six men and one woman, all in
plainclothes—approached suspecting the box, a blue carton of LaCroix
sparkling water, to be a 12-pack of beer. One jumped on the hood of her SUV;
another pulled out a gun, Daly said, as her roommates seated inside looked
on in horror.
"They were showing unidentifiable badges after they approached us, but we
became frightened, as they were not in anything close to a uniform," Daly
wrote in an account submitted to the court. "I couldn't put my windows down
unless I started my car, and when I started my car they began yelling to not
move the car, not to start the car. They began trying to break the windows.
My roommates and I were ... terrified."
Daly's roommate in the front passenger seat told her to "go, go, go"—and
that's what she did, apparently "grazing" two of the agents in the process.
The students called 911 as they left the parking lot, police said, and were
pulled over by another agent driving a vehicle with lights and sirens,
Charlottesville Commonwealth Attorney Dave Chapman told the paper.
Daly apologized when she realized who they were, Chapman said, but agents
arrested Daly and charged her with two counts of assaulting a law
enforcement officer and one count of eluding police—each carrying a maximum
penalty of five years in prison and $2,500 in fines. She spent the night in
Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail.
"This has been an extremely trying experience," Daly wrote. "It is something
to this day I cannot understand or believe has come to this point."
Either can Chapman.
"It wouldn't be the right thing to do to prosecute this," he said.
Nonetheless, Chapman "stood by the agents' decision to file charges, citing
faith in a process that yielded an appropriate resolution."
"You don't know all the facts until you complete the investigation," he said
发帖数: 7996


【在 s*******e 的大作中提到】
: 七个密探持枪抓一个貌似不到年龄买酒的大学生!
: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/uva-girl-water-beer-jail-1
: Felony charges were dropped on Thursday against a 20-year-old University of
: Virginia student who says she panicked when undercover agents from the state
: 's Alcohol Beverage Control division mistook her water purchase for beer.
: According to Charlottesville (Va.) Daily Progress, the student, Elizabeth
: Daly, was walking to her car on April 11 at approximately 10:15 p.m. with a
: box of sparkling water, cookie dough and ice cream she had just bought from
: a local supermarket when the agents—six men and one woman, all in
: plainclothes—approached suspecting the box, a blue carton of LaCroix

发帖数: 11319


【在 s*******e 的大作中提到】
: 七个密探持枪抓一个貌似不到年龄买酒的大学生!
: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/uva-girl-water-beer-jail-1
: Felony charges were dropped on Thursday against a 20-year-old University of
: Virginia student who says she panicked when undercover agents from the state
: 's Alcohol Beverage Control division mistook her water purchase for beer.
: According to Charlottesville (Va.) Daily Progress, the student, Elizabeth
: Daly, was walking to her car on April 11 at approximately 10:15 p.m. with a
: box of sparkling water, cookie dough and ice cream she had just bought from
: a local supermarket when the agents—six men and one woman, all in
: plainclothes—approached suspecting the box, a blue carton of LaCroix

发帖数: 36252

【在 h*********n 的大作中提到】
: 反枪派认为普通人缺乏训练,容易发疯,不能有枪
: 我觉得美国的警察发疯的概率和杀伤力都比普通人大多了。要不先禁警察的枪?
: of
: state
: a
: from

1 (共1页)
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星巴克的logo高校毕业照疯狂斗法(图) (转载)
空姐们比乘客还怕死人体悬浮内幕终极曝光,别眨眼! (转载)
9岁男孩因感情问题买醉闹超市 自称欲借酒消愁他(她)在丛中笑
加州喝红酒的装逼犯们, 是不是要花大钱买酒了? (转载)难以言表的幸福
话题: daly话题: chapman话题: agents话题: were话题: her