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JobMarket版 - two job openings for research assistant
Postdoc Position at The Methodist Hospital Research InstituteJob opening: Purchasing Assistant (转载)
job opening for bioinformatician at Beijing刚拿到H1B就面临解雇
New Startup DecipherX 寻找 生物信息学以及分子生物学博士人才Intel China (Shanghai) HR Job Openings
Sequencing Senior Scientist in Institute of Biotechnology ResearchOpening for Office Assistant (Houston TX)
[国内职位]Bioinformatics Specialistjob opening: Assistant Achitect (chicago) (转载)
[内推] Research Associate (clinical laboratory, next generation sequencing)生物信息学博后或PI位置
求librarain工作机会推荐洛杉矶 / 招聘 銷售及管理助理 / 支持办H1
Research Assistant Professor and Postdocs Opening.Purchasing Assistant Ad ( NJ or NY residents only)
话题: openings话题: assistant话题: job话题: research话题: two
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 37
There are two job openings for research assistant. The lab is a core lab in
an Ohio hospital medical center with focus on DNA sequencing,NGS etal. the
is around $50,000 depending on the background and experience. Good benefit
and stable position. If interested, pls forward your CV. Thanks
1 (共1页)
Purchasing Assistant Ad ( NJ or NY residents only)[国内职位]Bioinformatics Specialist
Purchasing Assistant Ad ( NJ or NY residents only)[内推] Research Associate (clinical laboratory, next generation sequencing)
Sales & Marketing Assistant, CE Industry ( Chino,CA )求librarain工作机会推荐
Management Assistant in CE IndustryResearch Assistant Professor and Postdocs Opening.
Postdoc Position at The Methodist Hospital Research InstituteJob opening: Purchasing Assistant (转载)
job opening for bioinformatician at Beijing刚拿到H1B就面临解雇
New Startup DecipherX 寻找 生物信息学以及分子生物学博士人才Intel China (Shanghai) HR Job Openings
Sequencing Senior Scientist in Institute of Biotechnology ResearchOpening for Office Assistant (Houston TX)
话题: openings话题: assistant话题: job话题: research话题: two